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, � <br /> �Y ., <br /> ..->��� ., . <br /> � 201459 12/30/1997 _ <br /> � LLOYD $,MUBI+T,SR MARILYN MUSLLBR <br /> ' • UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bonowcr and Lcnder coveuant and agree�.g fallows: �� �1��85 , <br /> 1. PRymmt ot Princip�l u►d Interest. earrawer shall pronigtly pay wUcn due thG principal and interest � <br /> irKlebteduess evidcuced by the Note w�d late charges as provlded in the Note. ' w <br /> � 2. �nds for Taxes And Iruurwnce. SubJect to applicable I�w or a written waiver by L.encler, Bonower shaU pay to 3 <br /> ' L,ender on d►e day monthly payments of ptincipal and interest are payable under�he Note, until tde Nate is p�+id in full, a � ,- <br /> sum(bereia "Funds')eqwl to one•twelfth of Q�e y�arly txxes and ussessnxnts(iix:luding coi�da�ulcilum and plaruud unit T <br /> developn�ent asscssments,if any) which may attxin pdarity over this Deed of Trust.and�raund rents on the Praperty, if <br /> j any�plus o►�e-twelfth�f yexrly premium[�LSCallme��;far lu��rd one-twelfth of yexrly preu�ium installments , <br /> I for martguge insurance, if any, all as reASOnably esdnwted initlally and from ttme to dme bY L.ender on tbe bASis of ._ <br /> assessn�ents ai�d bills And reasonablc estin�tea tl�ereof. Burrowcr shall not be obli�nted tn make such payments of Fuads <br /> to Ltader to the extent that Bonower m�lces sucb paymenG�ta ttie holder of a pdar cnortBAge or deed af tn�t if n-uch halder , „ <br /> is an insdtudonul lendcr. ' ' <br /> If Honawer pays Funds to Lxnder, the Funds shall be held in aa tnsdtution the deposics or accounrs of whic4 are <br /> iasured or guaranteed by a Federal or scate agency (including Lender if Lender is such an intidtucloa). Lender shall apply ; + <br /> the Funds to pay said taxes,assessments, Insurance premiums and Srouad rents.Lender mmny nae charge for so holding and ,, , f.�F.' ., <br /> Applying the Funds, analyztn8 said accaunt or vedfying und wuipiliag said assessmen�s and bUls. unless Lender pays J.�F.�7+. <br /> ' Bonower interest on the Funds and applicable law pernaits Lender to make such�chtuge.Boaawer aad Lender a�ay agree _,t�,i�,,•,�,` <br /> ,n.v�mr.=-- <br /> in wridng At the time of eaecudou of tbis Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds sha11 be paid to Bonower. nnd wiless ��,,�--.Y-.----� <br /> such agreement is made or applicable law requlres such 3nterese to be paid,L.ender shall not be required to pay Honower <br /> any Interest or eurnings ou tbe Funds. Lender shall give to Boaower,wlthout chArge, un annwil uccoundng of the Funds �__� __ <br /> showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to tbe Funds was made. The Funds are ,_ <br /> , pledged as addltlonal security for the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. .. <br /> If the amount of the Funds held by I.eader, togethet wit6 the funue monthly installtnents of Funds payable prior to <br /> the due dates of taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents,shall exceed the amount required w pay ssuid <br /> taxes, assessmen[s. insurwce premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excess s6a11 be, at Boaower's opdaa. _ <br /> ! elther prompdy repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower on montlily installments of Fuuds. If the amount of the Fwfds . <br /> �I held by Lender shall nat be sufficient to pay taxes,assessments, in�urance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. ._ <br /> Boaower shall pay ro I.eader any amounc necessary to malc�up the deficiency tn one or more payments as Lender mr+Y <br /> �°'.•.f require. �. _ <br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Deed of Trust,i,ender shall prompdy refund co Borrower any Funds <br /> held by Ixnder.If under paragraph 17 hereof the Propeny is sald or the Propeny is otherwise acQuired by I.ender, Leacler ,�,� <br /> t y,, shall apply. uo later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisitlon by Lender, any Ftwds held by ` . `-�: <br /> - Lender at the time of spglicstion as e cre�ic aoaiacc�he sums secured by this Deed of Trust. •=?: __ <br /> r 3. AppBcatlon of Fnyments. Unless applicable la�v provides othenvise.�Il paymentc received by 1.eader under the ,. � •�.• <br /> Nate and FarAgrapl�s 1 and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first ia payment of amounts paYable to I.ender by Borrower �i, <br /> � under paragr�ph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on the Nate,and then to the principzl of the Note. r; � . <br /> 4. Prtor Mort�aEes and Deed9 of Tnist; Char�es; Ueng. Bonower shall perform all of Boxrower's obligadons �,,�, <br /> under any mortgage, deed of uust or other securiry agreemeat with a lieu wLich has priority over this Deed of Trust. ��;.� '. <br /> � including Borrower's covenants to make payments when due. Borrower shAll pay or cause to be patd all uues.assessments ���: � •? <br /> j and other chuges. fines and imposldons ataibutable to the Property wlilch may attain a pdority over this Deed of Trust, � �.. ., <br /> � <br /> f and leasehold paymeats or ground revts,if any. �;, � <br /> � 5. H�rd In9w�ance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now exisdng or hereafter erected on the Property 4�--,.— <br /> �� insured against loss by fire. hazards inaluded wltliln che term'excended coverage".and such other haranls as Lender m�Y .; _ <br /> �� reyuire and in such amouats and for such periods as Lender may require. •. <br /> �� 'I'he insurance carrier providing the insurance sLall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender;provided. �'�� _ <br /> that such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All iasurauce policies and renewels thereof shall be in a form �A�,�T. <br /> . ,� acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and in a form acceptable to Lender. Lender �.;ry,� <br /> shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof,subject ro the cem�s of any mortgage,derd of uust or other �?��,�, <br /> �"��t't:�``-- <br /> security agreement with a lien which has priority over this Deed of Trust. • �a.._ <br /> ` ` In t�e event of loss,Boaower shall give prompt nodce to the insurauce carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof �._.:�": <br /> , ,�,�„__ <br /> � :.{.e_r�.i.._.. <br /> of loss if not made prompdy by Borrower. ,;_ <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bonower, or iff Borrower fails to respond co Ixnder within 30 days from the date . ::.,�^-M,.:�_��= <br /> •.V5'. _, <br /> notice is mailed by Lender to Bonower that the insurance cnrrier offers to settle a claim for insurance benefits, Lender is :�,f., ,.;; ^�.. <br /> authorized to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's opdon either to restoradon or repair of the Prope�ty or �c►,. <br /> to the sums secured by this Deed af Trust. <br /> 6. Preservation and Malntenance of Property; Lcasehvlds; CondomWwns; P1em►ed Unit Developments. <br /> Borcower shall keep the Propeny in good repair aad st�all nut commit wasce or permit impairment or deterioration of the <br /> t Property and shall comply with the provisions af any lease if t6is Deed of Trust is on a leasehold. If this Deed of Tn►st is <br /> on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Borcower shall perForm all of Bonower's obligadans undor the <br /> declaration or covenants creadng or governing the condonrinium or plarmed unit development,the by-laws and regulations <br /> of th�condonunium or planned unit development,and constituent dauments. <br /> 1 7. Protectton of lender's Secnrity. If Borrower fails ro gerform the covenants and agreements contained in this i <br /> Deed of Trust,or if any action or proceeding is commenced which materially affects I.ender's interest in the Property.then ; <br /> Leuder, at Lender's option, upon notice to Borrower, n�ay u�alce such appearances, disburse such sums, including � <br /> reasonable attorneys' fees, and talce such action as is necessary to procec[ Lender's interest. If Lender required mortgage , <br /> insurance as a condidon of making the loan secured by this Deed of Tnut. Borrower sha11 pay the premiums required to � <br /> _.e� _.._�. .: .. .w.. ..�nr fnr curh ineutance terminates in aecordance with � <br /> maintaiu sucn insurxncc in dic�c u«<,� �u�., ..u,c :� u... .�.,.»._..---. --- ---- � <br /> Bonower's and Lender's written agreement or applicable law. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to chis paragraph 7, with interest thereon, at the Note rate, shall become � <br /> additional indebceciness of Borrower secured by this Deed c�f Trust. Unless Bunower and Lender agree to other terms of i <br /> payment, such amounts sh�ll be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. Nothing <br /> contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Leuder to incur any expen�e or tal:e a�ry action hereunder. � <br /> S. InspecNon. Ixnder may make or cause ro be made reasunable envies up�m and inspecdons af the Propeny, � <br /> provided that Lxnder shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifyiug reasonable cause therefor related to , <br /> Lxnder's interest iu the PropeRy, � <br /> � <br /> Nchr.+ska 26876•3 7/97 Original(Recorded) Copy(Brnnch) Copy(Customer) Pngc z ots <br /> —_1 _ ___ _ _.-- _ <br /> _ _ -- <br />