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s. ._ _. -- <br /> — -==�.i-.._._�_.__--�_.���_ - - -,,:.:�..�.��:�_.:__ <br /> WHEN RECORDED IyAIL TO; <br /> MOUNTAIN WEST FINANCIAL, INC. <br /> 1902 ORAN�3E TREE LANE�, SUITE 140 <br /> R�DLRIJDS, CALIFORNIA 92379 , <br /> Loan No. 5-0447 -— <br /> [Spice Above This Line For Recardin� D�a] . ���Q <br /> �� 98- v <br /> �; <br /> DEED OF TRU5T PHA CASH NO. <br /> 321-1965928-703 <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST ("Security lnstcument") is made on DECEMF3ER 17, 199 S � <br /> '�e uustor is ISMAEL CARIAS AND CHRI�TINA CAR.IAS, HUSBANU AND WIFE AS JOINT <br /> TENANTS <br /> ("Borrower"). The tnuta ls <br /> FIRST AMERICAN TITLF INSURANCE COMPANY, A C.i1LIFORNIAT�R�PO�eI�ficiuy is <br /> MOUNTAIN WEST FINANC.IAL, INC. , A CALIFORNIA CORPOR.ATION <br /> � <br /> which is organiud and exlsting under the laws of CALIFORNIA � <br /> �ud whose address is 1902 OR.ANGE TREE LANE, SUITE 140, REDLANDS, CAI,IFORNIA <br /> 92374 <br /> ("Let►der"). Borrowor owes Ltader the priacipal aum of <br /> SIXTY SIX THOUSANI� EIGHT HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE AND 00/100********** <br /> Dollwrs (IJ.S,S 66, 871,0 0 ).'il►is debt is evidenced by Bonower's aote dated the same date as this SecudtY <br /> Inatcument ("Note"),which provides for monthly payments� with the full debt, if not paid eulier, due �nd psyable on <br /> JANUARY 1, 2 0 2 9 . 'Ihia Security Instrumrnt securea to I�euder: (�) the <br /> repryment of the deb[evideaced bythe Note,with interat, and all muw�ls.extenstons and modificuiuna of the Note; <br /> (b) the payment of all other 4wns,with interest, advanced under puagt�ph 7 to protect the securiry of thia Sauriry <br /> Instn►ment; and(c)the perfornunce of Borrower's covenants and agroemu►W. For this purpose, Borrower irrevocably <br /> grauta and conveys ta Truatee. In ttust, with power of s�le,the following deacribod property located �ty, Nebr�akn: <br /> HALJ� <br /> LOT 2, BLOCK 28, RUSSEL WHEELEk'S AvDITION, CITY OF GFtAND ISLAND, HALL <br /> COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> A.P.N. #: 400121506 <br /> which has the address of 119 EA3T 11TH STREET, GRAND ISLANL) (C�cy) <br /> [sveet] <br />—= Nebraska 6 8 8 O 1 ("Property Address"); <br /> - [Zip Code1 <br />-' TOGETHER WITH all the improvem�nts now or hereafter erected on the property, and rll easi.�nents, <br />=� appurtenances, and fixtures now or liereafter a part of the property. A!1 replacements and additions shall also be <br />�� covered Uy this Securiry Instrument. A l l o f t he f o r e g o i n g is referred to ln this Security Instrument as the "Property." <br />�. <br /> _ w9a <br />� N�RASKA•Pk{A U68D ON TRUSI' <br /> pocunrn sysirnn.I�x.(eov�N9�IS62 P�ge 1 Uf 6 <br /> � <br />_m •� L <br /> _� �� <br /> �7 <br /> � f�,Pb r3/l�S� _ _ <br />