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' ��14���73 <br />. DE�FD �F TRUST <br /> Lvan Nv: ��'1272g8� �Cont��lued} Page � <br /> DEED �F TRUST i5 GIVEN AND ACCEPTED �N THE FQLL�WING TERMS: <br />, PAYMENT AND PERFDRMANCE. Except as athe�wise pror�ided in �his ❑eed o�Trust, T�ustor sha�I pay to Lender a�l <br /> amounfis secured by �his Deed ❑�f Trus� as they become due, and shall s�krict�y and in a �imely manne�- perform all af <br /> Trustor's obli�ations under fihe Nvfie,this ❑eed o�Trus�, and the Related Documen�s. <br /> P�S5E5S1�N AND MAINTENANGE DF THE PR�PERTY. Trustar agrees that Trustor's possession and use ❑� �he <br /> Property sha�� be go�erned by�he fo��awing pro�isions: <br /> P055L'S51Drl and Use. Until the accurrence of an EWent af ❑efau�t, Trustar may �1} rema�n in possession and <br /> confirvl v�the Proper�y; [�} use, operate or manage�he Property; and �3} coilec��he Ren�s�Frvm the Property. <br />� Duty �o Main�ain. Trus�or shall maintain the Properfiy in g�ad condi�ion and prompfily per�orm a�l repair-s, <br /> repla�ements, and maintenance necessary t� preser�e Fts�alue. <br /> Cvmpliance Vllith En�iron�nental Laws. Trusto�- represen�s and war�an�s �❑ Lend�r that: �1} auring �he per�od of <br /> Trusfior's ownership of the Proper�ty,fihere has �aeen n❑ use, generation, manu�acfiure, s�orage,treafimen�, disposal, <br />� release ar threatened release v� any Hazardvus Substan�e by any persan an, under, about or fram the Prvperty; <br />, <br /> ��� Trus�or has no knawledge of, ❑r reason t❑ iae�ie�e tha�k there has beenr except as pre�iausly dis��osed to and <br />� aci�nowledged by Lende�- in wrifiing, {a� any lareach ❑r ��olation of any Envfrvnmental Laws, �b} any use, <br /> genera�ion, manufa�ture, st�rage, �reatment, dispasal, release �r�hreatened re�ease of any Hazardous Substance <br /> an, under, a�au� or �ram the Property by any p�ior awners or ac�upants a� �h� Property, or �c� any a��ual vr <br /> �hreafiened lit�ga�ion vr claims ❑�F any kind by any person re�ating ta such matters; and �3} Except as pre�iously <br /> d�sc�osed to and acknaw�edged by Lender in writing, �a} neither Trustar nor any tenant, can�rac�or, agent❑r ofih�r <br /> authori�ed user vf the Property shaii use, genera�e, manutac�ure, store, trea�, dispose v�ar release any Hazardvus <br /> 5ubstance on, under, about❑r�rom th� Property; and {1�} any such acti�ity shall be conducted in compliance with <br /> all app�icable fede�al, s�tate, and local laws, regu�ativns and ardinances, including without limita�ian all <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustor au�horizes Lender and its agents t❑ enter upon the Pro�erty to make such <br /> inspe�tions and �tesfis, a�t Trus�tor's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine cvmpliance vf the <br /> Proper�y with this sect�on of the [�eed of Trust. Any inspections ❑r tests made hy Lender shall be fvr Lender's <br /> purpases only and shall no�he cons�rued�❑ create any responsibili�y ❑r liability on the par�of Lender to Trustvr ar <br /> tv any ❑�her persvn. The representativns and warranties contained herein are based vn T�us�or's due diligence in <br /> in�estigating the Property far Ha�ardous Substances. Trus�or hereby {�} releases and wai�ss any future c�aims <br />� against Lender far indemnifiy or cantribu�ian in �he e�ent Trus�or becames liable tor cleanup ❑r ��her �os�s unde� <br /> any such �aws; and {Z� agrees to indemni�y, defend, and hold harmless Lende�-agains�t any and all e�aims, losses, <br />� liahilities, damages, pena�t�es, and expenses which Lender may directly or indirectly sustain vr suffer resul�ing frvm <br /> a breach ❑f�khis sec�ion ❑��he Deed of Trus� ar as a �onsequen�e ❑� any use, generation, manufacture, s�arage, <br />� <br /> dispasal, re�ease or threatened r�lease❑ccurring prior�to Trustor's❑wnership❑r in�terest�n�he Property, whether or <br /> no� �he same was or should ha�e been known �❑ Trusfivr. The pro�isi�ns_o��his sec�ion ofi�he Deed of Trust, <br /> including�he obligatian�o indemnify and de#end,shall sur�i�e the payment of the Indeb�edness and the satisfac�ion <br /> and recan�eyance v��he �ien af this ❑eed ❑t Trust and sha11 nat 1ae a�fect�d hy Lender's acquisi�ivn v�any infierest <br /> in the Property, whether by farecivsure or otherwise. � <br /> Nuisan�e. Was�e. Trustor shall not causer condu�� ❑r permit any nuisance nor cammit, �ermi�, ❑r suffer any <br /> stripping v�r or was�e vn or to the Proper�y ar any pvr�ivn of�he Property. Without limiting �he gene�afity a�th� <br /> foregoing, Trus�or will no� rema�e, or gran�to any o�her party�he right to �emn�e, any�imber, minerals �including <br /> vil and gas}, �val, clay, sc�ria,svil, gra�el or rvck produc�s wi�haut Lender's prEar written cvnsenfi. <br /> Removal of lmprovemen�s. Trustor shall not demolish❑r remo�e any impra�ements from the Real Properfiy wifihout <br /> Lender's prior written consen�. As a cvndition to the remo�al o�f any Impro�ements, Lender may require Trustor to <br />' make arrangemen�ks satisfac�ary to Lender to repla�e such lmprovements wi�h lmpro�ements of a� least equal <br /> �alue. � <br /> Lender's Right tn Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and rep�esenfia�i�es may enter upvn �he �ea� Pr�perty a� al� <br /> reasanable times t❑ attend to Lende�r's interes�s and �a inspec� �he Real Property for purpvses vf Trustvr's <br />; compliance with�he terms and condi�ions v�this �eed of Trus�. <br />� Compliance wi�h Go�ernmen�al Requiremen�s. Trus�or shall p�-omptly �omply wi�h a�! laws, ard�nances, and <br /> regu�ations, naw o� her�after in e���ct, o� all goW�rnmenfial aufiharities applicable �o the use ar oc�u�ancy o��the <br /> Property. T�-ustor may cvn�est in gvod�aith any such law, vrdinance, or regu�ativn and w�thhald �omp�iance during <br /> any proceeding, includ�ng appropriate appeals, s❑ fong as Trus�or has no�ified Lender in writing prior t❑ doing so <br /> and s❑ long as, in Lender's sole❑pinion, Lender's interes�s in the Prvperfiy are not jeopardized. Lender may require <br /> Trustor t❑ pos�adequa�e securi�y or a sure�y band, reasonably sa�isfac��ry to Lender,�ko protect Lende�r's in�eres�. <br /> Du�y to Prote�#, Trustor agrees neither ta abandan �r �ea�e unat�ended the Property. Trus�or shall do all other � <br /> acts, in addition to those acts set forth abo�e in�his sect�on, which�rom the cha�ac�er and use ❑�the Prop�r�y ar� <br /> reasonak�ly ne�essary�ta protec�and pres�rWe the Property. <br /> DUE❑N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's apt�vn, de�lare immediately due and payable al1 sums <br /> secured by�his Deed ❑fi Trusfi upon the sale ar transfer, withou�L�nder's prior written ��nsent, af ai� o� any part a�the <br /> Real Property, or any �nterest in the Rea� Properfiy. A "sale ❑r firans�er" means the �vn�eyance v�Real Pr�per�y�r any <br /> ri�h�t, titfe ❑�r interest in the Real Property; whether Eegal, bene�[cial or- equitai�le; whethe�- �alun�ary ar inv�lun�ary; <br />