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If ali ur uny purt uf thc Pro�crty ur uny intcrest in it � , <br /> � is �nld ur trunsfcrrcd(ar if a hcneticuil intcrest in Hurrowcr is tiold or transt'erred nnd Bnrruwrr is nut a nuturul �xr+un)withi�ui _..��:^ <br /> I.rnJcr'. priur wriucn ran.rnt, lAn�lcr may, iu it, optiim, rcyuirc immcdiatc p:rymcnt in full uf all .um+ �ccurcJ hy this : ,,...�, <br /> . .a SeCUrity Instl'umenL Ht�wCVCI'.thiti�,p[ion shall nui bc cx�r�i+�d hy I.c:nJer if cxrnisc i,rr„hihitrd hy I'edrral law uti uf Uu dute �u:(�:y- <br /> � ��` of chis Scrurity Instrumcnt. �=— <br /> ..,r+"'` �..._...,� <br /> ,,, If I.cndcr excrciscs thiti uption. l.cndcr shull givc B�rrowcr notice of ucccicr.nion.Th�nuticc�hall prc�vidc a periud u nut <br /> �' less dtian 30 days from the dute the noticc is dclivered ur mailed within whirh sc�rrow�r mu,t pay all sums ticcured hy this �,''•`— <br /> 5;.�p+'� <br /> Sccuriry Instrument. If Borrowcr fuils to pay thesc sums prior to the r,xpirution c�f tViiti periixl. I.crder may invake xny rcmcdics <br /> pennittcd by this Security Instrument without furthcr nntirc ar dcmanJ on Rorrowcr. <br /> IR. Borrawer's Right to Relnstate. If Sorro�vcr meets ccrtain conditions, Borrowcr sha►11 huvc thc right t�� havc <br /> enforcement eif this,Security lnstrument discontinued ut uny time prior�toytP earlier of: l�y�duY� (��r such other period a� � <br /> • applicable Inw may specify for reintitatenunt) before sale of the Prc� rt ursuunt to un �wer of �ale rontuined in this <br /> � ' Security Instrument:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Intitrument.Those conditions are thut Borrower: (u)pays � <br /> `' Lender all sums which then would be due under this Securiry Instrument and the Note us if no acceleration had orcurred: (bl <br /> � cures uny default of any other covenants or agrcements; (c) pays aU expenses incurred in enfc�rcing thiti Security Instrument, <br /> �, including, but not limited tu. reasonable�ttorneys' fces; und (d) takes such action ati l.cnder may reasonably require to assure <br /> ,� that thc lien of this Security Instrument, L.ender's rights io thc Prnperty and 9orrowcr's obligation to pay thc sums sccurcd by <br /> this Security Instniment sUull continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secunty Instrument und the <br /> obligations securect hereby shaU remuin fully cffective as i(no accelerution hud uccurred. Ilnwevcr, thiti right to reinstate shall �___ <br /> '�, not apply in thc casc of accelcration undcr paragruph 17. _ <br /> 19. Suie of Nute; Change of Loan Scrvlcer. The Notc or u partial intcrest in the Notc (togethcr with this Securiry – <br /> Instrument)muy be suld onc cir morc times withoui prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the cntity(known _____ <br /> ��. as the "Loan Scrvicer")that collects monthly puyments due under the Note and this Secunry Instrument.There ulso may be one <br /> or ntare changcs of the Li�an Scrviccr unrclatcd tu,�sale of thc Notc. If there is u chungc of thc J�an Servicer, Borrower will bc <br /> given written notice of the change in accordancc�vith paragraph 14 above smJ applicable law. The notice will stute the name and <br /> address of the new Loan Scrvicer and the uJdretis tn which puyments should be made. The notice will alsi� contain any other <br /> information rcquireci by applicablc law. <br /> 20. Hnzardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any <br /> H.vardous Substancrs c�n or in thc Property. Borrowcr shall not do, nor allo�v anyonc clsc to do, unything affecting thc <br /> � !'ruperry•that is in violation uf any Environmcntal Law. The prereding twa sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or _ <br /> _ ___ _ __,,_�. ��a„�b�t2„ �hn pr„�rrty�if cntull ouantitieti of Hur.ardoUti Substance� that are generally recogni-r.ed to be appropriate to normal <br /> residential uses und co maintenunce c�f the Properry. <br /> Borruwer shall promptly givc Lcndcr writtcn notice of any investigation, cluim, demand, lawsuit or othcr uction by any <br />" �- governmental or regulatory agency or privute party involving th�Properry and any Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmentul Law <br /> uf which Borrower has uctual knowledge. If Borrower Icams, or is notified by any governmcntal or regulatory authority, that — <br /> + any removal or othcr remediation of uny Huzurdous Substunce affecting the Property is necessary. Borruwer tihall prompdy take <br /> all ncccssary rcmcdial uctions in accordancc with Environmentul Law. <br /> �� As u+ed in this paragraph 20, "Hu•rnrdous Substances" arc those cubstances defined us toxic or ha-r.ardous substances by <br /> - Envirnnmentul Law and the following substanres: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petraleum products, toxic <br /> " pcsticides attd herbicides,volatile solvents,muterials contuining asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials. As used in <br /> � this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means federal lawti and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that <br />� rclatc to hcalth, safety or environmental protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and Lendcr furthcr covcnant and agrcc as folbws: <br /> � 21. Accelerntirm;Itemedicy. Lender shull give noNce to Borro�ver prlar to acceleratlor,following Borrmver's breach <br /> nf anv covenunt c�r u�reement in this Scvturity Instrument (but not prior to neceleration under pnragraph 17 unless <br /> l uppllcable luw provides otherwise).The uotice shell tipecify: (a) the default; (b)the actlon required to cure the default; ! <br /> � � (c) u date, not less than 30 days from the dnte the notfce is�iven to Borrower, by which the defuult must be cured; and <br /> (d) that fnilure to cure thc default on or beforr the date specificd [n the notice mav result in acceleratio�i of the sums <br /> ' secured hy this Security� Instrument und sule of the Property. The notice shall further inform Bormwer of the right to <br /> • reBistute after uccelerution i�nd the ri�;ht to brin};u court uctfon to ussert the nou-exfstence of a default or any other <br /> " defense of Borrower to acceleration und sule. If'the default is not cured on or before the date specified iu the notice, <br /> I.endcr, ut its nption, muy� reyuirc Immcdiute payment in Yull of ull sums secured by this Security Instrument«•khuut -- <br /> , - �, fwKher dcmand and may lnvoke the po�scr of sale and any other re�nedies permltted by upplicuble law. Lender shall be <br /> entided to cn11eM ull expenses incurred[n pursuin�;the remedles provided tn this puru�ruph 21, including,but not timited <br /> to,rcasonuble uttorne��s'fc��und costs of tidc evidence. ___ <br /> • '� If the Ex���'er of sale is invoked, 'Trustee tihall record s� notice of defnult in euch county in �ti•hich any part of the � <br /> � ' Propert�• is located und tihall muil copies of such iwtice in the miinner pr�scribed by upplteuble la�ti to Burrower und tu � <br /> ' the uther persons prescribed bv npplicable la���. After the time rcyulred by applicnble law,Tra�t��shnll give public notice — <br /> � of sule to thc perxons und in the nu�nncr pr�.ticribed hy upplirublc lu���.Trustee, without dems�nd on Iiorrmver, shall seU __� <br /> the Pr�►pert,r•nt publ[c uuction to Um hi�hest biddcr ut the time und place und under the terms designstted in the notice oF ��._ <br /> '' �. sale in one or murc parcels und in nny ordcr Trustec dctermincs.Trustee may potitpone sk►Ic of ull or anv purcel of the .��_ <br /> � Propert}• b�• publlc unm►uiuement at thc time and plucc uf any previousl�• scheduled salc. Lender or its desi�nce mnv =.;�;v i� <br /> ':-- <br /> purchuse the Prnpertp i�t iiny�sulr. `;�`=' <br /> a <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> � v.nn�s o�G .. <br /> . . .... _ '� �-.:_ <br /> l _ . _ - : ..::.: <br /> , <br /> � � _ __ ____� <br /> - _ _ _ _- - <br />