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�v , ..��_���.��-;�:"`=.r'=== — <br /> ��...__,�.__,_ :�;� .����.,.� — <br /> _ - _ _ _ _ -- _ ___ <br /> . �8- si.�s�o <br /> ASSIGPIMENT t)F REbTS RIDER <br /> , THIS ASSI�NMENT OF RENTS RIDER k m11cN Ilnd�CUbd thM 18fh..,d�Y Of D�c�m4er .��,��1d II1 <br /> hcorpontW Into �nd �hal b� d�rnd lo �m�nd �nd suppMr►rnt tM Mortp�p� or O«d of Trutt, h�»InwMr rM�n'�d to � tM '�oixty <br /> InsWm�nl', of tM � dats phhn br th� und�rslpn�d, h�nhafbr nhrnd to �s lM 'DorrowK". to skun 8or►ow�"s Nd�bMdrNN. <br /> h�nln�ftM tMMt�d to�f tM"NOt�',to ��N�TF11 IAF�A�CICI BANK <br /> ,h�r�in�R�r rM�ned ta �t lh� 'L�nda', of th� t� d�b �►nd Cowrinp Mo� <br /> prppKty d�CrlHd In th� S�curky In�dummt�d bcabd Rt: <br /> �016 N�JERIDAN�,,iRAN,Q ISU1N1� NEBRASKA 86803 ' <br /> (M��rty Adtlno) <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, BortOwK 1nd L�r►d�r hav� �prMd ih�t lu�y r�nU utd proHtt attrbutabN to th�(xop�rty�hould Constkut�addkbnal MCUrIEY <br /> to th�l.�ndrr for ths paym�nt of tM Nou; <br /> NOW,THEREFOFE, It k aprMd th�t th�3�curky instrummt thaN W anwnd�d h�rWY�^d dMrr�d to Includ�lh�IoNOwlny provkbn�, <br /> 1. A�sianm�nt of Fimt� �pd �,r+du Fi�n41 ColYctbn Riahn. P.ortow�r hsnby abiolutNy and uncor�dltbnaly ualpns aM nnb, Iaw�s <br /> and pro�ts of th�prop�rty lo BmMfcl�ry�r�hal haw th�ripht,po�w�r and wthorky durY�p th� continu�01 tM 9�aurky Inttn+m�t <br /> to coY�ct th�nnts, itauh u�d proNts of tM propwty�nd of�ny p�raon�l prop�rty bC1U�d th�rwn wkh or wkhout Wcinp posMt�lon ol th� <br /> propwty�fNctW h�nby. I.�ndw� howw�r, h�nby cons�nts to Borrowur't cOMalion �nd ntmtlon of such nnt�, IssuM�nd prolks os tl�y <br /> eccrue end becom� p�y�bN, so bng a� Borrow�r b not, �t such tfrtN, h dN��k wkh nsp�ct to paym�nt of �ny NtMbE�drwta ��d <br /> hanby, or In tha poAortnanca of any aprwrnatt harounder. <br /> 2. (�pnohtm�nt ot FMnivK. If�ny w�nt of d�huk In nsp�ct to th�S�curNy Instrum�nt�haN haw occurnd�nd!+�aonlNulr►p,L+ondrr, <br /> �a a matt�r of rqht and wRhout notfc�to Borcow�r or�nyon� cYfminp untNr Bortow�r,�nd wNhout�pud to tM valw of th�hu�t MhM Or <br /> th�fnt�r�st of tM Bortowa thwNn,�haN haw th�ripht to�ppy ta �ny aourt hwinp Jurkdfcllon to�ppoint w ncN�of tM propwty. <br /> 3. Riaht to Poausalon. In ca� of cf�huk In th�paymrnt of tl►�uld prinoipal NoM o�int�t, a�ny put G�wof,as k�h�M nMMra� <br /> or In th�cas� of 1�Wn to k..p a p.r}orm.r�y o� cn. conwrw�u or wr« con►a�d �n t�s�c�xky Msaum«►ti a�.r� d�.�.nd.r�ia <br /> tucc�s�on a �sslpnt, �haN b� �nd k h�nby �uthorixrd �nd �rtipowwrd to Wc� Imrn�cM�M Possasfon o! th� wld p�wnbM th�M� <br /> dKCrl�d�nd to CoY�ct tM nnts th�rMrom,�nd to�ppy th�procMds th�nof to th�p�ynwit of th�NoM. <br /> 4. AoQlicatbn of FI�nK. I�:ua and ProNts. AM nnts colNctsd by L�ndw or tM nc�hnr�hnl b��ppN�d 1�nt to payrtNnt Of tM aKti <br /> oi ma�wiyiMnwii vP i�i Ni�'i'j ��3 CC�t�t! 0! !�".::. tr,:Y�Ai��� M�t �n� IYnN�d to, f�C�hNf'� IM�. P�'M�1Mlrtlt Ofl f�C�M'�I bOfld/Yld <br /> rwsonWw�ttom�y's I�es,and th�n to th�sumr secund by tM Saurity In�Wmrnt. Undw�nd tM r�rAhnr ahaM b�M�bM to�ocount onb <br /> for thop rnts �ctuaMy r�aiv�d. <br /> 6. �on���Ntfon of Provhlona. Each of tM P�ovb�bn� aontakud h thR Aulpnmmt of R�nb Rfd�r and th�SrawkY Inf�urrMnt � <br /> unMsa othwwb� spkl(ic�y nqulnd� b� constru�d h accord�nc� wilh NNxaska law, ano h th� w�nt �ny prwdtbn h�nYi M th�rMn <br /> cont�inad shaN b� d�t�min�d by a court of comp�t�nt Jurkdlctbn to b� un�ntorcMbM, th� wr� :haM b� contM�d as IhouQh wch <br /> un�nforcMbM provMion w� nOt pwt hMrof or th�nof. <br /> 6. EM�ct ol Wd�r. Fxc�pt �e sp�oMicaMy modMNd by an c�onskbnt with thfs Attlpnmmt ol Fi�nts Rkl�or bY�rryr oth�r �b�bN <br /> rid�r,�1 of tt►s twm��nd provbbn4 conulnod in th�S�c�rky Instrum�nt�h�N continw In NM lo��nd MNct <br /> IN WITNESS WHEF�OF. 9ortow�r has pncut�d this Atsipnm�nt of R�nt�Rld�r on tM dN�Mt nobd �bow. <br /> eo«oN«ANTN LY N ME ER <br /> �.. <br /> OOIfOMN <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ��s: <br /> COUNTY OF HALL <br /> on cn� 18th d�r or �ecember . 7998 , w�ore rn�, th� undatfpr+�d, 11 Notary PubIC duy Corrrnl�slorNd and <br /> quaHti�d lor sald county,p�rsonrKy cam�ANTHONY LYNN MEYER AND 5TACEY LEE MEYER . HUSBAND AND WiFE. <br /> . EO <br /> W tha Id�nt�al pareon(a)whoso narne(s) I�/an tubscribad to th� Ionqofn0 „�Wmant, �nd halthNtlNy aeknowMdp�tho �eaCUtbn thMrof <br /> to ba hlaJh�rlthefr voluntuY act�nd deW. <br /> w�neaa my n.nd and Notari�l Se�l�t GRAN , NEBRASKA h Ka counq,�M <br /> � <br /> date slorosald. e� <br /> ?� _ <br /> 'r <br /> �h�rt <br /> r.+/ dr otu R+bNa W („ <br /> °d,q'99f. <br /> I ! `Pi <br />= My Commbsbn exp�res: AUGUST 12. 2000 � ? �� <br />:i ,:> �c�.,A _. <br /> J l d <br /> _ ���,y2 df(� <br /> A <br /> � <br /> i.0 <br />.'i <br />:s F10Et6.LM0 �e�w� <br />'_y <br />''e <br /> � 059 <br /> � . _ _ . ._. _ . __ ._. .. <br />