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<br /> � 17. 7'ru��sfcr uf thc Yro�xrty nr a Hencilciul Intcrctit In l3nrrowcr. 1f:dl ur any purt u(thc Property ur nny intcrc,i in it :r•c,,'
<br /> ••�. iti yold nr Uantifcrrcd(or if a henetic�al intcrost in Borrowcr is,cild ur tran�frrred.md Burruwrr iti not n n.uural per�nnl wiihc,ut ,;i
<br /> l.cndcr's prior writt�;n consent. L�:ndcr m.ry, at its optian, rcquirr immcdiutc paymcnt in full uf all +ums sccured by this -
<br /> , ;;,� Security in,irumen�. iiuwcvc�,tliiti optinn st�all m,t hr exerci�ed hy I.�nder if oxcrci+c i+pruhibitea hy feder:il law.i�af'the date � .-
<br /> , +: • uf thi+Security Intitrumcnt.
<br /> _,�y,rr�+�!' If Lcndcr cxcrciscs this option, l.cndcr shull givc Bnrrowcr noticc c�f ucccicratiun. Thc noticc tihall proviJc u perioJ of not
<br /> ,�„w.�.•��. Iess than 30 days frum the dute the notice is delivered c�r nuiiled within which Einrrower must pay �dl �ums sccured by this =-
<br /> ' "� Sccuriry [nstrumcnt. If Burrower fuils to puy these sums prior ro the expiration �f this periad. I..cndcr muy inv�ik��uny rcmcciies
<br /> permiUed by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> t � 18. Borrower'ti Ri�ht to Reinstate. If Borrower mects certain conditions, Borruwer shall huve the right to have
<br /> � enfc�rcement of Qiis Security Instrument discontinued nt any time prior to the carlier c�f: (u) 5 days (ur tiuch other periad us —
<br /> u• applicable law muy tipecify for reinstatement) before sale of che Property purcuant to any pow�r of +ule cantainul in this
<br /> , � Security Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Thoxe conditions are thut 8orr��wer: (a)pays
<br /> � [,ender all sums which thcn would be due under this Securiry Instrument and the Nc�te us if no accelerution hud occurred: (b)
<br /> cures any default of uny other covcnants or agrecments; (c) pay+ all cxpenses incurrcd in enforcins this 5ecurity Instrument,
<br /> including,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys' fees: and (d)takes such action ay LA:nder may reasonably rcquire to ussure
<br /> �; thut thc licn of this Security(nstrwnent, Lcnder's rights in the Property und Borrowcr's i�bligation to pay thc sums secured by
<br /> this Securiry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstacement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the
<br />. obligations sccurcd hereby sh�U rcmain fully effective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstatc shall _
<br /> �, not upply in thc case nf acccicration undcr paragraph l7.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chan�e of I.oan Servicer. The Notc or a partiul interest in the Note (together �vith this Security
<br /> Instrutnenq may bc sold onc or morc times withaut prior notice to Borrowcr. A salc may result in a chungc in the entity Iknown
<br /> •ny�t as the"I.c�an Servicer")that a�llects ntonthly paytncnts due under the Note and this Sccuriry Instrumcnt. Therc also muy be �ne
<br /> or more changes of thc Loan Servicer unrelatcd to a sale of thc N��tc. If thcrc is a change nf the Loun Servicer,Borrower will bc
<br /> given wri[�en notice of the change in accordance with paragraph l4 uhove anJ upplicable law.The notice will titate the name und
<br /> uddress of the new Loan Serviccr xnd the address to which paymentti should be maJa The notice will ulso contain uny other
<br /> informati�m requircd by applicablc law.
<br /> 20. Hai.ardous Substunces. Borrowcr tihall not cause or permit thc prescnrc, usc, disposul, storagc, or release of any
<br /> Hur�rdous Substanccs nn or in the Propcny. Borrower shall not do, nor ullow anyone clse to du, unything affectin� the �
<br /> � Property that iti in violution of any Environmental Law. The prcceding two sentences shull not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> __ _ _ _ __ storaF� �n thc Property of small quantitics of Hazardous Substanccti that arc gcncrully recognizcd to bc uppropriatc to normal
<br /> � ' residcntial uses and to maimcnunce oi ine PcupC�ty.
<br /> ' Borrowcr shall promptly givc C.endcr written notice of any investigation.claicn, demund, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govcrnmental or regulatory ugency or priv:►te purty involving the Property and any Har.ardous Substance or EnvironmeNal Law
<br /> ' of which Hc�rrowcr has actual knowleclgc. If Borrowcr Icarns, ar is notificd by any govcrnmcntal or rcgulatory authoriry, that
<br />. � any rcmoval or uther remcdiation of uny Hazardous Substance atf�ecting thc Property i�necessary, Borro���er shall pmmptly takc �_
<br /> all nccessary rentedial uctions in acrordance with Environmentsl Law.
<br />� As used in this parugraph 20, "Ha•rardous 3ubstances" are those substunces deflnec! us toxic or h:uardous substances by
<br /> Environmental Law and the Il1IIJWlIIa substance+: gasoline. kerc�sene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> , pesticidcs and herbicidcs, volatile sulvcnts, materials containing usbesto�or ti�rmaldehydc.und radiaactive materials. As used in
<br /> r. . this puragruph 20, "Envirunmental Law" mcans t'edcral laws and law, uf thc jurisdiction wherc the Property iz locatcd dtat
<br /> ' relate to hculth,safety or cnvirunmental protcrtion.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. E3orrowcr and Lcndcr furthcr covcnant and agrcc us follows:
<br /> • '. _.,�� Z 1.Accelerallon;Remedic�. I.ender shall�ive nottce to Borrower prior tc� ucrrlerutton followin�Borrower's breach
<br /> nf any covenant or ugrcYment In this Securlt}• Instrument (but not prior to accclerut[on under parugruph 11 unle.gs
<br />- � upplicable lew provides uther�ti•ise).The notice sht�ll speclfy: (n) the detuult; (b) the uctlon required tu cure the deFault;
<br /> ' (c)n date, not 1�.5s thun 30 duys from the dute the nc►tice is�iven to Borro���cr, bv «•hich the defuult must be cured; nnd
<br /> (d) thut f�ilure to cure the defuult on or before the date specified 6i the notice muy result in accelerutim� of the sums
<br /> secured hy th[s Security Instrument and sale�if the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower uf the rl�ht to
<br /> reinstate ufter accelerNtion tuid thc ri};ht to brinF u court action tu ussert the non-existence of a default or nny other
<br /> defense of Borrower to acceleration und s►�Ie. If the default is not cured on or before the dutr specified in thc not[ce,
<br /> Lender,ut its option, �na}• rcyuire Inxmediate paymcnt iu full of ull sums sccured by this Security Tnxtrument without
<br /> ' further demund and may hivoke thc power of salc and uny other remcdies permitted by� applicuble la�ti•. Lender shall be
<br /> entitled ro collc�ct all expenses incurred in pursufn�the remedies provided in this nurt►�ruph 21,including, but nat limlted
<br /> * . to,reusonuble at4ornevs'feeti und costs of title evidence.
<br /> If the m����er of sule is invokcd, Trustce shull rccord a notice of defnult in wch county in which any purt of the
<br /> - � Yropert}• is located and shiill mail copies of such notice in the mamier prescribed by appl[cAble la�r•to Borr�nver 3nd to
<br /> - � � the other pernons prescribed b�•upplicuNlc luw.After the timc reyuired by app�icable luw,Trustee shall give publlc nutice
<br /> of'sale to the pertions und in the manner prescribed by upplicai�le la�v. 'I'rustee, without demund on liorrower.shull scll
<br /> the Prupertv ut publfc uucti��n to the hi}�hest bidder i►t the time i�nd place und under the terms desi};nated in the nutice of _
<br /> ' sale in one or more purcels und in mi�' order Trustee dMerminrs. 1'rustee mtiy pnstpone tiale of ull or uny parcel c�f the `
<br /> P�•opert}• hy public announcemm�t ut thc timc und placc of iim• previously scheduled sule. Lcnder or its designc� muy �,
<br /> = purchusc tlic Proprrt�•��t uny si+lc.
<br /> Form 3028 9/90
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