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Lsnder eh�ll be enUtled to collect all oxprnsee <br /> incurred in pursuing the rerneJie� provided In this pu�graph 18, inciuding, but not llmited to,reasonable Auorneye' <br /> feta anJ coste of title evldence. <br /> lf the power of eale is invoked, Trustee �hwll rceor� a notice of def�ult in each caunty in which any put of thc <br /> ProE�erty ia locateci �nd shall mall cnpics of sucl� noUce In the manner prescribed by applicable law to Bonower nnd � <br /> �o thr.oiher pers�tu preecribed by�ppUcable law, After the timc requirod by�pplicable�l�w,Truata, shdl give publlG <br /> notice of sale to the p'rsona and ia the mwnner prescribod by applic�ble Iww. Trustee, without demand on 6orrc�wer, <br /> ahvl sell the Property at publlc auction tu the highest btdder �t cha time �nd pt�ce and under the tcrnU daign�ted <br /> in th�e notice of sale in one or more pAtcele s�nnd in xny ordor Truata detemUnes. Trusta cnay poatpone eQe of�ll <br /> or any parcel of the Property by publlc uu�ouncement at the time and place of any pnvioualy scheduled sala [.ender <br /> or its desisnee nwy putchase the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Tnutce sh�il deliver to the purchnser Truata's dad conveying the <br /> Propeny. The recltals in the Truata's dood shall be prima i�c1e evidence of the truth of the atatements made thenia. <br /> Trusta shall apply the proceedd of the s�le in the folluwing order: (a)to�ll wats�nd expenaea of exercising the power <br /> of sale,and the sale, including the payment of the Trusta's faa actuxlly incurcod, not to excood 96 <br /> of the principal amount of the note at the time of the docl�ration of def�ult, and reason�ble �ttorneya' feet as <br /> permicted by law;(b) to all sucns saured by this Saudty Iaetnimrnr, nnd (c) any excess to the person or peraons <br /> legally entitled to it. <br /> If the Lender's interest in thie Security lnstnunent ie held by the Secretery and the Secretary ra{uirea immedtae <br /> paymcnt in full u�ider puagraph 9,the Sscretary may invoke the nonJudlcial powcr of sale provided In the 5inglc <br /> Funily Martgage Foreclosure Act of 1994("Act")(12 U.S.C.3751 et seu.)by ru;uest(ng a fonelosuce commissioner <br /> desigcutod under the Act to wmmence forcelosure and to sell the Property as provided in the Act, Notbing in the <br /> proceding sentence ahall deprive the Socretary of any rights otherwise avulable to a Lender undor thie par�raph 18 <br /> or applicable law. <br /> 19.Reroavey�ooe. Upan payment of ell sums securod by this Securiry Insuvment, Lender shall request Truetx <br /> to reconvey the Property and sh�ll surrender thls Securlty Insttument and all notes evidencing debt secured by tbis <br /> Security Instrument to Trusta. Trustee shall reconvey the Properiy without warranty and without chuge to the person <br /> or p�rsons legally rntitlod to it. $uch person or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> 2U.�tbstiwte "lYUitoe. ixnder, nt its opcion, may icc�m tu�� to il;rc ic►��zc Tr'�tsiH: ar,3 ��.:,ia: a succ.�,:ar <br /> trustee to any Trustx appointed hereunder by an instrumeat ncorded in the county in which this Socudty Initrumrnt <br /> is recorded. Without conveyance �f the Property, the successor trustee shall succeod to all the title,power w►d duties <br /> confcnred upon Trustee herein and by applicable law. <br /> 21.Raquat fa Notioa. Borrower requests that copies of the notices of default and sale be sent to Bomower's <br /> address which is the Ptop�rty addtas. <br /> 22, Ridcn ca this Seauity Intnimcat. If one or imre riders ue ex�cuted by Bonower aad recorded together with <br /> this Saurity Instnvnent, the covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall unend and supplemeat <br /> the covenants and�greementa qf thia Socurity Instrument as if the rider(s) were a put of this Sxurity Instn�mrnt. <br /> [Chcek applicable box(es)]. <br /> � Candominium Rider � Graduated Payment Rider � Growlag Equity Rider <br /> � Planned Unit Development Rider � Adjustable Rate Rider � Rehabilitatton Loan Rider <br /> � Non-Owncr Occupuxy Rider a Other [Specify] <br /> BY SIGNING BELOW, Borroaer accepts and agrers ro the term� contained in pAges 1 through 6 of this Security <br /> Ins nt and in a»y rider(s) executed by Bonower and recordod with it. <br /> �° , ./��✓'�`„`'c'�� ;Seal) <br /> C•• Seal) � <br /> ISMAEL ARIAS -Bonower CHRISTINA CARIAS -Borrower <br /> ____�5ea1) �Seal) <br /> ' -Borrower -Borrower <br />, �Seal) �Seal) <br />. -Borrower -Bonower _. <br /> Witness: Witness: _. <br /> NBSRASKA-IiHA DHBD OP 1RUSP � ° <br /> 7 Uoc�rm�Sys��+n�.Irc.lSW)6W-U61 Page 5 of 6 _. <br />