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T� <br /> A� ' <br /> . . .flt'j. - ... <br /> "`r-'1 ' . . . `i.. K,tlt'f� . <br /> _ }+13:.. .. . ., . - fl�4�1�; .i <br /> . .... <br /> , .��� . . ��._..� ' ' <br />_. . .'. ..., ._ _, _-_a. 1� __ . . .. .._._ ' . _ . .. .._. . _ _ " . ' :��,1.' <br /> ,. � <br /> , .. -. �.. ,�-.-. <br /> .. .� . .. . _„r'�� <br /> y . , . . . . .. . .. .• .. .. .RRy.;.!_— <br /> ' . <br /> .. ' " . . ' ' � , .."''`y.y . f`., � _ - <br /> ' 9?-- ii100� � : <br /> � TOGETHER WITH uU thc impruvcments now or hereuftcr er�cted on the property,und all cusements,uppurtcnunccs, und = <br /> fixwres now un c�reafter i� part ol' the property. All replucements and udditions shall ulso be cuvcred by this Security , <br /> � Instrument. All uf the faregoing iti referrcd to in this 5ccuri�y In,trumcnt a+�I�c "ProPerty." ..^, '- <br /> BORROW�R COVENANTS thut Burrower is liiwfully sciscd of thc estatc hereby:onvcyed and hus the right tu grant and �; ,. <br /> +�„� convey thc Property und thut thc Properry is uncncumbered, exccpt for cncumbrunccs of rccord. Bnrrc�wer wurrunts und will � <br /> , r . .x, defend generally the title tu the Property against ull claims and demunds,subject w uny encumbrunces i�f record. �-_-� <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for nutional utie and nun-uniform covenant� with limited � <br /> variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real properry. �•�� <br /> • UNIFOR M C O V E N A N T S. Bo r r o w c r a n d L c n J c r w v c n u n t u n d a g r c c a s follows: �._�_ - <br /> • ° 1. Puyment of PrincipAl and; Prepayment and Lute Charges. Borrowcr shull promptly p.ry when due the �:. <br /> � principal of and interest on the debt evidencecf by the Note and any prepayment und late charges due under thc Note. _ <br /> ' 2. Funds far Tuxes und InSUrance. Subject ta applicable luw or to u wrinen waiver by Lender, Borrawer shull pay to ���: <br /> r�•-. <br /> �� I.cndcr un thc duy monthly payments ure due under the Note,until thc Note is paid in full, a sum("Funds")for. (a)yeurly taxcs �•: <br /> �� and asscssments which may attain priority ovcr this Security Instrument as a licn nn thc Property:(b)yeurly Ieaschold payments �" <br /> � nr ground rents on the Property.if any;(c)yearly hazard or propcny insurunce premiums; (d)yearly flood insurance premiums, ' <br /> � �' if any: (e1 yearly mortguge insurance premiums, if any; and(t) uny sums puyable by Borrowcr[u Lcn�cr, in uccordance with <br /> �-- <br /> i� the provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of thc payment of mortgage insurance prcmiums.Thcse item�are ralled"Escrow Items." __ _ <br /> LenJcr muy. at any timc, collect and hold Funds in an umount n��t to exceed the maximum amount a leiider for a federnlly <br /> f-;..., <br /> �{. related mortgsge loun may require for Burrowec's escrow account under tiie federal Rcal Estate 5ettlement Procedures Ac[ of ! <br />� ,� 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. 5ecticm 2601 rt sry. ("RESPA"), unless anothcr law that applies to the Funds " <br /> sets a Iesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an umoun[ not to excecd the Icsser amaunt. �::s;.— <br /> Lendcr muy cstimate thc amount of Funds duc un thc basis of current data and reasonablc estimates of cxpenditures of futurc ���:.-- <br /> ' Esrrow Items or othcrwisc in accord:►ncc with upplicablc law. ��.; <br /> The Funds shull hc hcld in an institution whosc dcposits arc insured by a fcdcral a�ency, instrumentality, ar entity _ <br /> � (including Lcnder, if L.ender is such an instiwtion)or in any Fedcral Homc Loan Bank.[.cndcr shuU apply the Funds to pay thc - <br /> F.�crnw Items. Lender may not churge 8orrower tbr holding and applying the Funds, unnuully unalyzing the escrow account, or <br /> verifying the Escro�v Items. unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the huncis and appiicubie fuw pe;����it.Lc���cr ta ma'�c:u;:h <br />- a chargc. Howevcr, l.cnder may rcquire Borrower[o pay u one-timr,rhurge tin•an indepcndcnt rcal estatc tax rcparting scrvice <br />. ;;� usecl by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable law provideti atherwise. Unlcss an agreement is made or <br /> �,j applirablc law require, iiftcrest to bc paid. Lcnder shall not be rcquircd tn pay Borrc,wcr any interest or carniugs on thc Funds. ___ <br /> �y y Borrowcr and Lendcr may agrcc in writing,hc�wcvcr, tha[ intcrest shull be paid on thc Funds. Lcnder shall give to �arrower, <br /> , without chargc, an annuul nccounting o(thc Funds, showing crcdits and dchits u� thc FunJx und thc purposc f'or which cach <br />� ? debit to the Funds wus mada The Funds are pledged as udditional security for ull sumti secured by this Securiry Instrument. <br /> �' If thc Funds hcld by L�:ndcr cxcccd thc:�mounts permitted to bc licld by applicablc law. Lsndcr shall account to Borrower <br /> for the excess Funds in accordancc with thc reyuirements of applicable law. If thc umount af tlic Funds hcld by Lender at any <br /> • time is not sufficicnt to pay thc Escrow Itcros when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in tiuch catie Borrower <br /> shall pay to Lender thc amount nec:es�ary to make up the deficiency. Hurrrnver shall make up the deficiency in no more than <br />- twclvc monthly payments,at I.endcr's solc di�crction. <br />- Upon payment in full of all tiums scrurcd hy thiti Securiry histruntcnt, La:nder shull prampdy rcfund to Borrowcr any <br />-. � � ` f Funds liclJ by I.endcr. If,undcr paragraph 21. LenJcr shall ucyuirc ur scll thc Property.Lendcr, prior to thc acquisition or salc <br /> � of thc Propeny, shall apply any Funds hcld by Lcndcr�tt thc timc of arquisition c�r sulc as x credit aguinst tlic sums sccured by <br /> ~ � this Securiry Instrument. <br /> 3.Application of PNVments. Unle+s upplirable la�v pruvidcs uthcnvisc,:�Il payments rcccived by Lcndcr undcr parugr:iphs <br /> , `�� 1 and 2 shall bc applicJ: tirst, to uny prcpaymcnt�hargcs duc undcr thc Ni�tc; sccond,ro amounts payublc undcr parsgraph 2; � <br /> a y third,tu intcrest dur, fi�urth,to prinripal duc;and last,tu any lutc rhargcs duc undcr thc Notc. <br /> - �<, 4. Chur�es; Licns. Barrawcr shall pay all t��xcs,assess►nents, charges, Cnes and impositions attributable to thc Property _ <br /> , which ntay attain priority uvcr this Sccuriry histrumcnt, and Ica�chuld paymcnts ��r ground rent�, if uny. Borrowcr shall pay �_ <br /> �; thesc ohligations in thc manncr provided in paragraph 2.or if nat puid in that manncr.Borr��wcr shall pay thctn on timc directly <br /> to thc persun uwcd p:rynunt• [3orrowcr shall pronipdy furnish to Lcndcr all noticcs of amounts to bc paiJ undcr thiti paragraph. _ <br /> � If B��rr��wcr makes thesc payment��ircrtly. Borruwcr shall promptly furnish to Lender rcceipts cvidcncing thc payments. =__ <br /> - Borr�nvcr shall prc�mptly diuhurgc any licn which has priority uvcr this Scrurity Instrun►cnt unlcss Borrowcr. (a)ugrccs in �-�= <br /> �'a. <br /> �vriting to thr paymm�t of thc ohligatiou ururcd hy the licn in a mxnner arceptulile tci Lender; (b) contests in good faith the lien R_ <br /> by. ur dcl'cnd, againrt cntiirccmcnt ul thc licn in. lcg:d prorc�Jing, whirh in thc IAnJcr's opinion operatr to prevcnt thc <br /> enfi�rrement uf thr lirn: ��r(rl ururrs frum thc holder ul the lien an agrerment satisfactc�ry tci l.ender �uhurJinating thc lien ta <br /> . lhis Sccurity Instrunrent. If I.cndrr dcicrminc� that any part of'thc Pruperty is sunjcrl tr a licn which may atwin priority irvcr <br /> - � this Scrurity Insaumcnt. Lrndcr may givr l3urra�vrr a notirc idrntifying thc licn. 13urrowrr�hcdl satitit)-thc licn or takc onc or <br /> � morc of thc actiun��et ti,rth ahovcµ�itliin 10 Jays nf thr giving��1 nutir�. <br /> � Form 3028 9l80 <br /> P.iqn 1 0l G <br /> . _ J <br /> _ _� <br /> � .. <br /> � , ,, .. . . <br /> i <br /> b �_ <br /> � <br />