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. .. ' , �...a,�,.�-,.. �,x .� i . .. . .�..,e, .n„ _°"' �`rw <br /> f ttr 2._�_ _ <br /> -� • ..`,.• i• �e�!IM �,.T�?�I, I+ - . a Y�ib:� .a-. a � v�.� .....-.�. <br /> � -��i)W�1�'�n.�ew��1K 1a�'�.�.:'^�i`'���iWO�ll�id' -�n�.�.�.�--�J�L/r�.-saw1,�.<�'^ •,.�ll . <br /> 1�P13�"'�d2if1�4�'f-��'3;A��lv — <br /> '^S�I .i9�S�i1L.h'=;5;3?g.:.'!.-, <br />.'...... . . ....... ._. ._ ._..._. ._ .. ... . <br /> __._..._._ _ � <br /> 98-�izb�2 <br /> ' paymcnts may no longcr be rcquirul,at Ihc option of Lendc�,if manqngc insurancc coveragc(in the amount and for the period <br /> that Lcndcr requires)providcd by an insurer approvcd by Lcnder agaln bccomcs avuilablc and is abtuincd. Borrowcr shall pay�ha — <br /> prcmiums rcc{uireci w maintain mongagc iosurancc in cffcct, or to providc u loss �rscrvc, until thc rcquircmcnt for mongagc <br /> insurancc cnds in t�ccordancc with any wriucn agramcnt bctwccn Borrowcr and Lcndcr or applicublc law, <br /> 9.Inapectbn. Lcndcr or i�s agcnt may maka rcusonablc cntrics upan su�d inspcctions of ihc Yropcdy. l.cndcr shNl givc <br /> sorrower notia at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying rasonable cause for the inspection. <br /> 10,Condemnwtion. The proceeds of any award or claim for dnmages,direct or conseyuentinl, in connection wilh any — <br /> condemnadon or olher udcing of any part of the Propeny.or far canveyance in lieu�f condamnation,ure hereby assigne�l and <br /> shall bc paid to Lcndcr. <br /> In thc cvcnt of a total taking of thc Property,�he procceds shall bc applicd to thc sums scdurcd by�his Scxurity lnsvument, ' <br /> whcther or not thc:n due,with any cxccss p�id to Borrowcr.[n thc cvcnt of a partial taking of thc Pra�cny in which the fair market <br /> valuc of the Property immedistely before thc teking is cc{unl to or grcatcr than the sunoum of thc sums securcd by this Security <br /> Insuumcnt immecilatcly bcforc the taking, unlcss Borrower and L.endcr otherwisc agrcc in writing,the sums sccurcd by this <br /> Sccurity Inst�ument shall bc rectuc,�d by the amount of the proca�.ds multiplicd by the following fractian: (a)the total amount of <br /> ihe sums securcd immediatcly bcfarc �hc �alcin�,divided by (b) 1he fair markct valuc of the Property immcdiatcly bcforc Ihc <br /> talcing.Any balance shall bc paid to Borrower.In Ihe cvent of a pareial taking of thc Property in which the fair market valuc of the, <br /> Pmperty immediately bcfore the taking is less lhan Ihc amount of the sums sccured immcdiatcly befaro the t�lcing, unkss <br /> Borrower and Lcnder othcrwise agrcc in writing or unless applicable law othecwise providcs,lhc procceds shall be applied w thc <br /> sums sccured by this 5ceurity Instrument whelher or not the sums are then duc. <br /> If thc Property is abandoned by Boaowu,or If, aQer naticc by Lcndu ta Borrowcr thAt the con�Cmnor offcrs to make an <br /> award or settle a cloim for clamugcs,Borrowcr fails to respond w l.cndcr within 30 days aftcr thc date ihe notice is givc�,Lender <br /> is authorized to collect and apply the procoeds,et ics option,cither to restoration or rcpair of the Property or w the sums secured <br /> by this Sxurity Inswment,whethu or not then dua <br /> Unlcss Lendu and Boaower othc,�wise axree in writing,er►y applicadon of proceeds to principal shall nol extend or postpone <br /> thc due date of the monthly payments rcfcncd to in paragrt�phs 1 and 2 or changc th�amount of such paymen�s. <br /> 11.BorroMer Not Itekased;ForbeArance By[.ender Not a Waiver. Extension oF the tim� for payment or modification <br /> of amortization of 1he sums socured by this Sxurity Insuument granud by I.ender W any successor in int�erest of Borrower shall <br /> not operat�to release the liabiliry of the original Borrowu or Borrowcr's successors in interes4 Lender st�all not be tequired to <br /> commu�cc procoedings against any successor in inlcrest or rcfusc to exu;nd dmc for paymcnt or othcrwisc modify amortizapon of <br /> the sums socurcd by this Sceurity Insuument by reasan of any demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's successors <br /> in intcrest.Any forbcarance by Lendcr in cxcrcising any right or remedy shall not bc:a waiver of or precludc tl�c oxercisc of any <br /> right or remexiy. <br /> 12.Successora and Assiqns Bound;Joint Rnd Several Linbility;Ca•signers. The covenanis end agroements of this <br /> Sceurity Inswment shall bind and benefit ihe successors end assigns of Lencler anu ttorrower, suujece b the provisions oi ° <br /> paragraph 17. Borrowcr's covenants and agrocments shall bc joint and severnl. Any Borrower who co-signs d�is Security <br /> Instrument but does not exxute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Scxurity Instrument only w mongege. gru►t and convey that <br /> Borrowcr's interest in thc Property under thc tcrms of this Security lnswmcnt;(b)is not personally obligeted tn pay the sums <br /> secural by this Security Instrument;a�►d(c)eBras that Lender and any other Bormwer may ugroe eo extend.modify,Forbr,�r or <br /> make ar►y accommodadons with rcgard to ihe terms of this Securiry Insavment or the Note without that Borrower's consen� <br /> 13.Loan Clu�rqes. If thc loan sccurai by this Sxuriry Instrumcnt is subjec:t w a law which scts muimum loen charBas. <br /> and that Iaw u CmeUy interpreted so that ihe interest or other loan charges wUxted or to be colbcted in cow�ection with the loan <br /> exceed the pamitud limits,thea:(a)eny such loen cherge shall be ralucxd by the amaunt necessary to reduce the charge to the <br /> permiued limi�and(t►)any sums already collccted from Borrowcr which cxcccded permiued limits will be rofunded W Borrower. <br /> Lcnder may choose to make this refund by roduc:ing the principal owed undcr the Note or by making a diroct payment no <br /> Hortower. If a refund reduccs principal, the ceduction will be treatal as a par[ial PrepaYment without anY pre�aYma�t cherge <br /> under the Note. <br /> 14.Notka. My notia to Borrowa providal for in ihis Socurity Insuumcnt shall bc given by delivering it or by mailing it <br /> by Cust class mail unlcsa applicabk law requires use of anothu method.Thc nolice shall be diroctod lo tttc Propctty Addrass or <br /> any othu a�ldress Borrowec designates by notice w Lenda.Any notice to Lender shall be given by Cirst class meii w l.ender's <br /> address stated herein or any other oddress Lcnder designatcs by n�pce to Borrowcr. Any notice provided for in this Security <br /> Inswment shall be doGmecl to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as pcovided in this paragraph. <br /> 15.Covernin`Law;Severability. 'Il�is Securiry Insuumcat shall bc govcmcd by fcdcral I�w end the law of the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is locauxl. In�he event that eny provisi�n or clause of this Securiry Inmwnent or the Not�e <br /> conflicts with epplicablc law,such coMict shall not aftcct othcr prbvisions of this Sxurity Inswmcnt or thc Note which can be <br /> given effcct without the contlicting provision.To�his end the provisions of this Security Inswment and the Note are dxl�rod tc� <br /> be seveiable. <br /> FotM�02t 9IO0 <br /> - �•6R(NE)192t21.ot Pap�lote iniUair. .----- - <br /> _ __ _ <br /> —.- ...._ _ ._ ;.____,�_----�--------•• - -- --!---�gT••l.^.r'�T-'•y,•• ���•,,�„_ra,_. _�—. <br />- .t:.. _.•3~,i^.�. ���.a:r:�s'b'�.�'.riLYa"' _�..��Y --- <br /> y, �V[<«..� <br /> .. - .;. :�t2±��ypc'R." �f _ �� C�L^l"5�a _—_ <br /> '..f :iY�,�� f fU�. t:_!__����.W_- <br /> ., t • . <br /> . +�. <br /> .___ ` ' „� ._�Xi_.y '_ ' ' ." _1 . [.a•.s1} f.}. 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