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. _ <br /> •«.a ;�: arre�r�,a�w., _ - — - __-- - . . .. -�------ --- y-'......,_�_... <br /> r �.• .., ., _ . <br /> _ :.i:.:.'-'-- = <br /> _ . _ 9g� '�ii2621. <br /> 1�. 'fhi�Deed of T�ust xpplia 10 a�nd inures W ihe bernetit of and binds all parties horeto, their heirs, personal repreaentativa, <br /> �n���gn�, 'fhe urm"Benof ciary"cluli mea�►the owr�er and holder of the nott,whether or not narned as Beneficiary <br /> herein. <br /> 17. Without �ftocUng the lfabiliry of atry other pcnon liable for the payment of any obligation herein mentioned,and without <br /> atfacting the lien or chatge of this Deed of Trust upon any poRion of the property not then ar theretofore roleasod as socurity for the <br /> full payment of�Il unpaid obligat:ons,the &neticiary may.fmm time ta timt�d otlxr�indult'nas)(d)cnlease or reconvry�attlhe <br /> (b)axtrnd the nu�turity or alter any of tbe uema of aury such obligadon; (e)B�an 8 <br /> Heneficiary's option any paral,porlion or aU of the property; (e)take ar release any other or additional socurity for any obligation <br /> herein m�sntioned;or(n make oomposidons or other anangements with deoton in cclation thereto. <br /> !a. This Dad of Tnut shall be govemed by th�1aw�of the State of Nebraska and,in the tvent any o��e or mon of the prwisions <br /> cuptained herein, or tbe note or any other sa�urity insuument given in connoction with this transactioa shall be for any reason held <br /> to be invnlid, illegal or unenforceable, in any respat, such imalidity, iUegality or unenforceability shall not a�ect any dher <br /> �rravisions of thls Daod of Tnut,but tbe Dood of Tnut shall be construod as if such invalid,illegal or unentoroeable provision had <br /> never been contained herein or thercin. <br /> 19. Any fotbearaoc.e bY the �ntficia�Y or Tcusta in exercising atry right or renKdy herewder, or othenvise aff'arded bY <br /> applipble Lw,st�sill noc be a wan'a of or proclude t!n exercia�e af aay such right or�emedy I�era�nder. Like�vlse,►he watr'e�'by the <br /> Heneficiary or Tnulx of any default ot the Trustors undcr this Deed af Tnut shall not bc damed to be a wai�ver of a�ry other or <br /> simi4ar default subsequentlY occumn8• <br /> 20. Upon ttie writton rcqtust o!the Beneficiary stating that all sums secured hecebY liave bxn paid,and upon surrender of this <br /> Deed of Tnut and the iwte to the Trusta for cancellation and nte�tion and upon payment by Tn�stors of Tnrstx's foes,Teucta stu11 <br /> roconvry to Ttuciarc, ar t!u per�on or pereoru kgally eatitlod thereto, without wam�nty, anY poAion uf lt►e Property then held <br /> herewrdec. RecitaU in�uch rocanvtyanoe of mny ma�ers M i�Is�entit ed therelu Me proof of the inithtuineu ttKroof. Grantoa in <br /> tha rocomeyw�oe m�'be daenbed ns ihe "Peno Paw 6�Y <br /> 1N W!'TNESS WHEREOF,Trustors have exxuted this Deed of Trust on the date first noted above. <br /> CLIFFORA L.JEWELL <br /> � v � <br /> _ , <br /> STATE�OF NEBRASKA) S SAN K.J�WELL <br /> )SS <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � <br /> The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on December 11, 1995, by CLIFFORD L. <br /> JEWELI.and SUSAN K. JEWELL, haaband�ad wife. <br /> ���i N�Irstkl <br /> ��,,,�,�„� NOTARY PUBLIG <br />:. <br /> - <br /> w9 <br /> '1 __ _ _ <br />