<br />� DE�ED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan No: 'iD'1�7�882 �Corlt��ued} Page 8
<br />� address. For nv�i�e purposes,Trus�or agrees ta keep Lender informed at al�fiimes ❑�Trus�or`s cu�rent address. Uniess
<br />' ❑therwise pro�ided or required by law, if the�e is mvre than one Trustor, any notice gi�en by Lender t� any Trustor is
<br />' deemed fio be nofiice gi�en�❑ aii Trus�ars. It will be Trustor's responsibilifiy to tell�he others o�f the na�ice�ram Lender.
<br /> IVIISCELLANE�US PR�V�S[DNS. The following miscellaneous pro�isions are a par�of this Deed of Trust:
<br />; Amendments. Vllhat is written in this Deed of Trus�t and in �he Related Do�uments is Trustar's en�ire agreemen�
<br />� wi�h Lend�r concerning the ma��ers �a�ered by this Deed v�Trus�. To be e��ec�i�e, any change or amendment�a
<br /> this Deed ❑�Trust must be in writin� and must be signed by whae�er will be baund ar obligated by the change or
<br />� amendment. .
<br />; Caption Headings. Captivn headings in this ❑eed o�Trus� are �ar con�enience purposes anly and are nv� �o be
<br />� used ta interpre�❑r define�he prv�isions v�this Deed o�Trusfi.
<br />; Merger. There shall he na merger o��he inte�es�❑r estate crea�ed hy this Deed ofi Trust wi�h any other interest or
<br />' es�a�e Fn�he Proper�y a�any�ime held by or�or the hene�it o�Lender in any capacity, without the writken consent
<br />; ofi Lender.
<br />' Chvice of Venue. �f there is a lawsui�, Trustor agrees upon L�nder's request ta submit�v the jurisdictfan ofi the
<br />� courts of Hall Coun�y, Sta�e❑f Nebraska.
<br />� Joint and 5everal Liahility. All obligatians a� Trus�or under fihis Deed o-� Trust shall be joint and se�eral, and all
<br />� references fio Trusto�- shall mean each and e�ery Trusta�-. This means thafi each Trustor signing 1aelow is
<br /> I
<br />; responsible for all obliga�ions in�his ❑eed o�Trust.
<br />;
<br />� No Waiver by Lender. Trustor understands Lender will nat gi�e up any ❑f Lender's righ�s under�his Deed ❑f Trust
<br />� unless Lender d�es s❑ in writing. The fact that Lender delays ❑r �mits t� exer�ise any right will nat mean that
<br />�
<br />� Lender has gi�en up �ha� righ�. lf Lender does agree in writing to give up one o� Lender's r�gh�s, -�hat does nafi
<br />!
<br />� mean Trus�or will not ha�e �a comp�y with �he a�her prvvisivns ❑f�his ❑eed af Trust. Trus�ar alsa understands
<br />� that if Lender does consent ta a request, that does nat mean tha� Trustar will not ha�e �o get Lender's Gonsent
<br />� again i�the si�uatian happens again. Trustor�ur-ther understands�hat}ust because Lender consen�s to❑ne or more
<br /> of Trustor's reques�s, thafi daes nvt mean Lender will be required tv cansen��a any v�Trusfior's fufiure requests.
<br /> Trus�or wai�es presen�ment, demand for payment, prvfiest, and notic�af dishonor.
<br /> 5everability. l�F a court finds tha� any provisian v�this �3eed o�Trus� is nof�alid o�-should not be enfarced, tha�
<br /> �act by i�self will not mean�hafi fihe rest af�his Deed of Trus�wil� n��be�alid ar�nforced. There�vre, a cour�will
<br />: en�arce fihe rest of the pra�isions af�his Deed o#Trust e�en i�a pra�ision of this Deed o�T�-us�may be�ound t❑be
<br />� tnva[id �r unen�vr�eab�e.
<br /> i 5uccessors and Assigns. 5ubje�t�a any limi�ations s�ated in �his Deed o�Trust on �rans�er af Trustor's in�eres�,
<br />; this Deed ❑f Trust shall be binding upon and inure t❑ the bene�i� of the parties, their successvrs and assfgns. If
<br />; ❑wnership of�he Pr�perty be�omes �ested in a pe�-san ather than Trustor, L'ender, wi�hou� noti�e�o Trustar, may
<br />; deal with Trustor's successors wi�h reference�o this ❑eed a�Trusfi and fihe lndebfiedness by way o-�forlaearance or
<br /> extensi�n wi�hout releasing Trus�vr frvm the obligations of this ❑eed o�Trust or liab�tity under the Indebtedness.
<br />: Time is vf the Essence. Time is of�he essence in the performance❑f this I�eed of Trust.
<br /> 1Na�ver of Homestead Exemp�ion. Trus�ar hereby releases and wai�es all righ�s and benefits afi �he homesfiead
<br /> exemptian�aws of the 5fiate o�Nebraska as to all �ndebtedness se�ured by fihis Deed o�F Trust.
<br /> DEF�N[T��NS. The following wo�-ds shall ha�e the�ollowing meanings when used in�his ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Beneticiary, The word "Bene�iciary" means Fi�e Pvints Bank, and its successors and assigns.
<br /> i 6orrower. The word "Barr�wer" means MARK A IIlIILLER aka MARK MILLER and RENEE J MILLER aka RENEE
<br />' MILLER and in�ludes all ca--signers and co-makers signing�he No�e and alf their successors and assigns.
<br /> Deed af Trust. The words "Deed v� Trust" mean �his Deed ❑f Trust amang Trustor, Lender, and T�us�ee, and
<br />� includes withaut fimitation all assignmen� and security in�erest pro�isivns refating ta �he Persvnal Prvperty and
<br /> Renfis.
<br /> Environmen�al Laws. The words "En��ronmental Laws" mean any and all state, federaC and local statu�es,
<br />, regu�ations and ❑rdinances r�lating �v the p�-ofiec�ion a� human heal�h or the en�i�-anmen�, in�fuding wi�khaut
<br />� limitativn the Cvmprehensi�e En�ironmental Respanse, Compensation, and Liahili�y Ac� of �98Q, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. 5ectivn �60'i, e� seq. {"CERCLA"�, �the 5uperfund Amendments and Reau�hori�atinn A�t o� �986, Pub. L.
<br />� No. 99--4g9 �"SARA"},the Hazardaus Materia�s Transportatian Act, 49 U.S.C. Sec�ion '1 SD1, e�seq.,the Resou�-ce
<br /> Canservation and Reco�ery Ac�, 42 U.S.C. Sec�tian 69D�, et seq., or vther applicable state ar�edera� faws, ru�es,
<br /> ar regulations adopted pursuan��hereto.
<br /> Errent o�Default. The words "E�ent af❑efaul�" mean any of the eWents o�de�auF�t se�farth in�his �3eed❑f Trust in
<br /> the e�ents of defau��sectian❑��his Deed o�Trust. �
<br />�
<br />� Existing lndebtedness. Th� words "Exis�ing lndebtedness" mean the ;ndebtedness described in �he Existing Liens
<br /> pro�ision of�his ❑eed of Trusfi.
<br /> Hazardvus 5ubs�ances. The words "Hazardaus Subsfiances" m�an ma�erials tha�, because a� �heir quantity,
<br />,
<br />;
<br />