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� <br /> +f r: �" <br /> .,�; <br /> �,� . .. <br /> ��`�. .. . ,�,;s��,. ,., �, �- <br /> _ -�� <br /> . . — . <br /> .. . , _ . <br /> ��..�__.... . - .��. <br /> .,........�.... � . — <br /> _ � .. _ <br /> -�:_. <br /> UNIYUItM CC)VI•.NAtvlS. Dorrowdr und l.endcr cnvcnfint und ugrcc us fc�llows: ___- <br /> L Nayment +�I Nrinclpul und Int�resh,Prepuyment und I.ute Chur{;es. Nurrnwcr s:�nll promptly pi�y whcn duc '-r�y. ;� <br /> thc principul of und in�crest nn thc dcUt cvidcnu.d by thc Notc and any prcpi�ymcnt +md liitc churfscs duc undcr�hc Notc. _ <br /> 2, Funds f�►r'I'uxe!+ und Inxurunce. Suhject to appliuiblc luw or to n wr�ttcn wiiivcr hy l�:nder, Durro�ver shull ___ <br /> puy to l..c:ndcr c�n thc duy monthty puymcnts urc duc undcr thc Notc, until thc Nc�ic is puid in full,+i sum ("Funds")for. ^'. <br /> (si) ycurly tuxcs nnd usscssmcnts which mny uttuin priority� ovcr this Sccurity Instrumcnt i�s ii licn un thc Property; (h) (� ��i:, <br /> yc�uty letinchold puymcntc ar grc�und rents on thc Property,if uny;(c) ycurly har.��rd or property insuruncc prcmiums; (d) � Y _ __ <br /> ycurly fl��d insuruncc prcmiums, if uny; (c) ycurly mortgugc: insuruna: prcmiums,if uny; i�nd (� +my sums puyi►Mc by � ;;�'-" <br /> I3orrowcr ta I.c:ndcr,in accordancc with thc prrnisions of pura�;ruph 8, in licu c�f ihc paymcnt of mortgfihc insurancc � <br /> premiums. These item�are called"Escro�v hems." l.ender m�y,�+t nny time,collect und hold Funds in un:�mount no� to `,,-::;= <br /> cxcccd thc muximum umount a Icndcr for a fcdcrally rclatcd martgugc loan may rcquirc for Borrowur's escrow uca�unc r"� �,�_ <br /> undcr thc fulcral Rcal Estatc Setticmcnt Proccdures Act of 197A as umcndcd from timc to timc, 12 U.S.C. § 2G01 ct �=. <br /> yy;:__ <br /> v ' seq. ("RESPA"), unlcss anothcr law that appGcs to the Funds scts a lasscr amount. If so, l...c:ndcr muy, ac uny timc, r,.Vr_ <br /> collcct and hold Funds in un amount not to cxcc;cd thc Icsscr amount. I..r.ndcr may estimatc thc amount af Punds duc _ <br /> on the basis af current data and reasonablc rstimates of cxpenditures af futurc Escrow Items or athcnvisc in accordunce __ <br /> with applicablc law. __ . `-- <br /> Thc Funds shall bc hcld in an institution whosc dcposits arc insurcd by a fcderal agcncy,instrumcntality,or cntity x,^ <br /> (including Lcndcr, if Lcndcr is such an institution)or in any Fcdcral Homc Loan Bank. Lcndcr shall apply chc Funds _^ <br /> to pay thc Escrow Items. Lcndcr may not cher�c Horrowcr for holding and applying thc Funds,annually anal} thc <br /> cscrow account,ar verifying thc Escrow Itcros, unlcss Lcndcr pays Borrowcr intcrest on thc Funds and applicablc ]aw <br /> pennits Lender to make such a charge. Howevcr, Lender may require Borrower to pay a onc-timc char�e for an _ <br /> indcpcndent rcal cstats tax rcporting scrvice used by Lcndcr in conncction with this loan, unlcss applicablc law providcs <br /> otherwise. Unlcss an agreement is madc or applic�ble law rcquires intcrest to bc paid,Lcndcr shall not be required to <br /> ' pay Borrower any interest or eamings on thc Funds. Borrower and L.ender may agree in writing,howevcr,that interest �: <br /> shall be paid on thc:Funds. L.cnder shull givc to Borrawer,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funcls,showing ' ;. _ <br /> credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit ta the Fun�s was made. The Funds ure pledged _ <br /> as additional security for all sums secured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt, - <br /> , If thc Funds hcld by Lcndcr excced the amoun�s permittcd to be hcld by applicaUle la�v,L,cnder shap account to <br /> � Borrawer for thc cxccss Funds in accordancc with thc rcquircmcnts of applicablc law. If thc amount of thc Funds hcld <br /> by Lcnder at any timc is not sufficicnt to pay thc Fscrow Itcros whcn duc,I.cnder may so notify burrowcr in writing,and, ,A� <br /> ' `�: in such casc Borrower shall pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up thc deficiency. Borrower shall make up ��� <br /> � the deficiency in no more than twclve mont h ly paymen t s, a t L c n d c r's s o 1 e d i s c r e t i o n. �,��.-. <br /> ' Upon payment in full of aU sums sccured by this Sccurity Instrument,Lender shall promptly rcfund to Borrower _ <br /> 'K any Funds held by Lendcr. If, undcr paragraph 21, Lcnder shall acquirc or scU thc Property, Lendcr, prior to thc _ <br /> = a:,yaisi:io.^. or sel� ef the Pr�perty;shull apUly any Funds hcld by L.cndcr at thc timc of acquisition or salc ns a crulit ,_�y� <br /> against the sums secured by this Sccurity I[istrument. '���:-_- <br /> � 3, Appllcadon of Payments. Unless applicable law provides othenvise, all paymcnts received by I.ender under —_ :� <br /> ' paragraphs 1 und 2 shull be applied: 6rst, to any prepayment charges due under the Note;secand, to amounts payable ��,,�.. <br /> undcr paragraph 2;third, to intcrest duc; fourth,to principal duc; and last,to any latc chargcs duc under thc Note. �, <br /> 4. Charges;I.tens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxcs, asscssmcnts,chargcs, fines and impositions auributablc to thc - <br />- , Property which may attain priority over this Sccurity Instrumcnt, und lcaschold paymcnts or ground rents, if any. �: <br /> Borrowcr shall pay thcsc obligations in thc manncr providcd in paragraph 2, or if not pAid in that manncr, Bormwcr �` <br /> , shall pay thcm on timc dircctly to thc person owcd puymcnt. Borrowcr shaU promptly furnish to Le:nder all noticcs of .,•: <br /> �• amounts to bc paid undcr this paragraph. I[Borrowcr mukcs th�.sc paymcnts dircctly,Borrowcr shall prompdy furnish � <br /> r <br /> '; to Lcndcr rcccipts cvidcncins ttic puymcnts. <br /> - ��; gorrowcr shall promptly dischargc any licn which has priority over this Suurity Instrument unlcss Borrowcr: (a) � <br /> �` agrccs in writing to thc paymcnt of thc obligution sccurcd by thc licn�n a munncr acccptablc to L.cndcr; (U)contcsts in : <br />- �'• good faith thc licn by,or defends against cnforcement of thc licn in, lcgul procccdings which in thc I.cndcr's opinion R`— <br /> � operate to prevcnt the cnforcement of thc lien;or (c)secures from the holder of thc licn an agreement satisfactory to � <br /> ; I.ender subordinating thc licn to this Security Instrument. If Lender determincs that any part af the Property is subject l�� <br /> - to a licn which may uttain priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrument,Lc;ndcr may givc Borrowcr a notia:idcntifying thc licn. __ <br />- Borrower shaU satisfy the lien or take one or mo;c of the actions sct forth above within 10 days of thc giving of notice. _ <br /> � 5. flnu►rd or Property Insurnnce. Borrower shall kccp the improvcmcnts now existing on c�rcafter crcctul on ___ <br />- �" the Property insurcd against loss by 6rc, ha7.ards includcd within thc tcrm"cxtcndcd covcragc" and any othcr ha�arcls, �,� � _ <br /> ° � including floods or Qooding,for which L.c:ndcr rcquires insurancc. This insurancc:shall bc maintainec!in ths amounts and <br /> .,��-��: <br /> for thc periods that L,cndcr rcquires. Thc insuranu;c:arricr providing thc insurancc shall bc chosen by Borrowcr subjcct ,__ <br /> to L.cndcr's approval which shall not bc unrcasonably withhcld. If Borrowcr fails to maintain covcragc dcscribcd abovc, �• k_ - ___ <br /> Lcndcr may,at Lc:ndcr's option, obtain covcragc to protcct L.cndcr's rights in thc Properry in acxordancc with paragraph 7. • �.�- <br /> All insurancc: policies and renewals shall bc acccptable to Lcndcr and shall includc u standard mortgage clausc. ,��-;.,^``1•,:'�'r• <br /> Lcndet shall have thc right to hold the policies and Tencwals. If Lcnder requires,Borrower shaU promptly�ive to L,ender :�>;,;� ;..,,. ;;.,,_: <br /> all rcccipts of paid prcmiums and rencwal noticcs. In thc cvcnt of loss, Borrowcr shall givc prnmpt notic:c tn thc; �+�'.'�'!r"sfr:• •-`-�' � <br /> insurancc carrier and L,cndcr. Lc;udcr may makc proof of loss if not madc promptly by Borrowcr. ;.•��`' <br /> Unle:ss Lender and Borrower othenvisc agrcc in ��riting, insurance procceds chall bc applicd to restoration or _ .��_,r_. <br /> repair oE thc Property damagcd,if thc restoration or rcpuir is cconomiwlly fcasiblc und Lcndcr's sccurity is not lcsscncd. . ����"�. <br /> If thc restoration or rcpair is not cc�nomically fcusiblc �r Lc.n�cr's sccurity would be lcsscncd, thc insurancc prou:cds I <br /> shall bc applicd ta thc sums sccurcd by this Sccurity Instrumcnt, whethcr or not thcn duc, with uny cxccss paid to <br /> Borrowcr. If Borrowcr abandons thc Properry,or doc:s not answcr within 30 days a noticc frorn Lcndcr that thc insurnncr. <br /> - wrricr h:�s offcrcd to scttic a daim, thcn Lc;ndcr may collcct thc insurancc procccds. Lcndcr may usc thc proa:cds to <br /> rcpair or restorc: �hc Property or to pay xums sccurcd by this Sccurity [nstrumcnt, �vhcthcr or not thcn duc. 'I'hc 30- <br /> Jay perioJ�vill bcgin whcn thc noticc � givcn. • <br /> Unlcss L.cndcr and Borrowcr othcnvisc agrcc in�vriting,uny appliaitinn of proc.ceds to principal shaU not cxtcnd <br /> ,,, nnctnnnc �hc duc datc of thc monthly paymcnts rcfcrrcd to in paragraphs I and 2 or changc thc umount oC thc <br /> ..�:.. ., <br /> _ , _.. ,._ ., . _ :.... .... _ _ --- _.—:_ <br /> __ , paymcnts. If under paragraph 21 thc Proporty is acquircd by L.cnacr, tsorro�v�r'� rigiii iu cuiy ���;u�a��;.:. f��.��,...N ...•.. <br /> .... <br /> — proecccis resulting from dxma�;c to thc Property prior to thc acquisition shall pass to Lc:ndcr to thc cxtcnt of thc sums I <br /> scc:urcd by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt immcdiutcly prior to thc acquisition. <br /> _ 6. �)ccupuncy, 1'reservntion, Mnlntenunce und Protection of ttie I'roQcrty; 13orrower's I.os►n Application; ; <br /> — I.euseholds. Borrower shall c��cupy, cstablish,and use the 13orroa•cr's principul rexidcnu;within sixry day� <br /> _ aftcr thc cxccution of this Sccurity Instrumcnt and shall c:ontinuc to aa:upy thc Properry as Bcirrowcr's principal residencc <br /> for at Icast onc ycxr aftcr thc datc of occupaimy, unlcts Lcndcr othcnvisc a�rccs in writing,which conscnt shall not hc <br /> — unrcasonably withhcld, or unlcss cxtcnuatin�; cfrc:umstanc�.s cxitl which ara hcyond Bc�rro�vcr's rontrol. Borro�vcr shall ` <br /> not dcstroy. dama�;c ur impafr thc Property,allow thc Property to dctcrioralc, or rommit wastc on thc Proper�y. i <br /> I` <br /> —; 4/98 (Pago 2 0l 6 Pogos) I <br /> : I <br /> _� � <br /> Y_ <br />