<br /> r -
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<br /> � �16. Borro�ver's Copy.Borrower shall bo given one conformedcopy of tl�e Note and of this Security Instrument. ' -
<br /> 17. "I'ransfer of the Propertx or a Beaeficial Intcrest in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any i ,
<br /> interest in it ia sold or tranaterred (or if a beneficinl interest in Borrower is sold or transferred attd Borrower is not a I .
<br /> nstural person) without I.ender's prior written consent,Lender may,at ita option,require immediste payment in full ot _
<br /> all sums seaured by this Security Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is � :
<br /> prohibited by fedoral law es of the date of this Security Instrument. I :�,�:�,_
<br /> If Letider exercisey thia option,Lender ahall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period �
<br /> of not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within wi-ich Borrower must pay aU sums secured ��:;_
<br /> by this Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay theae sums prior to the expi ration oi tt►is period,Lender may invoke ...�_.
<br /> any remedies permitted'by this Security instrument without further notice or demand an Burrower.
<br /> 18. Horrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certein conditions,Borrower shall have the right to have _
<br /> enforcemen
<br /> t of this Securit Instrumentdiscontinued at any time prior to the earlier of:(a)5 deys(or such other,pe�on I .� _,'+.'
<br /> as applicable law may specity for reinstatement)before sale ot the Property pursuant to any power o sale contat
<br /> this Security Instrument; or (b) entry ot a judgment enforcing this Security Inatrument.Those conditions are that _
<br /> Bonower: (a) pays Lender all suma which then would be due under this Security Instroment and the Note as if no
<br /> � acceleration had occurred;(b) cures any default of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays aU expenses incurred in
<br /> en4orcing this Security Instrument,including,but not I�mited to, reasonable attorneys'fees;and(d)takes such action es
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to assure that the lien of thie Security Instrument, L.ander's right�in the Property and � • ,
<br /> 9orrower'R obli�ation to pay the sums secured by this Security Inatrument shell cantinue unchanged.Upon reinatatement '
<br /> by Dorrower,thiA Security Instrument and the obligation�secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleration
<br /> had occurred.l�pwcver,thin right to rei r.atate shall not apply in the case ot acceleretion undr.r paregr9ph 17.
<br /> 19.S��e of Nota;Ch�n�e of I.oan Servicer.The Note or a partial interest in tho Note(topether with this Security�
<br /> Inr.trument)mssy be sold one or more times without prior notice to l�orrower.A eale mey result�n a change in the entity
<br /> (known es the"L.c�an Servicer")that collecte monthl}•paymen�9 due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There Q
<br /> also may be one or more changes af the I_oan Servicer unreleted to a eale of the Note. If thare iA a change ot the Loan � •��
<br /> Servicer,Iiorrower will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. � .4�._
<br /> � The notice will stete the name and addres.9 ot the new l.oen Servicer and the address to which payments ahould be made.
<br /> The notice will also contein any other intormation required by applicable law.
<br /> � 20. Hazardous Substsnces. Borrower shall not cause orpe rmit the presence,use, disposal,storage,or release of �,��
<br /> any Eiazardous Substanc�s on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do, anythingaffecting �
<br /> rq
<br /> � the Property that is in violation of any Bnvironmental Law.The preceding t�vo sentences shall not a ply to the presence, ,,.�_
<br /> reco nized to be
<br /> use, or atorage on the Propecty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are general y g ,, _
<br /> oppro�priate to normal re�idG«t�ai��d��io msiniPnance n{thP Prnperty. _..��_ :_
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give I.ender�vritten notice of any investigation,cleim,damand,lawsuit or other action by
<br /> any governmentel or regulatory agency or private party involving the PropeRy and an�+ Hazardous Substance or •�r:- �`,_
<br /> Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower learne,or�s notified by any governmental or • ;�:��� ��'�:-
<br /> regulatory suthority, that any remuval or other remedintion of any Hazardouv Substance aifecxing the Property is ��>,� •
<br /> �.:_
<br /> necessery,Borrower shall promptl�takeall necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. �+
<br /> { As used in this para�raph 20, Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances ';
<br /> • by Environmental Law and the following substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum praducte, µ,'
<br /> ,� toxic �esticides and herbicides, volatile solventa, materials containing aebestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive �,.
<br /> ,� materials.As used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Law" means federel lawa and laws of the jurisdiction where tha .;�4
<br /> Property is located that relate to health,sefety or environmei�tal protection. ___
<br /> � NON-UNIPORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as followa: ,� _
<br /> 21. Acceleratioa; Remedies. L�nder shall give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration followine _
<br /> �• Borrower's breich of any covenant or agreement ia this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleration �v��.
<br /> , undor paragraph l7 unless applicable law provides otherwise).The notice shall specity: (�)the default;(b� the . . :��_.f
<br /> � action required to cure the detault (c) a date, not toss th�n 30 dsys from the date the notice is given to . ��
<br /> � Borrower, by which the defauit must be cured;and (d)that failure to cure the detault on or bofore the date ,.,
<br />_ .�j specified in the notice may result in acceleration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument and sale of �.�;,�„�,.,.�
<br /> • the Property. The notice shall furth�r inform Borrower of the right to reinstate aiter acceleration and the . ��_
<br /> ,�, ri�ht to bring a court action to assert the non-existence o[a default or any other defense of BoErower to �
<br />� acceleration and sala If the detault is not cured on or before xhe dete specified in the notice, Londer, at its y,--��-
<br /> option, may require imrr►�diate p�ymont in tull of all sums secured by this Security Insy upp nt without ,-f,�'-�_�--
<br /> further demand and may invoke tbe powcr ot sale and eny other remedies permitted b a Itcable l�w. . s�Y`��::7,:.
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragrep6 .. ,�`�ti :•"'�
<br /> 21,including,but not limited to, reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. �
<br />-' � If the pawer of sale is invoked,Trustee shell record a notice of detault in each county in which an y•part of , '�•
<br /> ' the Property is locatcd and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner Qrescribed by applicable law to '
<br /> � Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by epplicable la�v. After the t�me required by applicable law,
<br />� ' Trustec shall give public not�ce of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by apQlicable law.Trustee,
<br /> � without demsnd on Borrower,shall sell the Property at public auctioi�to the highest bidder at the time and I
<br /> - i place and under thc terms designated in the notice of sale in one or nnore parcels end in any order Trustee
<br />- t me ntd place of any prev ious ly schedu edls le al.ender o�r its de sgneerm�y purchase the Property t any .
<br /> sale.
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