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DEED UF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCE5 � <br /> � 1995 by and among CLIFFORD L.�`1 ' <br /> o This DEED OF TRUST is made this llth day of Daember, , � <br /> `� JEWELL and SUSAN K. JEWELL, husbxnd and wife,hereinafter referred to as "Tru�tors," whether one <br /> �`' or more, whose mailing address is Po�t Omce Box 273, Cairo, Nebraska 68824;THE STATE BANK OF <br /> � CAIRO, A NcbrA�lcs� Banking CorporAtion, hereinafter referred to as "Trustee," whose mailing address is <br /> Boi 428, Cairo,Nebrxslw 68824;and THE STATE BANK OF CAIRO, a NebrASks�Banking Corpor�tion, <br /> hereinafter referred to as"Benefici�ry," whose mailing address is Bo:428, Cairo,NebrA�iu 68824. <br /> For valuable consideration,Trustors irrevocably grant, transfer, convey and assign ta Trustee, in trust, <br /> with power of sale, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary,under and subject to the terms and conditions of <br /> this Deed of Trust, the following described real property located in HALL County,Nebraska: <br /> Lot Thirteen(13), in Hlock Ten(10)in the Original Town of Cairo,Hall County,Nebraska; <br /> together with all buildings, improvements,fixtures, �trats,alleys, passageways,easemcnts,rights, privileges nnd <br /> appuric►-wn�s�or»te�t4�"��nn,and all personal property that may be or hereafter become an integral part of such <br /> buitdings and improvements, all crops raised thereon, and all water rights, aii of which, inciuuix�g �e�l:►cc;,mcz.ts <br /> and additian�thereto, are hereby declared to be a part of the real estate conveye@ in trust hereby,it being agrecd <br /> that all of the foregoing shall be hereinafter referred to as the "PropertY•" <br /> FOR THE PiJRPOSE OF SECURING: <br /> �. Payment of indebtedness evidenced b,y Trustors' note of even Adnat�e�hy���l renewals, modifi ations <br /> S19,300.00, together with interest at the rate or rates provided therein, <br /> and oxtensions of such note, both principal and interest on the note being p�aaa�l yl�d all fut e advanceseand <br /> set forth therein, which by this reference is hereby made a part hereof; <br /> readvances to Trustors hereunder pursuant to one ore more promissory notes or credit agreements(hersin called <br /> "Note"); <br /> b. the payme�nt of other sums advanced by Beneficiary to protect the security of the Note; <br /> c. the performance of all covenants and agreements of Trustor set fvrth herein;and <br /> d, all present and future indebtedness and obligations of Trustors to Beneficiary whether direct, indirect, <br /> absolute or contin�ent and whethec arising by note, guaranty,overdraft or otherwise; <br /> TO PItOTECT THE SECURI"TY OF THIS DEED U�TRllST,TRUSTORS HEREBY CQVENANT AND AGREE: <br /> 1. To pay when duc, thc principal of,and thc intcccst on,tlx indcbtcdness cvidenced by thc no�e, charges, foes and all othcr <br /> sums as provided in the loan instNments. <br /> 2. Trustors arc thc owncrs of thc properiy and liavc thc right and authoriry to cxccutc this Deed of Trust in respect to t c <br /> property. �al asscssmcnts and all otlicr charges against thc property, bcforc thc samc bccomc <br /> 3. To pay, �vhcn duc, all taxcs, spcc� <br />-] dclinqucnt. Tn�stor�s s�h�Y��W t��t����d to any�aw t'hat LmaY l�e'e�ctcd mP°s�°g p Ym�nt of thecwhole or anyttpan t1►ereof <br /> _ Tiust or the deM <br /> upon thc Bcncficiary. <br /> 4. To keep tl�c improvemcnts now or hereafter located on the propecty insurod against damaBe bY fire and such other t►a•ra as <br /> — the Hencficiary may amounts an d com p a n i e s a r.c e p t a b i e t o t h e Benefccia ry,Such insurance policy shall contain a standard <br />-- mun¢a¢c clause in favnr of F3encficiary. Trustor siu�ll promptlr•repair, maintain and replace thc property or any pan therco f, so <br />-� _�_u_...•d��.rinr�fn <br />- tliat,cxccpt for ordinary��'car and tcar,[[tc propc�iy a��.+��••���-'-"--'--' <br /> S. In ti►c evcnt thc properly,or any part thcrcof, shall bc takcn by cminent domain, thc Bcneficiary is cntiticd to collcct and <br /> receive all compe�is.'+tion wluch may be paid for any propeny takcn or for damages to property not taken, and the Beneficiary sl�all <br />_ apply such compensauou.:►t its option,either ro a reduction of the indebtedness secured hereb}�,or to repair and restore the property <br /> sn takcn. <br /> 6. The Beneficiary may, b�t shall havc no obligation to, do any act ���hich 'Trustors tia��c agrecd but f�ileci to do, and the = <br /> Beneficia►}'may also do any act it dee►ns necessary to protat tlk licn hereof. Ttustots agr�to repay.upon domand, any sums so <br /> cxpcndcd by thc Bencficiary for thc�� hcpBe►�icficiar.}�Sl allsno�i�u���ded��il ty bccausc oftany�tiui gt�it,may do or o�m tbt ado _ <br />" becomc securcd b�� the licn hsi�cof. <br /> i t�crcundcr. <br /> 1. 9. Thc Bcncficiary shall ha��c the nght,po�vcr and authorit}•during tlic:continuance of dus Dccd of Trust ro wllect t�c rents, <br /> � issucs hnd profits of thc propem� and of an}� personal property located tlicrcon�vith or�vitl�out taking posscssion of thc properiy <br /> l _ _ _ <br />