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��14���7� <br /> Borrower o�ves Lender the principal sum �f <br /> �ne Hundred F�ur Thousand Six Hundred Eighty�Five and fl�11D� Dollars <br /> �U.S. $ 1�4,6$S.D� �.This de�� is e�rden�ed by Borrower's n��e da�ed �he same da�e as this Se�urity Instrumen� <br /> �"Note"], wh�ch prov�des for m�n�hly payrnents, with the full debt, if not paid earlier,due and payable on <br /> February 1,2�44 .This Security �n�trument secures �a Lender: �a}�he r�paymen� af the debt ev�denced <br /> by the Note, with rnterest, and aIl renev�als, extensions and modif cations of�he Note; �b}the payment of all flther <br /> sums, with interest, advanced under paragrap�a 7 to pro�ect the securit�T of this Securi�y Ins�r-ument; and �c�the <br /> perforrnance of Barravver's cavenants and agreement� under �his Secur�ty Instrument and ��e N�te. For�his purpose, <br /> Borrower irrevocably grants and canveys t��he Trustee, �n trust, vv��h pa�rer�f sai�,�he foilow�ng described <br /> prapert�y located �n Ha11 Caunty, Neb�ra�ka: <br /> Lox Six�6}Block Four�4�Claussen Count�ry�T�e��Additxon�o�he City of Grand�sland,Hall�ount�,Nebraska. <br /> Parcel !❑ Number: 40�D�'�6D4 <br /> ��rhich has �he address af 922 S�LAUSSEN AVE <br /> �Stj�eet� <br /> Grarid Is�and ��'ity], Nebraska GSS�1 �Zip Cade] <br /> �"property Address"�; <br /> T�GETHER�V�TH a�I the improvem�nts naw or hereafter erected on the property, and a11 easements, appurtenanc�s <br /> and f xtures na�u or hereafter a par� of the prop�rty. AIl replacemen�s and additi�ns shall a�sa be covered by this <br /> 5ecurity Instrumen�. All of the foregaing is r�ferred ta in th�s 5�curity Ins�rument as the "Property." <br /> B�RR��ER C�VENANTS tha� Borrov�er�s lawfully seized af th� e�tate hereby canveyed and has the right to grant <br /> and c�nvey the Praperty ar�d that the Pr�perty rs unencurnbexed, except for encumbrances of record. Bor��wer <br /> tivarran�s and vtri�� def�nd ger�erally �he title to �he Property against all claims and demands, subj ect �a any <br /> encumbranc�s of recard. <br /> TH�S SECC]RITI��NSTR�IMENT combines uniform covenants for natianai use and n�n-unifarm covenants with <br /> limited �aria�ions by jurisdict�on to constrtute a uniform security instrument covering real proper�y. <br /> Uniform �o�enants. BorroWer and Lender cavenant and agree as follaws: <br /> 'I. Payment flf Prin�ipal, interest and Late Charge. Borraw�r sha11 pa� �when due the principal af,and <br /> �n�eres� on, �he debt evidenced by �he N��e ar�d late charges due under the Note. <br /> 2. I�llonthly Payment of Ta�es, Insurance and �ther Charges. Borrower�hall include in each monthly <br /> payment, together vvith the principal a�d interest as set forth in the Na�e and any late�harges, a sum for �a�taxes <br /> and spe�ial assessmen�s �ev�ed ar to be lev��d against the Praper�y, �b�leaseho�d paymen�s or�round ren�s on <br /> �he Property, and �c}premiums for insurance required under paragraph 4.In any year in which�he Lender must <br /> pay a martgag� insurance premium ta the Secretary of Housrng and Urban Development �"Secretary"�, ar in any <br /> year in whi�h such premium��auld have b�en re�uired if Lender s�i�l held the Secur�ty �ns�rument, each manthl� <br /> payment sha�I a�so in�lude either: �i}a sum for�he annual mortgage �nsurance premium�o be pa�d by Lender to <br /> the Secre�ary, or�ii�a m�nthly charge i�ns�ead of a mortgage in�urance premium if this 5ecurrty �ns�rumen� is held <br /> by the 5ecretary, in a reasoriabi� amount to be de�ermrned by the Secre�ary. Except far the m�nthl� �harge by the <br /> Secre�ary, these i��ms are called "Escrow���ms" and �he sums pa�d�o Lender ar�cal�ed "Escrow Funds." <br /> FHA ❑eed af Trust-NE 41�� <br /> VMP � VMP4R{NE} {�302}.DO <br /> Walters i{fuwer�inancial 5ervices Page 2 af 1� <br /> D�ODNE489558� <br />