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All rcplaccmcnts und acldiUons shuU ulso t�c covcrui by this Sccuriry Inswmcnt. <br />_$�� All of thc fnrcgoing i9 rcfcrccd u�in this Sccuriry Instrumcnt ns Ihc"Property." <br /> �� AORROWCR COYENANTS that 8orcower is luwfully scisal at thc cstatc h�rcby convcycd and hAS thc right to grAnt and <br />'•:�a�- convcy thc Praperty und thut thc Properry is uncncumbcrcd, cxccpt for cncumbranccs uf rccord. Don•owcr warrants und will <br />���� dcfcnd gencrally�hc dtic w tho Yrapcny against all claims and dcmands,subjcct lo w�y cncumbrnnccs af record. <br />'3�� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combina9 uniform covcnants ibr nndonul and non-uniform covcnanls with limited <br /> vuriaGons hy jurisdiction w constiunc n uniform sccurity instrumcnl covcring rcal property, <br /> =�� UNIFORM COVENANTS.Barcowcr and�.cndcr covcnant and ngrcc as follows; <br />-:�� 1.Paymeret oP Prfnclpal And interest;Prepwyment and Lwte Chwrges, Borrowcr shall promptly puy whcn duc Uic <br /> • principal of end intcresl on thc debt cvidcnccd by thc Notc nnd uny prcpaymcnt and latc chargcs duc undcs thc Notc. <br /> _� 2.Funds fur T�xes�nd InsurAnce. Subjcxt ta npplicuhlo law or to a wriucn waivcr by L.cndcr. ➢orrowcr shull pay to <br />- _ l,cndcr an thc day monthly puymcnGS�rc duc undcr �hc Notc,until�hc Notc is paid in tull,u sum("Funds")for:(a)ycarly taxcs <br />•=�� und asscssmcnts which may utuun priority ovcr this Sceurity Insvumcnt as a licn on thc Propcny; (b)ycarly Icaschold paymen�s <br /> �� or ground rc.nts on thc Property,if uny;(c)ycrirrly haztud or prnperty insurancc premiums;(d)ycarly Ilood insurancc prcmiums,ii <br />_ any;(c) ycarly rnongagc insurancc prcmiums, if any;and(� any sums payablc by Borrowcr to Lcndcr,in s�ccordance with thc <br /> provisions of pfuagraph R, in lieu of tho paymcnt of mortgagc insurancc prcmiums.Thcsc itcros ere called "Escraw Items." <br /> = l..cndcr may,ut any Ume,colloct and hold Funds in an amount not ta cxcced the maximum umount u Icnder far a federally rclated <br /> - mangagc loan may rcquire for Borrowcr's cscrow account undcr thc fcdcral Rcal Estatc Sculcment Pra:cdurcs Act of 1974 as <br /> tuncndcd from time w timc. 12 U.S.�.Secdon 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to lhe Funds sets a lcsser <br /> = umount. If so, Lcnder may. at any dmc,collcct and hold Funds in an amount not to excecd the lesscr amount. Lendcr mey <br /> cstima�thc amount af Funds due on the basis of currcnt data and reasonablc estimatcs of cxpenditures of future Escrow Itcros or <br /> -- othcrwise in accordancc with applicablc law. <br /> 'tl�e Funds shall be hcld in an insdtudon whosc depasits arc insum,cl by n fcderal agcncy,instrumentality,or cndty(including <br /> Lcndcr, if l..cndcr is such an institution) or in any Fcderal Homa Loan Benk.L.endcr shall ap�ly the Funds to pay thc Escrow <br /> Items.Lender may not cherge Horrower for holding and epplying the Funds.annually enalyzing the escraw account,or verifying <br /> thc Escrow Itcros.unless Lcndcr pays Boaowcr interest on thc Funds and upplicable Iaw permits L.cndcr to make such a chazge. <br /> Fiowever, I..cnder may rcquire Sorrower to pay a one•time charge for an indcpendcnt tcal cstatc tax reponing se�rvicc used by <br /> [.cndcr in connection with this loan,unlcss applicublc Iaw providcs othcrwisc. Unless an a�reement is made or appGcable law <br /> — rcquires intcrest to bc paid. Lcnder shall not!�c rcquaed to pay Borrowu any intucst or camings on thc Funds. Borrower and <br /> I nsder may agra in wridng,howcvcr,�hat interest shall bc paid on Uie Fun�la.Lcndcr shall givc ta Horrowcr,without <br /> �u�oual accounting of tha Funds,showing credits end debits to Ihe Funds and�ha purpose far which each debit to the Funds wa9 <br /> made.'It�c Fuuds arc pledgcd as addidonal secwriry for all sums sccured by this Security InstrumenG <br /> If 1he Funds held by Lender exeaA the amounts permitted to be held by appiicabie law,iender shaii accounc co BoROwer for <br />"—' the excess Funds in accadance with thc rcquircmcnts of applicnblc law.If U►e amount of thc Funds hcld by L.cnder at any dme is <br /> not sufGcient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lendar may so nodfy Borrowec in wripng.and,in such case Borrower shall pey <br /> to l.eaider 1he umount neccssazy to make up the de6ciency. Borrower shall make up the deC�cier�cy in no more than twelve <br /> monthly paymerus,at Lcnder's solc discc�edon. <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this�urity Instzument,L.cnder shall prompdy refund to Borcower any Funds <br /> held by Lcndu.If,undcr paragraph 21,Lcndec shall xquirc or scll the Pcoperty,l,ca�dcr, prior to thc acqutsidon or sale of thc <br /> Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisilion or sale as a credit against the sums socurai by 1hi� <br /> Sccurity InsuumcnG <br /> 3.ApplicAtion of Payments. Unless applicable law provides o�herwise,all payments roceivcd by Lender undu paro�grephs <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applicd; first, to nny prcpAymcnt charges due under the Note; second,to arnounts payable under parngraph 2; <br /> third,to interest due;founh.W principal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> �— 4.Charges;Liens. Borrowcr shulf pay all taxes, asscssmcnts,charges,�nes and impositions uuributablc to the Propercy <br /> which may auain prioriry ovcr ihis Sceurity Inswmcnt,and leaschold paymcnrs or ground rents,if any. Boaowu shall pay thcsc <br /> obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manncr,Borrowcr shall pay thcm on dmc dirccdy to thc <br /> person owcd paymcnt. Borrowcr shall prompdy fumish to l.cndcr all noticcs of amounts W bc paid undcr this pacagraph.If <br /> �3orrower makcs thcsc paymcn�s dirccUy,Borrower shall prompdy fumish to I.ender receipts cvidcncing the payments. <br /> —�� Borrowcr shall prompdy dischargc uny lien which hac priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt unlcss Borrowcr: (a)agrxs in <br /> wridng to thc paymcru of the obligution socured by the licn in a manncr ecceptablc to Lcnder:(b)contests in good faith the licn <br />°° by, or defends against enforcement of the licn in, legal procecdings which in Ihe Len�cr's opinion operate to prevent the <br />--- cnforccmcnt of the lien;or (c) �ccums from thc ho]der of the licn an agrccmcnt sadsfactory to L.ender su6oniinadng thc lier�to <br /> r�.� this Socuriry Inswment.If Lcndcr determines that any pun of the Property is�ubja;t to a lien which may ettain priority over�his <br /> T��� Security Inswment,Lendet may give Borrowec a nouce idendfying the lien.Borrower shall sapsfy�he lien or takc ono or rtwre <br /> =�� �f thc xdons sct fonh abovc within 10 days of thc giving of nauce. <br /> Form 302� 91Y0 <br />'� �-eR(NE)co2i21.o� a.p�2oie i�maic ... — <br /> . <br /> . , <br /> �� -- - ------- — - _ <br /> `���(((.. �t i� � ;'�` <br /> , � . . . 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