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Borrawer warrams and will <br />-_-- detend generally the dtle to the Pro�xrty ageins�all clai►ns and demands,subject to any encumbranccs of record. <br />.;;.�,�-"'�� TH15 SECURITY INSTRUMENT con�bines unifarm covenants for national use and non-uaiform covenants with limiced <br /> °=-- variatlons by jurisdicdon to cons�iwte a uniform socuriry instrument covering rcal praperry. <br />,�w_�a"� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.ender covenant and agree as follows: <br /> ----=' 1. Payment oi'Princ�pal a�d lnterest; Prepayment and Latc Chnrges. Horrower shall pramptly pay whcn duc thc <br /> _�,;,,�� principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and latc charges�due undcr the Note. <br /> - - 2. Fund�[or Twxes�nd lavurnnce. Subject to applicable law or ta a writtcn waiver b�� L.endcr, I3orrower shall pay to <br /> �ug� l.ender on thc day monthly payments are due under the Notc,until thc Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for;(a)yearly taxes <br />.i:5.:�.I?�'�11 <br /> -R��„�� and assessments which may attain priority over this Securiry Instrument as a lien on the Ptopersy; (b)yearly leasoho payments <br /> �� ut ground rents on the Propeny,if any; (c)yearly hazard or property iasurance premiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums, <br /> =—_-= if any; (e)yeurly mongage insuru�ce premiums, if any; and(� any sums pay�able by Bonower to Lender, in accordance with <br /> - the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items aze called 'Escrow Items." <br /> -- Lender may, at any time, collat and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally <br /> related mongage loan may require for Bonower's escrow account under the federal Raal Estate Settlement Procedurr.s Act of <br /> 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et stq. ('RFSPA"l, unless ano[her law that applics to the Funds <br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount. <br /> Leuder may cs[imate the amount of Funds due on the buis of current data and reasonable estimates of eapenditures of future <br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. <br /> � The Funds sh�ll lx held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency, lnstrumentality, or cntity <br /> �■� (including Lender, if l.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply the HUnds to pay the <br /> Eacmw Items. Lender muy not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless l.ender pays Bonower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br /> a chuge.However, Lender may require Bonower to pay a one-timo charge for an independcnt real estate tax reponing service <br /> used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreemenc is made or <br /> _.—— �pplicable Isw requins interest to be paid, Lender shall not be nquired to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. <br /> — Borrower and l.ender may agra in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give to Bonower, <br /> without charge, an an�nuai�ccounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds and the pucpose for which each <br /> debit to the Funds was made. The Funds ue pledged as additional security for all sums securcd by this SGCUrity]nstrument. <br /> If the Funds held by Lender ezceed[ne amounts permiu�u i�i�c iieid`uj°applicabi::ta:�, Lcadc:s!:«.':s::.cant:o B�^o`•'•'"-* <br /> for the eacess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and, in such case Borcower <br /> shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency, Bonow�er shall make up the deficiency in no more then <br /> �� twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon payment in full of ell sums securod by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Bonower any <br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, I,ender sh�ll acquire or sell the Properry, l.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property�, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument. <br /> 3. Application of Pnyments.Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under paragraphs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,co any prepayment charges due under the Notc; second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> third,to intcrest duc;fourth, to principal due;and last,to any Iate chazges due under th�Note. <br /> 4. Ctu�rges; I,lens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositions at[ribuuble to the Ptoperty <br /> which m�y attait�prionty.o�r;this 5ecurity Instiument, and leasehold payments or ground rents, if any, Borrower shall pay <br /> these obligations in the manner provided in paragry�h 2,or if no[paid in that manner, Borrower shall pay�hem on time directly <br /> to the person owod p�yment. Borrower snall promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid nnder this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower malces these p�yments direetly, Horrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. <br /> -- ��- Boaower shaU promptly discharge any li�n which has prioriry over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees in <br /> writiag to the payment of the obliga�ion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b)contests in good faith the lirn <br /> —= by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal pracadings which in the Lender's opinion operate tu prevent the <br /> -• enfotcement af the lien: or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreemeut sa�isfactory to Lender subordinating che lien to <br /> --_ - this Sxurity Instr�ment. If L.ender determines that any part of the Propercy is subject to a lien which may attain priority over <br /> _____- -- this S�curity Instrument, Lender may give Borrowcr a notice identifying the liai. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> �_-�"�'�'°-'-'� nnore of the ac[ions set fonh above within 10 days of the giving of notice, <br />- <br />