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. . � �"'+,,,�'s'..�."'�?!.�o.a�. - --.,-.: .�; .,. ^— <br /> / :a �-�- nr. .,� �u--��"�..aL�r .. ..Z:.-� *t� .nb <br /> Mu.��LY.i. �1.�.__...�i...)..n �.l� .. Y ..65°F___. v.. <br /> ._____.. .____... _....._.___.. " <br /> _."__ . .. . ._ _. . <br /> __ - _ gg— lizs�ss <br /> 5. Hazard nr Propedy Insurancc. Borrowec shall kcep thc improvcments now cxisting on c�rcuf'ter erccted on the <br /> Pro�xxrty insutcd ugainst loss by frc, haizurds includcd within thc tcrm "C%lL'111IC(I COVCt'i1�'l'" und uny othcr h:�zards, including <br /> fliwcls or flcwding, for which L.cndcr rcyuires insurzincc. Thiti insurnncc yhall bc muintuinal in thc umounts und for thc periocis <br /> that L,cndcr rcquires. Thc insurnncc curricr pmviding ihc: insurancc shcdl bc chuscn hy Rnrruwcr tiuh.jcct to l.cndcr's npproval <br /> which shull nut lx unrcatiimahly withhcld. If �ian•owcr f:iils tn muint.iin ci�vcrngc dc�crilxd ahovc, Lendc� muy,at Lcndcr's <br /> uption,obluin covcrugc to prntcct Lendcr's rights in thc Property in ucc<>rdnncc with paragrnph 7. _ <br /> All insur+�nce poUcies and renewalti shull be ucceptable to Lender nnd shnll include a standurd mortgage clautie. L.ender <br /> shull have the right to hold ihe policics and renewals. If Lcndcr rcquires,Rnrrowcr shall prnmpdy givc to Lendcr all rcccipts��f <br /> puid premium.r•u�xl renew•�I noticex. In the event af I�ss, Borr�wer shall give prompt noticc to thc insuruncc carrier nnd l.cnder. <br /> L,sndcr mny mukc proaf nf Insti if not madc pramptly by Borrawcr. <br /> Unlcss Lender aixl Bortowcr othcrwis�ugree in writing, insurancc proccc�ls shall be applicd to rtstnration or rc�air of►he _ <br /> Property da►nuged, if the resiorntian or repair is ecunomicully f'easible und l.ender's security is not Iessened, If thc restoration or <br /> repuir is not economically feasible ar Lender's security would be fessened, the insurance proceeds shnll be upplied to the sums <br /> securecl by this Security Instr�ment, whether ar nat�hen due, with any excess paid to Bormwer, If Borrower ubundons the <br /> Pr�perty, or does not unswer within 30 days u notice from l.ender thnt thc insuruncc carricr has offered to settle a cluim, then <br /> l..ender may collect the insarance proceecls. L.endcr may use the proccccls to rcpair or restore thc Property or�o pay sums <br /> secural by this Security Instniment.whettier or not then due.The 30-day periad will begin��hen the notice is given. <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower othenvisc agree in writi�g, any application of proceeds to principal shall not exte�xl or <br /> postponc the due dnte of the monthly payments refcrrui to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> under parograph 21 the Property is acquire.d by Lender, Borrower's right to nny insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br /> damage to the Property prior to the ucquisition shall p�ss to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrun�ent <br /> immedistely prior to the acquisition. <br /> 6.Occupa�my, PreserraRion, Malntenance and Protection of the Property;&►rrower's LoAn ApplicaHon;Le.�seholds. <br /> Borrower shall occupy,es�eblish,and use the Prupeny as Aorrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of <br /> this Security Instrument aid shaU continue to occupy the Propeny as HotiTOwer's principal residence for at Icast one year efter <br /> the date of occupancy,unlus l.ender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreusonably wlthheld, or unloss <br /> cxtenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> Property, ullow the Propeey to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Propr,rty. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> action or proceeding,whether civil or criminnl, is begun that in Lender's gaod faith judgment could result in forfeiture of tho <br /> Property or otherwise materially impair the lien creattd by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest. Borrower may <br /> cure such a default and r�instate,us provided in paragraph 18. by causing the action or procee.ding to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> that, in I.ender's good faiih detertnination, precludes forfeiture of the Borcower's interest in tha Property or other material <br /> impairment of the lien crtated by this Security Instrument or Lender's security interest.Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> Borrower,ducing the loan application process.gave macerially false or inaccurate information or statements to l,ender(or failod <br /> to provide L.ender wich any material information)im m�nation witn the loan evidenceci by ihe ivuic, i�wlauir�g, `vi;t �ti�it.:: <br /> to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Inst►ument is on a <br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the <br /> leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 7,ProtecNon ot Lender's Rights in the Propedy. If Bonower fails to perform the wvenants and agretments containod in <br /> t}iis Security Instrument. or there is a Iegal proceeding thet may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Propeny (such as s <br /> praceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or ta enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property and L,ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may <br /> include paying eny sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instrument, appearing in wurt, paying <br /> reasonable attorneys'fees end entering on the Propeny to makc repairs. Although Lender mAy take action under this paragraph <br /> 7,Y..ender dces not have todo so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borruwer saured by this <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrow�r and Lendcr agree to other tcrms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest front th� • <br /> date of disbursement at the Note ratc and shall be payable. with intcrest, upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting <br /> payment. <br /> 8.Mortgage Insurance.If i.ender required mortgage i�isurance as a condition of making the loan securai by this Security <br /> Instrument, fiorrower shall pay the premiums rcquired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the <br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses orceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantinlly equivalent to the <br /> cost ta Borrower of the mortgege insurance previously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If <br /> substantially cquivalent nbrtgage insurance covcragc iti not avaitable, Borrower shall pay to Lcndcr cach month a sum equal to <br /> one-[wclfth of the ycarly nbrtguge insurance prcmium being paid by Borrowcr when the insurance coverage lapscd or ceasal to <br /> be in effect. Lender will xcept,use und retain these paymcnts as a loss reserve in lieu of mort�age insuranee, Loss reserve <br /> Fam 3028 9/SO <br /> Pape 3 01 8 <br /> : _ . __—_._._ .___ __._ -- <br /> — � •- ^ -. . � �, - . . ;+?7'�"'1Tt° , • 7'a ��crvr.:n_.i...i.-- <br /> "�� ,� t � P���'sf'" �t A `.�M �y� <br /> . �i:, _ .. �x I ��ui�. .� _ .� <br /> � . k`f �{.�� ? ,�� ..a} �� S i � »ys — <br /> y .. . • ._17 .���-�.Pt�� �r��.� �� •�����-.... f .! �t-]'C�,i 1 l� <br /> � _:.-: ...:..:.: .:....... --_.-.:. _._...-_- -__-.-.__. _._ �-�...-_ ,:. ..__�-_.. -.. __�_. rT�r��pr��� - -_ " - _ <br /> -�� k � <br /> �. . �•, . _. _. J' ,>>: -�, ���t <br /> i.+n aX � <br /> _ . . � " �' eT t . . . . -Y j"V � d+i` - . " __ <br /> _ . • . . . „ . •., �;��-;�a � <br /> . M1���- <br /> . yj•r.c[ <br /> � . ,, . :� , ;tit�F�_�, <br /> . • . ��.,� _ <br /> :{ _ '�,:x:. ,.,�.. -, - <br /> : :, . ��• , . _ `�i:- <br /> . � . • ` - _,. _ � r ` i. 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