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.+0'� <br /> «_: <br /> 'r.V 1 ' , , r .. <br /> 'E�K <br /> ' .-. ..._� .. . ., . . - ' ..i•N'Mw• ... <br /> 14�� {r� <br /> F . `µt�_- <br /> 1 i ' - _ ' <br /> ' .. �J41_:`-.�- <br /> ' S. In thc c��ent tlic propert}�. or any part thcrcof, shaU bc takcn by emincnt domaia�, thc Ficneficiary is entitled to collcct niid ; � -- <br /> � rccci��c all compensation�vhich inay bc paid for any propeny takcn or far damngcs to properry not taken.and thc BcncGci��ry shaU ,, -+ <br /> � apply such compcnsation, at ns option,citlicr to a r�duction of thc indcbtcdncss sccurcd hcrcby.or to repair and restorc thc property ���' <br /> � so takcn. " �"��,-c <br /> . � 6. Thc BcncCiciar}�may. bnt st►�ll havc no obligation to, do�ny act �vhich'Trustors havc agrccd but fnilcd to do, and thc ,�:__ <br /> Bencficiary��nny�also do any act it dccros nccessary to protcct thc licn hcrcoL Trustors agrcc to repay. upon dcmand. anp sums so � :��- <br /> c�pcudcd by thc Bencficiaq�for thc abovc pucposcs.and any suin w c�pendcd shall bc�dded to tlic indcbtcdness sccured l�crcby n�id ` <br /> � bccomc sccurcd b}• thc licn hcrcoL Thc BcncficiaR• shall no incur any liabiliry bccausc of anytliing it may du or omit to do� __ <br /> Lcrcimdcr. �- <br /> ' 7. Thc Heneficiary shnU ha��c dic n�ht. po�ti�cr and authority during thc continuancc o!this Dccd af Trust to collcct thc rents.O �� - <br /> � �•-- <br /> „ .•-�'� issucs and profits of thc property and of any personal propcny located thcrcon �vith or without taking possession of thc praperty ;�� <br /> � atTcctcd hcreby.and Tmstors hcreby absolutcly and unconditionally�assign all sc�cli rcnts, issucs and profits to thc bcncficiary. Thc� � -�=' <br /> ' bcncfician�. hoa•c��er. hcreby�conscnts to Trustors'coUection and retention of such rents, issucs and profits, so long as Tiustors arc� ,; . <br /> nol,at such tQme, in default«•ith respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby. or in the perfonnance of any agreement - <br /> hereunder. lf any event of default Jescribed I�ereaPer in respect to this Deed uf Tnist shall h�ve occ��ned and be continuing. the -_ _ <br /> a matter of right and without noticc to Trustors or anyone claiming under Truslurs,and�vithaut regard to the valuc of <br /> thc trust cstatc or thc intcrest of thc Trustots thcrcin, shall havc thc right to apply to any court having jurisdiction to appoint a _ <br /> ' receivcr of Ihe propecty. - <br /> S. Thc Bcncficiaq•. or its:►gcnts. are authorizcd to cuter at any reasonable timc upon or in any part of thc propeny for thc __. <br /> ' purposc of inspccting thc samc and for thc purposc of performing any of thc acts thcy are authorizcd to perfonn undcr tlic tcnns of <br /> any loan inslruments cxccutcd by Trustors. <br /> • � 9. If all or any part of the property or any interest of Trustors is sold.uansfened or further cucumbered without thc writtcn � <br /> � consent of the Beneficiary, the 8eneficiary may declare all sums secured by this Trust Decd to be immediately due and payable and <br /> procccd to thc remcdics available lc it under thc default provisions contained I�erein. <br /> �. l0. Any of thc follo�eing evcnts shall bc dcemed an evcnt of default hcrcunder: <br /> . a. Trustors shall liave failcd to make paymcnt of any installmcnt of principal or intcrest or any other sums securcd hcreby when <br /> ,. duc: <br /> � � b. Therc has occurred a breach of or default under any term, covenant, agreement, condition, provision, representation or <br /> warrant}'contained in this Decd of'Trust,lhe note or any othcr loan instniment securcd hereby: <br /> � c. There has been a default by the Trustors in the payment of any prior or subsequent lien or encumbrance in respect to ull or any <br /> part of thc property: <br />_. ., d Trnctors shall file a voluntary petition in bankruptcy or shall be adjudicated bankrupt or insolvent, or shall make an <br /> � assignment for the benefit of creditors in respect to the property:or ttn action to enforce any tien or cncumbrance:or judK�iieiiis <br /> against the properly is commencecl. <br /> ' i l. In the event of any default,the Beneficiary may decla� all mdebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same <br /> ,,, shall thereupon bccomc duc and payable�►�ithout any presentmcnt.dcmand,protest or noticc of any kind. ThercaRer,the Beneficiary <br /> a, may�: <br /> ',�! a. either in person or by agent, with or without bringing any ucdon or proceeding, or by receiver appointed by a court and <br /> � �vithout rcgard to the adcquacy of any security.enter upon and takc posscssion of the property,or any part thereof, in its own - <br /> name or in the name of the Trustee. and do any acts whicli it deems necessary and desirable to preserve the value. <br /> murketability or rcntability of thc property. or part thcrcof,or interest thcrcin,incrcase thc income thcrefrom or protect the � <br /> security hereof and,�vithout taking possession of the properry. sue for or othenvise collect the rents,issues and profits thereof, <br /> including those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less cosu and expenses of operation and collection, ic�cluding - <br /> ' attorney fees, upon any iudebtedness secured hereby,all in such order as the Beneficiary m:�y determine. The entering upon _ <br /> and taking possession of the trust estate, the collection of such rents,issues and profits and application thereof as aforesaid __ <br /> shall not cure or���aive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act and in response to such defaull or - <br /> pursuant to such notice of default and nonvithstanding the continuance in possession of the properry or the collection, receipt �-_ <br /> and application of rcnts,issues or profits,Trustce or thc Bencficiary may�be entiticd to excrcisc evcry right provided for in any <br /> of tl�e loan instruments or by law upon occurrence of any e��ent of d�fault,including the right to exercise the power of sale; �,.,'��.. <br /> � " --- - <br /> b. commence an action to fureclose Qiis Deed of Trust as a moctgage,appoint a receiver, or specifically enforee any of the �;.� <br /> covenants hcrcof; ��- <br /> .Q:;r <br /> c. deli��er to Tnutee a�vritten declaration of default and demand for sale. and written notice of default and election to cause ;:. <br /> ' Trustors'interest in the propern•to bc:sold.�vhich notice Truslee shall cause to be duly�ftled for tecord in the o�cial records :'���_..� _.__. <br /> of thc coimty in�vhich dic property is located. ,•��_ <br /> 12. Should the Benefician•elect to foreclose by esercise of the power of sale herein contained.the Beneficiarv shall notify Trustee �.z,_- <br /> � and shall depcisit with Tn�stee this Deed of Trust and the note and such receipts and e��idence of expenditures made and secured ,.? <br /> :•:..�_ <br /> licrcb}�as Trostcc ina}•rcquirc. and upon rcqucst of thc Bcncficiary. thc Tnistcc shall causc to tx: rccordcd.publishcd and dclivcrcd <br /> II to Trustor sucli Notice of Def wlt and Notice of Sale as then required b�•1a�3�and by this Deed of 1'nist.Tmstee shall�vithout demaud " <br /> i on Trusror, after such time as ma}�then be required b}• law and aRer tecord�tion of such Notice of Default and after Notice of Salc <br /> � ha��mg bccn gi��cu as rcquircd b}•la«. scll thc propcm•at thc timc and p�acc of salc fiscd bp it in sitcli Noticc of Salc. cnhcr as a <br /> wl�olc. or in separatc lots or parccis or itcros as Trustcc shall decm expcdicnt,and in such order as it may dctcrtnine, at public . <br /> auction to Uie highest bidder for cash and shall deli�•er ro such purchaser or purchasers thereof a deed to die propeny sold,consistent <br /> «•ith the la���then in effect. Recitals in the Trustec's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. , <br /> Tnistee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the follo�ving order. (u)to all reasonable costs and expenses of the sala uicludiug but <br /> not limttcd to Tnistcc's fccs of not morc thaii Z'%�of Uic gross salc pricc,rcasonablo attorncy fces and costs of titic c��idcncc:(li)to all <br /> ...:_ r._..a ..r�r.,...r ...,.1 ��� thr rrrncc i� am•. to the person or persons le�;aUp entitled thereto. Anr persou. _ <br /> - 1 sums �c�tucu vi uua v�.,u.,. ....�.. ...... ... ..._ - --- . - --.._-_.— <br /> � uuluding thc Bcncfician•. nc�>' purchasc s.�id propertc�it said salc. Tnisicc ma��in thc manncr pro�•idcd b}�la«.postponc salc of all <br /> ! or am ponton of Uic propcm <br /> � 13 'Tnistcc illld UIC BCIIC�ICI.IR'. 7111(I Cach of ilum. shall bc cnuticd to cnforcc pa}�ment and perforn�ancc of an}• indcbtcdncss or <br /> � obligaUOn sccurcd hcrcb�� and Io cxcrcisc all rigtns and po��'crs undcr this Dccd of Tnist or undct an}� loan uistnuncm or othcr � <br /> agrecnunt or:m� I:rns nor or henaftcr enforccd not���Uistandinb sotuc or all o(the u�debtedness attd oblig.�uons sccured hereby� � <br /> ��hicl� ma�� no�� on c�rc:�ftcr bc othcn��sc sccurcd. ��licU�cr b}� mortb�gc. dccd of tnist, plcdgc, licn. ass�gnnunt or othcrnisc <br /> Ncuhcr thc acccpta�icc of Ihis Dccd of'Cnist nor its cnforccmcnl. ���hcUtcr b� court acUOn�r pursuant to tlic po��cr of salc or othcr <br /> po��crs hcrcin coutauicd. shall prc�udrcc or in am mauncr at7�cct Tnistcc's or tlic �icncfician's right ro rcahic ttpon or cnforcc.un� <br /> otlicr sccunt� no�c nn c�rc�iRcr h�ld bc Tnistcc or thc Bcncficiary�. n bcwg agrccd that"1'nutcc aud du 8cncfician•. aud cach of <br /> thcm. sliall bc cntiticd to cul'orcc lhis Dccd of'1'nist a�id an)� otlicr sccuru± no�� or IicrcaRcn c�ld b�� thc Bcncfician•or l'n�stcc m � <br /> ' sucli ordcr and manncr as thc}� ma}� in tlrc�r absohilc discrcuon dctcnnu►� No rcnud� lrcrcin cottfcrrcd upon or rescn•cd to Tntstcc , <br /> I • <br /> -- _ __ -- <br /> __ <br /> __1_ -- - <br /> _ __ <br />