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Bykerk, huaband and wiEe <br /> ("Borrower"}.Thc crustec is Norweat Hank Nebraska, National Aasociation <br /> J <br /> ("Trustee").The bene6ciary is IJorwest Bank Nebraska, National Association ; <br /> which is organizod and existing under the laws of United States of America ,and whose <br /> addressis 3d04 Weat 13th Street, Grand island, Nebraska 68803 <br /> �"I.c�i�ci��j.$ufTui4ci OwcS Z.cli�c't i=li:�3if�.Ci�"ouiiS C� <br /> Ten Thousand and ncs/100ths------•------------______Dollar�(U.S.SZO,000.00 )• <br /> This debt is evidencod by Borrawcr's notc dated the same date as this Security Instrument("Note"),which provides for <br /> monthly payments,with the full debt, if not paid earlier,duc and payable osi November 1 5� 2003 • <br /> 'I'his Security Instrument secures to l.ender:(a)the repayment oFthe debt evidenc«l by the Note,with interest,and all renewals, <br /> extensions and malifications of the Notc; (b) the payment of all othcr sums, with interest, advanced u�xler puragraph 7 to <br /> protect the security of this Security Instrument; und (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements. For this <br /> purpose, Bonower irrevocably gcants and conveys to Tnistee,in trust, with power of salc, the following describai property <br /> located in gal], County,Nebraska: <br /> Lot 15, Fonner View Second Subdivision, C3.ty of Grand Island, Hall County, <br /> Nebrask�. <br /> which has the address of ���2 South O.range, Road, Grand Island [sc��,c��y�, <br /> Nebraska 68801 ( Prop�ny Address ); <br /> [7_ip Codc) <br /> TOGETHBR WITH all the improvements now or I�ereafter erected on the property,and all easements,apputtenances,and <br /> tixtures now or hereafter a part of the property. All repivamcnts nnd additions shall alsu be covereci by this Security <br /> Instrument. All of the foregoing is reterrod to in this Security Instrument as thc"Yroperty." <br /> AORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfully seisod of the estate hereby conveyed and has thc right to grant and <br /> convey the Property and that the Property is unencum�ered, ezecpt for encumbrances of rec:ord. Borrower warrants and will <br /> defend generally the title ro the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record, <br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMEN'I'combines uniformt covcnants for national use.ind non-uniform covcn:ints with limitexl <br /> variations by jurisdiction to constitutc a uniform sccuriry instrumcnt covcring rcal property. <br /> UNIfiORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lcndcr covenm�t and ugrce as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of ['rincipal and Interesh Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower sliall promptly pay whcn duc thc <br /> principal of and interest on tl�e debt evidencecf by thc Note and any prep�yment and late charges due uncicr the Note. <br /> 2. F�unds for Texes and InsururK'e. Subject to applicablc law or to a written waiver by L.encier, Bonnwer shall pay to <br /> �.. _�_ .�_.�_ .:� .�._*t.. ..:a..,a.0 ..��c...,,o^,r ...,�, a.,.., <br /> i,cnacr on[ne day montniy paymcnia uid uuc u��,c������...,c. �r�,.. .�,.. .,..::.Es p.....:........�s::::.., .,.:....- , ...:.�..,;�:.., ».x:° <br /> and asscssmcnts which may attain priority over this Sccuvity Instrumcnt as a licn on thc Property; (b)yearly Icaschold payments <br /> or ground rents on the Property, if•rny;(c)yearly hazard or property insurancc premiums: (d)ycnrly flood insura�ice premiums, <br /> if any; (c)yearly mortgage msurance premmms, if any; and (Q any sums payublc by Borrowcr to Lcrxler, in accordance with <br /> the provisions of'par�graph 8, in lieu of the paymcnt of mortgage insurancc premiums.These items arc callcci "Escrow Itcros." <br /> Lcndcr mxy, at rny tinu, collect an�.1 hold Funds in an amount not to cxrccci thc maximum :unount a Icndr,r for a fcdcrally <br /> rclated niortgugc loan muy requirc for Horrowcr's cscrow account ur+dcr thc fcdcral Rcal Estatc Settlemcnt Pnxcdures Act of <br /> 1974 as umcnded fram time to time, 12 U.S.G 5ection 2601 et sey. ("RESPA"), unlcss anolher law that applies to thc Funds <br /> sets a Iesser amount. If so, Lender may, at iuiy time, collect and hold Funds in an a.mount nut to execti�cl the Iesser amounl. <br /> Lcndcr may cstim�uc thc amow�t of F'unds duc i�n thc basis of current data and reasonitblc estimatcs of cxpcnditures of fuwrc <br /> Bscrow Itcros or othcrwisc in uccordancc with applicublc law. <br /> NEBqkSKA-Singlo FumilyFannle Mae/Freddl�M�c UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 302$9/90 <br /> �NI 12T97 MTQ VMP MOqTGAGE FORMS iP3129J 0100 8001521 )2Bt vaqo t oi a Am�nd�d 6191 <br /> O <br />