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y ' .. .. — - '..__. . <br /> -------._._.,..�,. _-=_=— <br /> ��.a _ __ _.�L. _.lJ� - -_---__-— _—___—___.._" <br /> TAN kw�rumN�l w��d�Mwd W n' � A <br /> Yd fp1NMW DY; � ril C/1 � <br /> � S � "� CL� C', (n <br /> MoAra^aE � x Q `; �; � �*, <br /> 7 �a I'n �{ rn � � <br /> 1 7 -ti r� C'� <br /> 1 !lrIW.6WM 60C 1� <br /> llpp�Wq�lOn,hMl 6617�•Z6'k � �� f� �� -•t 4i <br /> ' .\. M� �� .. � G1 <br /> � i \�i;;) � i- !� � � <br /> �, :J � �:, �, � <br /> ; �� w �"� �;,, � <br /> � N � � <br /> "' o <br /> . �8�` 11iZ619 � subsdtution Of Trustee <br /> Wheraaa,a ce�taln Deed Of Ttust wes execuled on Nov�mb�r 26,1996,whereln�rlan C Ex�trum And �.__ <br /> Amy� Exstn�m�Husband And Wite thereln called Trustor,Old Republic N�tlon�l Title Insurance � <br /> Company thereln called Trustee,Norwa=t Mortgage,Inc., therein called Beneflciary,whlcl-�seid Deed of <br /> Trust was recorded on Nov�mber 26. 1886,Document 88-109238,(Book ,Pege ),of offlcial county <br /> recada,Hall County,Nebraska,and Whereaa, the Beneflalary has elected to,and does hereby elect to <br /> subaqtute:NoMrast B�nk N�br�sk��N.A. to serve as Trustee ior in the plece and stead ot.original Old <br /> R�public N�ttain�l TIH�Insuranc�Comp�ny.Trustee named In said Qeed of Trust;The sald Norwaf <br /> Bank N�b��k�,N.A.Is hereby authorized to end shall succeed to all powers,dutlea,authoriry and title of <br /> the Tn.�stee named In tha said Deed of Trust;as thauah o►iginelly n�med thoreln as truatee. Uld R�public <br /> Natlonal Tltt�In�urance Company hae k�een notifled thet aaid SubatituNon oi 7►uatee Is being executed. <br /> Lot ::u�nber On• �nd Fraetion�! Lot Nun�b�r Tyo in 81ocic "un�f�er On� HunJr�d �nd <br /> Yw�nty-Fou� (l2�) o[ Ko�nls x Mleb�' s Additlon to the Clt�• of Gr�nd [al�nd. <br /> Hall County, V�bra�k�; alao o P��� or �oe .r��b�r 5lxtean of tha County <br /> Sub-dtvl�ion o[ th� South���t quarte� (SEI/3) of eh� Southwsst Quart+r <br /> (SWl/�) ol' Stetlon tfuwb�r SiYtten in ToMn�hlp Nu�b�r El�v�n, vorth of RanRa <br /> Vin� W�it. d�sert6�d a� follo�t: Cow�r�ncin� at the Vl�sl��ly •nd• oC th• <br /> north�rly !In• of ��ld Fr�otion�l Lo t Two In llock On• Hundr�d Twenty-Four <br /> (1:1) of lCo�nf� 3� Mt�b�'s addltivn to Gr�nd I�I�nd. runnin� tl��nc• M�st�rly <br /> on � str�i�ht Iln�, Mhleh l� a prolon��tlon (rlthout ch�n�• of eour��) of <br /> �ald narth�rl; lln� of t�id F��ctlonal Lot T�o lor � dlstanc• ot Fifty-Four <br /> f3�1 fe�t . tA�nc� tu�nin� � �i�ht �nsl� and �unnln� �outharly snd pa�all�l <br /> .tth th� •��t�rly lin� o[ ��ld Ferat iona! Lo! T++o (2) t� the north�rly •nd or <br /> th� Iln� b�tr��n s�ld F��CLlori�l Lot 7■a �nd Fr�ctlon�l Lot Tlir�• (�) of talc: <br /> elack Ons Hundr�d Tr�ntr-four (121) •nd �unnln� th�nc� north on ttt• lln� <br /> b�t.��n �ald Lot Slxt��n �nd ��id Fr�otlanal Lot TMe to th� place of <br /> Aetinnin�. <br /> D�csmber 1,188Q <br /> ���N����r���� <br /> ,����5q M�Rp�9.,�� gENEFICIARY: <br /> o �oa�rF��� Norwest Mortg�ge,lnc. <br /> �- <br /> ; ,5E+Aj, �: . <br /> ,II,���ii�i����`�+,. <br /> Iliam J. oetz,As ecretary <br /> c«poht.e�.�l <br /> State of Minnesote } <br /> }SS <br /> County oF Hennean } <br /> The foregoing instrument waa acknowledged before me this date of Dacember 1,1998 by William J. <br /> Goatz,Asslstant 5ecretsry, of Norvveat Modgage, Inc., a corpora8on under the laws ot Califomla,on behali <br /> _ of the corporation. <br /> - � � e_ , .,� D � <br /> - wn.n noo�d.d�hxn a; �ry � ° <br /> = Brlan And Amy Exstrum , ��A OIAS ABEYGUNAWARQENA <br /> 206 South Llncoln �. � <br /> � Onnd Isisnd NE 88�01 �'�}� Norr�v Pueuc•MINNESOTA <br /> � <br /> 60T6166/lk � :�v My Commissron EKp ne Jan 31,2eoo <br />._� <br />:.� <br /> � __ <br />