<br /> L�EED �F �fRIJST
<br /> Lvan Nv: 7�1�7�8�7 ���n�i�tued} Page 5
<br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FlNANC1NG STATEMENTS. The following proWisions relating ta this C3eed of Trust as a
<br /> securi�y agreem�nt are a part o�this Deed of Trust:
<br /> Securi�y Agreement, This instrument shall constitute a 5ecurity Agre�ment to the extent any �f the Praperty
<br /> constitutes �ix�ur�s, and Lender shall ha�e al� a�F the rights of a�secured par�y under�he llnifiorm Cvmmer�ial Gade
<br /> as amended frvm tim�to time.
<br /> Security Interest, Upon r�ques� by Lender, Trustor shall take wha�eWer acti�n is requested by Lender �o perfect
<br /> and con�inue Lender's securifiy in�terest in the Personal Pr�perty. ln addi�ivn to recvrding this D�ed vf Trust �n �he
<br /> rea! property records, Lender may, at any �time and wi�h�ut �Further authori�atian from Trustvr, file �xecuted
<br /> counterparts, copi�s ar r�pr�duc�ions af this Deed �f Trust as a finan�ing statemen�k. Trustor shall reimburse
<br /> Lende�- �or al! �xpenses incurred in perfecting or cont�nuing this security interest. Up�n defauft, Trusto� shall no�
<br /> remove, s��er or detach the Personal Property fram the Property. Upon defaul�, Trustor shall ass�mble any
<br /> Persanal Praperty n�t affixed to the Praperty in a manner and at a place reasonably �vnWenient t� Trustar and
<br /> Lender and mak� it a�ailabl� to L�nder �rvithin three {3} days after receipt of writ��n demand from Lender �a fih�
<br /> ex'tent permitte�l by applicable [aw.
<br /> Addresses. The mailing address�s of Trustvr {debfi�ry and Lender 4se�ur�d party} �rom which information
<br /> concerning �he security interest ��-ant�d by this Deed of Trust may be obtained �eaGh as required by the �lniform
<br /> Commercial Codey are as stated on ths first page o�F this Deed of T�usfi.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES: ATT�RNEY-lN�FACT. The �follawing pra�isions relat�ng to furth�r assurances and
<br /> at�orney-in-fiact ar�a part Qf this Qeed�f Trust:
<br /> Fur�her�►ssuran�es. At any time, and from time to t€me; upon requ�st o� Lender, Trustor will make, exe�u�t� and
<br /> deliver, or will cause to be made, execu�ed or delivered, t❑ L�nder or to Lender's desi�nee. and when requesfied by
<br /> Lender, cause fio b� filed, recorded, refiled. vr rerecarded, as the �ase may be, at such tim�s and in such offices
<br /> and places as Lender may deem appropriate. any and all such martgagesf deeds of trust, security deeds, security
<br /> agreements� financing statements, con�inuativn statements, instruments of further assurance� certificates, and
<br /> ath�� doGuments as may, in the so�e opinian of Lender, be necessary�r d�sirable in order to effeGtuate, complete,
<br /> pe�fect, continue, or preser�e {�} Trustvr's vbliga�ions under th� Note, th�s Deed of Trust, and the Relat�d
<br /> Da�uments, and ��� the liens and security interests crea�ed by this Deed af Trust as first and prior liens on the
<br /> Property, whether now own�d nr hereaft�r acquired by Trustor. Unless prohibit�d by law ar Lender agrees ta the
<br /> con�rary in writing, Trustor shal[ reimburs� Lender fnr all cos�s and expenses incurred in cvnnection with the
<br /> matters re�erred to in this paragraph.
<br /> Attorney-in�Fact. If Trustor#ails ta do any of the things re�erred to in the preceding paragraph, L�nder may da sv
<br /> far and in the name �f Trustar and at Trustor's exp�ns�. For su�h purposes� Trustar hereby irre�o�ab�y appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustor's attarney--in-fa��f�r the purpose ❑f makin�. ex�cuting, deli�ering, filing, recording. and doing a[I
<br /> other things as may be necessary �r desirable, in Lender's sole opinion, to accomplish the ma��ers referred to in
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERF�RIViANCE. Ifi Trustor pays all the Indeb�edness, including wi�thvu� limitation all future ad�ran�es, when du�,
<br /> and otherwise performs all fh� obligations imp�sed up�n Trus�tvr under this aeed �f Trust, Lender shall �xe�u�� and
<br /> deliv�r ta Trus�ee a reques�t for �full recon�eyan�e and shall �xecute and deliver ta Trustor sui�able statements of
<br /> termination of any financing sta�emen� �n file e�idencing Lender's se�urity interest in th� Ren�s and the Personal
<br /> Property. Any re�an�eyance fse required by law shall �e paid by Trustvr, if permitt�d by app�i�able iaw,
<br /> DEFAULT. At Lender's optian,Trustvr will be in de�ault under this Deed o�Trus�i�any of the following happ�n.
<br /> Fraud or 11llater�a! f111isrepresentation. Trustor c�mmits fraud or material misr�pres�n�ation in connec�ion with �h�
<br /> terms of�he Note.
<br /> Payment Defau�#. Trustor fails�o meet the r�paymen�terms ofi the Not�for any ou�standing balance.
<br /> �ther Defaults. Trustvr's act ar failure �a act ad�ersely a�fects Lender's s�cur�ty interest in the Pro��rty, or any
<br /> right o� Lender's in such security.
<br /> Right ta �ure. ff any defau�t, o�her�han a default in paymen� is curable and if Trustor has no�been �iven a notice
<br /> af a breach o�the sam�prov�sion ofi this ❑eed of Trust wi�hin the pre�eding twel�e �1�� months. i�may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender sends wri�ten natice��Trus�or d�manding cure of such default: {1} cures ths default within
<br /> t�n ��aj days; or {�} i�the cure r��uires more�han ten (��} days, immediat�ly initiafies steps whi�h Lender deems
<br /> in Lender's sole discrstian to be su�fiici�nt t� �ure the de�ault and therea�ter cantinues and completes all reas�nable
<br /> and necessary s�eps suf�icient to produce cvmpliance as soan as reasana�ly practical.
<br /> RiGHTS AND RENIEDIES �N ❑EFAULT. If an Event of D�fault�ccurs under �this Deed ot Trus�, at any time therea�ter.
<br /> Trustee ar Lender may ex�rcise any one�r mvr�o��he following rights and remedies:
<br /> Accelera�ivn Upon Qefaulfi: Additivnal Remedies. l�any Event ofi Default occurs as p�r�he �erms of the Not�
<br /> secured herehy, Lender may declare all Indabtedness se�ured by�his Deed ❑f Trust to be due and payabfe and
<br /> �he same shall�hereupon b�come due and payable withou�any presentment, demand, �rotest or no�ic�o�any
<br /> kind. Thereaf�er, Lender may:
<br /> {a} Ei�her in persQn nr by agent, with or withaut �ringing any action �r proceeding, or by a recei�er
<br />