� ��14���73
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: ��'1�7�58� {�Dnt�nued} � Page 4
<br />� fndebtedness shal� cons�itute compliance with the insurance pro�isions under this Deed ❑f Trust, �o the exten�
<br />; compliance w�th the terms a�this aeed of Trust would cons�i�ru�e a duplica�ion ❑�F �nsurance requirement. �f any
<br />; pro�eeds�f�-vm the insurance become payable an lass, �he prv�isivns in �his �eed ❑f Trus�for diWision of proceeds
<br /> shal[ apply�nly t❑tha�portion❑f the praceeds not paya�ie t��he ho�der❑f the Exis�ing Ind�btedness.
<br />� LENDER'S EXPENDITURES. lf Trustor �ails {A� �❑ keep the Properfiy free o�F all taxes, liens, securi�y interes�s,
<br /> encum��ances, and �ther claims, �B} t❑ pro�ide any required �nsur-an�e ❑n the Proper�y, {C} t� make repairs �o �he
<br /> Property ❑r�a comp�y with any obIiga�ion to maintain Existing Inde�tedness �n gaod standing as required belvw, then
<br /> Lender may dv so. I# any actian ar proceeding is commenced �hat wou�d ma�erially a��ect Lender's interes�s in the
<br /> Properky, �hen Lender on Trustor's behalf may, bu� is no�t required �o, take any action �hat Lender he�ie�es �o be
<br />' apprvpria�e �❑ protect Lender's interests. Ail expenses incurred ar paid by Lender �ar such purposes will then bear
<br />� in�eres� at �he rate charged under the Note f�om �he date in�urred or pa�d by Lender t� �he date af repayment by
<br /> Trus�or. A�� such �xpenses wil� become a par-t of�he lndeb�edness and, a� Lender's option, wi�I {A} he payable on
<br /> demand; �B} he added �o �he balance v� the Na�e and be appar�ioned amang and he payable wifih any installment
<br />! payments to became due dur�ng eithe� �1} �he term ofi any appli�able insurance palicy; ❑r {2} the remaining term ❑�
<br /> �he Note; or �C} be treated as a bal[non paymen�whi�h will be du� and payab�e at the Note's ma�urity. The Deed a�
<br />' Trust alsa wilf secur� payment o�thes� amoun�s. The righ�s pra�ided �or in �his �aragraph shall be in addit�vn fio any
<br />; other rights ❑r any remedies tv whi�h Lender may be en�itled on ac�vunt o� any default. Any such actian �y Lender
<br />� shall nat be const�ued as curing�he de�aul�so as�❑1�ar Lender from any remedy tha�i�otherwise would ha�e had.
<br /> VIIARRANTY; DEFENSE�F TITLE. The�ollawing pra�isions rela�ing to ❑wnership❑f the Properky are a part o�this De�d
<br />; ❑#Trust:
<br /> Title. Trustor warrants that: �a} Trustor hvlds gaad and marketai�le title o�F re�vrd �o the Proper�y in fee simple,
<br />� �ree and c�ear ❑f all liens and encumk��ances o�her �han �khose set�orth tn the Real Properky descrip�rion or in �he
<br /> Existing Indebtedness section be�ow ❑r in any tit�e insurance pv��cy,�itle report, ar fina!tit[e vpinion issued in fa�o�
<br /> vf, and accepfied �y, Lender in connec�ion with this Deed of Trust, and ��� Trus�ar has the �u�� right, pvwer, and
<br /> authvrity t❑ exe�u�e and�de�i�er�his �eed of Trust ta Lender.
<br /> De�ense of TitEe. Sub�ec�tn the exception in the paragraph abo�e, Trustor warrants and will f�re�er de�fend the
<br />� �i�le�❑ the Properky against the lawfiul �laims o� all persons. In�he e�ent any activn vr prvGeeding is �ommen�ed
<br /> �hafi ques�ions Trustar's�itle or the interes�❑f Trus�ee ar Lend�r unde�r this D�ed ❑�Trus�, Trustor shall de�end the
<br /> a�tion a�Trus�or's expense. Trus�or may be the nominal party in suGh praceeding, bu� Lender shall be en�i�led�o
<br /> parti�ipate in the proceeding and �o be represen�ed in the proceeding 1ay cvunsel ❑f Lender's own �hoice, and
<br /> T�ustor will deli�er, ❑r �ause�k❑ be deli�ered, �v Lender su�h ins�rumen�s as Lender may request from time to�ime�
<br /> tv pe�rmit such parti�ipa�ion.
<br />' Comp�iance 1Nith Laws. Trustvr warrants thafi the Property and Trusfiar's use o� fihe Property cvmplies wi�h ali
<br />� existing app�i�able laws, ordinances, and regula�ions ❑�go�ernmen�al au�horities.
<br />�
<br />' Surviva! of Promises. A1� promises, agreements, and statements Trustvr has made in this Deed o�f Trust shall
<br /> sur�i�e the execution and deli�ery of�his Deed o�Trust, shall be continuing �n nature and shall remain in fu13 fvrce
<br /> and effeGt until such time as Trustar's lndebtedness is paid in full.
<br />� E�iSTiNG �N�EgTEDNE55. The�ollowing pro�isions cancerning Exis�ing fndeb�edness are a pa��of�his Deed a�Trust:
<br />�. Exis�ing Lien. The lien o�F this Deed of Trust se�uring the �ndebtedness may b� secondary and inferiv�- to an
<br />� existing fien. Trustvr express�y covenan�s and agrees t� pay, �r se��o the paymen�o�r, the Exis�ing lndelatedness
<br /> and to pre�ent any default on such indebt�dness; any de�ault under the instruments e�idencing su�h indeb�edness,
<br />� � or any d��aul�under any security documen�s far such indebtedness.
<br /> No Mvdif�ca�ion. Trus�or shali no� en�er int❑ any agreement with �he holder of any mortgage, deed vf t�-usfi, or
<br />� ��ther securi�y agreement which has priority o�er this ❑eed o� Trust by which that agreemen� is modified,
<br /> amended, ex�ended, or renewed without �he prio� written consent a# Lender. Trustor shal� nei�her reques� nor
<br /> accep�any future ad�ances under any such security agreemen�withaut�he privr written consent vf Lender.
<br /> CDNDEIUINATI�N. The��Ilawing pra�isions re�afiing�❑ cvndemnation prviceedings are a part af�his Deed af Trus�:
<br /> Prviceedings. l� any proceeding in condemna�ion is �i[ed, Trus�or shall promptEy na�ify Lender in wrEting, and
<br /> Trus�or shall prnmptly take such steps as may be necessary to defend the acfiion and vlata�n the award. Trus�ar
<br /> may be the nvminal party in such prviceeding, but Lender shall be en�i�led t❑ participa�e in the prviceeding and tv be
<br /> represented in the proceed�ng by counsei of i�s own ch�ice, and Trustor wi�l deli�er �r �ause to be de�i�ered to
<br /> Lender such instrumen�s and dvcumenfiatEon as may be requested by Lender �ram time ta time t❑ permit such
<br />� par�icipa�ion.
<br /> Application of Net Prviceeds. I�all or any part❑f the Proper-ty is �ondemned by emEnent domain praceedings ar 1oy
<br /> any p�o�eeding ❑r purchase in lieu of�vndemnafiion, Lender may afi its elecfiion require that all ❑r any partivn af the
<br />; ne� p�-oceeds ❑f the awa�-d be app�ied �❑ the lndeb�edness or �he repair or res�oratian of �he Property. The net
<br />: praceeds of the award shall mean�he award af�ter payment of all reasana�le costs, expenses, and attorneys' fees
<br /> in�urred by Trustee a�-Lender in connec�ion with the candemnation.
<br /> lMPaSIT��N DF TA]�ES, FEES AND CHARGES BY GDVERNMENTAL AUTH�R�TIES. The follawing �ro�isions relafi�ng
<br /> to go��rnmental�axes,fees and �harges are a part a�this Deed a�Trus�:
<br />