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�I��"� . _ - <br /> ' �� _ �. W��_�r._..r. ia�r�YL���.__..L:.- . <br /> � �ur.�.- - «.516$I���aa __ _ _ -- ._____ -�_._ �_- —__._._.__'" <br /> ""__�".��. ����!�L:��.�i.�._��.�..Z'.��f�'=/':i:�'.�__ <br /> ♦ . <br /> ��� 98�- �sx�s�.o <br /> NOW, THEREFOR�, it is agreed: <br /> 1, sncor��.ration of F��r��rP -d �n RiqhtQ. From and after <br /> the flate of the execution of this Deed of Tz�ust Modifica�ion <br /> Agreement , the indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust <br /> described hereinabove shall secure advances made c,oneurrently <br /> herewith and future advances in accordance with the following <br /> pzovision wriich shal]. hereafter be deemed to be a part of such <br /> Deed of TrusC: <br /> g �r,�ra Adv nces. Upon request of Horrower, Lender may, <br /> at its op�ion, make additional and future advances and <br /> rea3van.ces to Borrower. Such advances and readvances, <br /> with intexest thereon, shall be aecured by thi� Deed of <br /> Trust. At no time shall the principal amount of the <br /> indebtedness secured by this Deed of Tzust, not inrlud- <br /> ing sums advanced to Frotect the sec:u:ity of this Deed <br /> of Trust, exceed the az�iginal nrir,ci�a1 amouat stated <br /> harein, or $ 7q.RfiR.52 , whichever is greater. <br /> i. ^on 'n���nq Effec�. Except as specifically modif ied. by <br /> this Deed of Trust Modification Agreement, all other terms and <br /> provisions of the Deed oL Trust hereinabove identified shall <br /> remain in full force and e:Efe�t. <br /> 3 , ��ec* on other SecLY?tv. All real estate mortgages, <br /> deeds of trust, assignments and security agreements he�etazore or <br /> concurrently herewith to be granted shall remain in full force <br /> �L «i..:.. nseri r,F Triyat <br /> and effect to the extent not inconsisLeii� w��.l �..�.� ��-�-� --- _____ <br /> Modification Agreement and shal]. continu� a9 security for <br /> Borrowers :emaining indebtedness previously existing until such <br /> sum sha11 be paid, as well as any tuture indebtedness owing from <br /> Borrower to the Lender for future advances and renewals in <br /> respect t� all sums owing from Borrower to Lender. <br /> 4. �d�t�onal DocLmentation. Boz'rc�wex furthex' covenants to <br /> and with Lender that Borrower sha11, and wi11, at any time, now <br /> or later, upon reque�t, make, do, e:�ecute and deliver all such <br /> further and other acts, deeds and things as shall be reasanably <br /> required to effectuate the intention of this Deed of Trust <br /> Modificarion Agreement and to insure and confirm to the Lender <br /> all and singular the property, securities «nd rights described, <br /> and intended to be conveyed, as security so as to render the <br /> same, and a11 portions, whether now owned oY lat�r acquired, <br /> subject to these r.erms, provisions and canditions according to <br /> the true intent and purposes expressed. <br /> 5, �aive�. The: �ailure o£ th� Lender, at any time, to <br /> require the performance by the Borrower of any of these Cerms, <br /> covenants and agreements shall, in no way, affect its rig�ts to <br /> enLorce the same; nor the waiver by the L:nder of any breach of <br /> any term, covenant or agreement be taken or held to be a waiver <br /> ot any succeeding breach af any such term, covenant or agreement, <br /> �r as a waiver of the term, covenant and Agzeement itself. <br /> 2 <br /> -,..-,-. . ...� ..: - -- - -- <br /> {�r,�,�,:.ER,;.``K;'-:r , �l .�.,�..�. -- <br /> . - • - - - `!r' �f i+e_.�- -- - <br /> , •• <br /> . . . • <br /> . . . � <br /> '_ ...s .. ` ,.� 7 �.. {r. .Y��'�L'` tnl����y�..���_ _ _._ <br /> . . ' . .T ' - ��A'1 "T� •�Y!4iM . v.�--W_ _--- -'- _-- . <br /> .,`.r .___.�_. . ___ _ __ ..�--, y__. ___ -_ ` . <br /> yy�E <br /> .. "�l .� ' J s� �M� -- � �� . —._ <br /> . ' Y` ' � �.ty� R�� ^u �. <br /> . .� 1� •' _ . .. I �'. e:`i���r ��ti}�yi~i fht�/G. ._�._ <br /> �o. '�� .. _ •�,}��._w' � :< 3�;.X°��r�i� . <br /> N��' ,. ' ' .. ' .. ' . . •{.. „� 1�.'�^ a� .+rx�R ..���r__ <br /> �� . <br /> . . ' ?.'.. r,,:•� .4i��s.�b- <br /> r%tir•Q.-�-nr-. � ri �.�. r -_ - -._._- .. <br /> -.k . . ,. . r� . . ..� . +{fV� �.��L�:�.�..� i� _'E .�w�rc= �. -v—-' <br /> ;i . .. . . .. ' . . ... , •i,.��llt*'�(R 1 �Y�•�— <br />- . . . - . .i�.: ' ��p7FS7CL�Sac���: <br />_-..{ ... . . � A.---- .�� <br /> :�' '.��CSiFpLYV�r.7Yatwi�Vm.nm=�i:�uv��.�� <br /> �.��' . . ' _ � " ::tl1T.G'D1Y �n-'___--- <br /> . , <br /> - . .. , ' "i _..—_"—'_'�—" <br /> •.) -�t ...s. _[65�6����.�.. �� '��A..��._' <br /> •!; • • . _—_—__ _--- -- ._-- <br /> .� - .. . �t_�. <br /> . . , - . �rySa^ --_ -- I�{�«�1lL <br />��''r . . . '� � .. .1 )���.� — _ - � <br /> .� „ . .. ���L�. <br /> ,�.•'�1' <br /> _ � .. - . �I . . . . .. "t�j�._ � `�i.iY'. <br /> . . ' _ �_`__...... _ '_ ""��._.,l.•._'��.cite._,.�_ . ...w__ _.:��r�i1�a.R�{_��_ - - <br />