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.3--5'�•.r.• !�i' ?t:'• •__._�.._. - _ .. <br /> .. ...__ ._.. . _ __ . _. _ . . <br /> m � �o. <br /> , n � �c x a�a � `+ CL� n� <br /> � �� � aa �. <br /> , � � '� , ' ° � "' I <br /> � 7 °� � N � �� � <br /> a � �• 4-� •� �•; F-� v�i <br /> �J .7 ` ;� '-- �'' F..� <br /> � a � y. •u � — <br /> "''� r- .:, N � <br /> � E\� � r• t._ _ <br /> 1 '�, ;� p'� <br /> 98- �12fi42 � ,; �'� W "" -�� <br /> � �.N, � r.� <br /> N 0 <br /> AFTER R�CORDING MAIL TO: <br /> BRADLBY 9 WSN11�iDS � <br /> 4033 MANCHSSTBR RD 12431�L99 00295 <br /> 6RAND ISI�ANA, NS 68803 HALL NB � <br /> DEED OF RECONVEYAiYCE Tax Parcel PJo: <br /> Know All Men by These Presents; <br /> THAT WHEREAS, all of the indebtedness secured by the Trust Deed executed by — <br /> SRADI�SY S WI�NAI�x ' <br /> NAlICY A WSNANDB HUSBAND AND WIFB t0 <br /> C0�l�RCIAL FBDBRAL BANK, A FSDBRAL SAVINGS SANK qs Tfu=tee fof <br /> the benefit of <br /> COI�RCIAL FBDBRAL AlqRT(3AC38 CORPORATION th! <br /> beneficlary named therein, dated 10/30/96 and recorded in the office of the Repister of <br /> Deeds of �L County, State of ?�B�� , in <br /> ��K , pt oa�� , inatrument No. 9d-1086Q0 <br /> haa been {��id. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of such payment and in accordance with the requeat of the <br /> Beneficiary named therein, the underofpned as Trustee doas by these preaenta Orant, remise a�d <br /> reconvey to the peraon or persans entitled thereto all interest and estate derived to safd Trustee by <br /> or throu0h said Truat Deed in tha foliowinp described premises but only as to such premiaes: <br /> kB-RBCOPDSD T'0 CORRRCT DATS IN DOC. NO. 97-100249 JTJN. 14, 1997 <br /> LAT 9IX (6) , JBFFRSY OAKS THIRD SUSDIVISION, IN THS CITY OF <br /> (3RAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY� NSBRASKA <br /> Oated this 26th day of �ctober , �g98 , <br /> CO2�R�RCIAL FfiDBRAL BAIdK, A $BDBRAL S,Y�j���ANK <br /> ��,,�''�"^��f,��' <br /> ',��t��_.•�PO��I���. <br /> a� V ��•�•``. <br /> � * yi <br /> By � •� � <br /> AI�LA S. ANDSRSON % •ti � ; �``' <br /> \TICB PRSSIDSNT �'�, �'•�...••••'������4� <br /> STATE OF NSBR,ASKA i <br /> COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) SS ,,,I,���*�����t,,'`,, <br /> On this 26th day of october , 19 9B , before me the undersipned, a Notary Public duly <br /> comrnissioned and qualified for yald County, personally came PJ�MfiLA S_ ANDBR50N �, <br /> VICB PR85IDENT Of COM3FACIAL FSDSRAL HANK. A FSDTsRAI. SAVINGS BANK <br /> as Trustee to me known to be the identical person whose name, is subscribed to the fore0oinp <br /> instrument and ar.knowledped the execution thereqf�to be the vo}Un�jv�t and deed as such <br /> T►11lC*NR nn behalf of the said corqoration. ,�� ,�� <br /> My Commission expires: - �'�' <br /> SH6RRY a 1xs Notary Public <br /> - THIS INSTP.UMENT PREPAREO BY: ���� nTAAY•St�te uf!l�hruk� <br /> DONNA MC CIJBBIN SHERRY I•IOi�NK� 09/28/98 <br /> — 402-55 4-5 691 My Comm.Exp.Aup.27.2001 UMC <br /> � COI�II96RCIAL FBDfiItAL <br /> -- 4470 FARNAM STRfiST 2NU FLOOR <br /> -_ A'ITN: PAYOFF/RfiLfiASES CFB DOR <br /> pMAHA, Nfi 68131- <br /> s� �c,¢�2.`..�nz�-J <br />-� C - <br />:� <br />