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� � r�.L=.�.c.r.)N:i i,.�` ' . -__ _"_'.__' " _._'�.—'-�,——____-__ __— _ <br /> .�.�a .._. . <br /> . �t'�ij- __ "__.���� _ <br /> � � (1 ti: . <br /> . m <br /> ( n tn p�p c�.� �i � �rn <br /> ' � • , � � Y1 � S� � �' �� C� <br /> .� � � c� —� �3' <br /> � m N �� , r�'� '.� r•� � <br /> � fj x � � C") � �. <br /> � , ��� ' r, <br /> ' N �� �`� y <br /> � + H �t � %1 <br /> '� 7 <br /> i �.� ` � ;`.. �� F—� � <br /> � i�.,, � f"' � ^� <br /> ! �l`/ t�.� - 1 �� <br /> ��' �� �-t.� N�. <br /> , w N -� <br /> �tipKe Ah�vr"!'hir I,Ine Fnr Recnrdinp 11w1w) �---�� �\ <br /> 9�- iixsz`� >>.� <br /> DEF.D OF TRUST N°r'^'ES a�n�c � <br /> PO Box N�68103 � <br /> �maha, <br /> _ 31�J'/�/�in ���► 1�-�i-�'� l.� — <br /> THIS DEED OF 7'RUST("Sccurity Instrument") is madc on November 20, 1998 .Thc trustor is <br /> Wayne L. Hesman and Janelle L. Heaman. hueband and wife _ <br /> ("Borrower").Thc trustce is Norvest Bank Nebraeka, National AssoalaCion <br /> ("Trustce"). The bcneficiary is Norwest Bank Nebraeka, Nati.onal Aesociation ' <br /> which is organized and existing wxler the laws of the United States of Naerica ,und whose <br /> addressis 747 N, Burlington Ave� Hastinge. Nebraeka 68901 <br /> a...:�7., n'.. I c� nf <br /> �::Lcncicr"1. &�rruwci o�tic;,,.� ,.p:ir:,.s. .�n? <br /> Thirty Thoueand and 00/100--------------------------^�— <br /> Dollars(U.S.$ 30.000.00 �� <br /> This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same date ns this Security Instrument("Note"),which provides for <br /> monthly payments,with the full debt. if not paid earlier,duc and payabic on November 20. 2008 ' <br /> This Security Instrument secures tu Lender:(a)the repayment of tlie debt evidenced by the Note, witli interest,und all renewals. <br /> cxtensions and mocfifications of the Notc; (b)thc payntent of'all other sums, with intcrest, advanccd under paragraph 7 to <br /> protect the security of this Security Instroment; and (c) the performance of Burrower's covenants and agreements. For this <br /> purpose, Borrower irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustec. in trust, with power of sale, the followi��b County NcbrPskn: <br /> located in Hall <br /> Y.ot 16� Whites Sunny SlopeB Subdivision, Hal.l County, Nebraeka <br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST SECURES AN OPEN END REVOLVING LINE OF CREDIT. SBE ATTACHED HOME <br /> EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT RIDER. <br /> which lias thc address of 210 Sunny Drive, Doniphen �Strcet.Ciiyl. <br /> Nebraska 6$832 ("Property Address"); <br /> (7.ip Coc1c� <br /> TOGETIiER W[TH all thc improvcments now on c�rcaftcr erectcd on thc property,and all casemcnts,appurtenances,and <br /> fixtures now or hereafter 1 part of the propeny. All replacements and additions shall alsc be covered by this Security <br /> Instromcnt. All of the foregoing is rcfcrral to in this Sccurity Instrunxnt;�s the"Property." <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrowcr is lawfully seiscd of fhc cstate hercby conveyed and has thc right to grant arxi <br /> convcy thc Property and that the Properry is unencumbered, except for enctunbrances of record. Borrower w:�rrants and wilt <br /> defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands,�ubject to any encumbrxnces of record. <br /> THIS SECURI7'Y INSTRUMENT combines uniform covcnants for national use and non-uniform coven:�nts with IimitCd <br /> ° variations by jurisdiction to constitutc a unifomi sccurity instrumcnt covcring rcal property. <br /> UNIFORM COVENAN'tS.Borrowcr and Lcndcr cc,vcn;:nt und agrcc as follows: <br /> 1, Payment Qf 1'rincipal and Liter�st; Preps�yment and Late Charg�. Rorrowcr shull prontpdy pay whcn Juc thc <br /> principal of and interest on thc dcbt cvidenccd by thc Nntc and any prcpayment and latc chargcs duc undcr thc Notc. �'Y <br /> 2. Funds for Taxcs and Insuranca Subjcct to xpplicablc law or to a writtcn wnivcr by l.endcr, Borrowcr shull i to <br /> e i:. c..0 ...�^i:.....1."1 F..r• !ul vrar�V L'UCCti <br /> L�nderon the day monthly paymcnts arr.dueunder ine rvou, uniii inc �:uic�,E�+��..�������, u���.., .�..�.. ,-... ,_, -- <br /> � and assessrncnts which may auain priority o��cr this 5ccurity instrumcnt as a licn on thc Property; (b)ycarly Icaschold paymcrds <br /> — or grcund rents on lhe Pro�x:rty,if any;(c) yearly hazard or pro�rty insurancc premiums; (d)ycarly flood insurance premiums, <br /> — if any;(e) yearly re�ortgage insura�tce }�rem�ums, if any; and (� any swns pay.tble hy Borrower to Lender, in accordance with <br />—�� thc provisions of parugraph S, in licu of tl�e paymcnt of mm�tgagc insurance prcmiums.'I'hese itcros arc called"Escrow Itcros." <br /> ?"i Lcnder may, at any timc, cullect iind hold Funds in an amount not to excecd thc tnaxinuim amount a Icndcr for .i fedcrully <br /> rclatcd mortgagc loan may rcquirc fvr I3orruwcr's cscrow acc�wnt undcr thc fc.dcral Rcal Gstatc Sctd�mcnt Prcxcdures A�t of <br />=i�'� 1974 as amended from tintc to tnnc. !2 U.S.C. Sectiun 2601 cr seq. ("ItESPA"l, unletis another law that �ipplies tu the Funds <br />_== scts u Iesser amowu. if so. Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an �miount ni�t to exceed the Iesser amount. <br />� -- Lendcr may estimatc thc antount t�f F�utds duc on t{�c basis of currciu data and rcationablc cstima�cs of cxpenditures of futurc <br /> "-)� Bscrow Itcros or othcrwisc in accurdancc wiih applicablc law. <br /> NEBRA5KA•Slnplo FomilyFennls Mee/Fnddl�M�c UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9190 <br /> �NI 12T97 MT� NAP MO(1TGAGE FORAIS u+a�s�a o�oo ieoo�5si��s� ro„o�o�� Amended 6/41 <br /> 0 <br />