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<br /> .�� c;xccuted!ur thc purposc uf crcating, securing or guarantying thc Sccurcd Dcht. A gc�ud itiith hclicf bv l.endcr that �
<br /> . Lcndcr at any timc is insccurc with resp�ct to uny pc�won or cntity ohligatcd c�n�hc Sccurcd llcbt or that thc prospert __
<br /> ; � of nny pi�ymcnt��r the valuc of thc Property is impaired shall also con.r•titutc nn cvcnt uf default. =
<br /> 15. RE:MEDIES ON DEFAULT�In somc instanccs, fedcral and statc law will rcquirc lw;ndcr to providc Grantor with
<br /> :: � notice of the right to cure or other notices and may establish time schcdulcs for forcclusurc actians. Subjcct tu thcse �_�
<br /> limitations, if any,Lender mny acccicrate thc Sccurcd Debt and forcclosc this Security lnstrument in a m��nncr �,
<br /> � � providcci by lau if Grantor is in dcfault. �
<br /> e
<br /> :,=±�i�"� At the aption of l.ender,all or any part of the agreed fecs and chargc:;,accrucJ intcrest�nd principal shull become —�
<br /> , � immcdiatcly duc and payablc,aftcr giving noticc if rcquirod by la�v, upon thc occurrcncc uf a dctault or anytimc r
<br /> � thercaCtcr. In�ddition,Lcnder shall be entiticd ta all the remcdies prov�dcd by la�v,thc terms of thc Sccured Dcbt.
<br /> :, �i ' � this Security Instrumcnt and any relatcd documcnts,including without limitation,thc powcr to scU the Pruperty. _
<br /> : � If therc is a defAUlt,Trustee shall,in Addition to any other permitted remcJy,at the rcquest of the Lcnder,advcrtise _
<br /> and scll thc Property ns� wholc or in separatc parccls at public auction to thc highcst biddcr for cash and convcy v
<br /> "+� absolute tit�c tree and cicar ot aU right,titic and interest of Grantor at such timc and placc as Trustcc dcsignatcs.
<br /> . ` Trustee snall give notice of sale including the time,terms and place of sale and a description of the property to be sold
<br /> � .��. as required hy thc xpplicablc law in cffect at thc time af thc proposed salc.
<br /> Upon sale of thc property and ro the extcnt not prohibit�d by law,Trustee shall makc and dclivcr a deed to thc Property
<br /> • sold which convcys absolutc titic to thc:purchascr,and aftcr Crst paying nll fccs, chargcs and costs,shall pay to Lcndcr all
<br /> moncys ndvanccd for repairs,taxcs,insurancc,licns,assessmcnts and prior cncumbranccs and interest thcrcon,and thc
<br /> Princip�l and intcrest on thc Sccurcd Deht,paying thc surplus,if any,to Grantor. I.c:ndcr may purchasc thc Property. `
<br /> The rccituls in any deed ot convcyance shall hc prima facie evidencc of thc 1'acts set f�rth therein. �
<br /> � � � All remedies are distinct,cumulative and nat cxclusivc,and thc LcnJcr is cntitled to all remcdics}�,rovidcd at law or
<br /> cquity,whethcr or not cxpressly sct forth.Thc acccpt�nce by LenJcr of any sum in payment or partial paymcnt on thc �
<br /> Secured Debt after the hnlance is duc or is acccicrated or after foreclusure prcxecdings are filed shall not constitutc :i —
<br /> ,� waiver of�.endcr's right to reyuire completc cure of any cxisting default.By not exercising any remedy on Grantor's
<br /> default.Lender does not waivc I.ender's right to latcr consiJer the evcnt a deC�ault if it continucs or happcns again.
<br /> -� prohibited b��law,Grantor agrees to pay 1U of Lc:nder's expenses if Grantor brcaches any covenant in this Security
<br /> Instrument. Gruntor will also pay on demand any amount incurred by Lcnder for insuring,inspecting,prescrving or
<br /> �� � otherwisc protecting thc Property and Lendcr's sccurity intcrest.Thesc cxpcnscti will bcar interest from thc date of
<br /> �,. thc paymcnt until paid in full at the highcst intcrest ratc in cffcct as pruvided in thc terms of thc Sccured Dcht.
<br /> _.___.__ ��.a�=���s�����i1�.���!!�Qcec 3��I�_,v,�rnc�•c it�r•itr�'r�1 hv i.t�nd��r in eolleetine.enforcine or proteetint;Lender'S i1gh1S
<br />_. �� and remedies undcr this Security Instrumcnt.This amount may include,but is not limited to, attorneys' tees,court
<br /> costs,and othcr Icgxl expenses.'Tl�is Sccurity Instrument shall rcmain in etfect until rcicased. Grantor agrccs to pay
<br /> ,. �,. for any rccordation costs of'such rcicasc.
<br /> 17. ENVIRONMEN"l'AL LAWS ANU HA'l.ARUOUS SUBSTANCES.As uscd in this scction,(l)�nvircmmental Lxw -
<br /> J; mcans,without limitation,thc Camprehensivc Environmental Rcsponse,Compensation and Liability Act(CERCLA,
<br /> 42 U.S.C. �)601 et scy.), and aU other fcdcral,statc and local laws,regulations, ordinances, court ordcrs,attorney
<br />-a� � general opinions or intcrprctivc leuers conccrning thc public hcalth. safcty,wclfarc,rnvironment or a haiardous
<br /> •� substancc; and (Z) Hazardous Substancc mcans any toxic, radioactivc or ha�ardous ntatcrial,�vastc,pollutant or
<br /> - contaminant which has charactcristics which rcndci•thc substancc dangcrous or potcntially dangcrous to thc public
<br /> � � hcalth,safety,welfare or environment."T'he tcrm includcs,without limitation,any substances dcfined as"ha�ardous
<br />�,';; .� � � m�tcrial,""toxic substanccs,""hazardous wnstc"or"hor.ardous substancc"undcr any Environmcntal Law.
<br />"`' • ' ' Gruntor represents,warrants and agrees that:
<br />_ , A. Gxccpt as prcviously discloscd and acknowlcdg��J in writing to LcnJcr,no Hazardous Substancc is or will bc
<br /> � located, storcd or rcicusc:d on or in thc Property. This restriction docs not apply to small quuntitics of
<br />_' Ha•r_ardous Substanccs that arc gcncrilly rccognir.cd to bc appropriatc fur thc normal usc and maintcnancc of _
<br /> thc Properly.
<br /> B, bxcepi as previously discluscd and acknowledgud in writing tu I.endcr. Grantor and every tenant have been..�re, _
<br />— and shall rcmain in Cull compliancc with any applicablc F.nvircmmental Law. �-
<br />,w,. C. Grantor shall immediatcly notify Lender if a rcicase or threatcned relcase of a Hazardous Suhstancc occurs on, -
<br /> _ � � : � undcr or ahout thc Yroperty or therc is a viol�►tion of any Environmcntal Law conccrning thc Prnperty. In such _
<br /> an cvcnt,Granror shall takc all ncccssary rcmcdial��ction in accordancc�vith any Environmental Law.
<br /> �` D. Gr,►ntor shall immcdiatcly notify Lcndcr in writing as soun as Grantor has rcason to bclicvc thcrc is any
<br />- . pcnding or thrc�itcncd im•esti�atiun,cluim,or procecding rclating to thc rcicasc or thrcatcned relcasc of�iny _
<br />_ Har.arJous Suhstancc or thc violation of any Environmcntal Law. —
<br /> , 18. CONDEMNATION.Grantor will givc Lendcr prompt noticc of any pcnding or thrcatcncd action, by privatc or =
<br /> b public cntitics to purchasc ur takc any or all of thc Property through cundcmn.►tion,cmincnt dc�main,ur any othcr =
<br /> mcans. Grantor authorir.cs Lcndcr to intcrvrnc in Grantor's n;mu in any vf thc abovc dcscribcd actions or claims. _
<br /> Grantor xssigns to I.cndcr th�prucecds uf any award or claim for damagcs conncctrd�vith a condcmneitiun ur other _
<br />— takin�;of�11 or any rnrt of thc Pruprrty.Such procccds shall bc considcrrd p�ymcnts and�vill hc applicd as providcd in
<br /> ! this Srcurity Instrumcnt. This a+vsignmcnt of Prc�ccrds is suNjcct tu thc tcrrns of any pric�r mc�rtga�;c,dccd of trutit, �
<br /> { sccurity agrecmcm ur uther lien document.
<br /> 19. INSURANC[:. Grantc�r shall kccp Praperty insurod a�;ainst loss hy firc, flooci,th�ft and olh�r h,+zxrds;ind risks
<br /> �; rcasonably assc�ciatrd�vith thc Property duc to its typc and location."I'his�osur;mcr shull hc main�aincd in thc umuunts
<br /> i �ind for th� �ric�Js that Lcndcr rcyuires. "I'hc insurancc carricr��roviding thc insuruncc shall hc chuscn by Cirantur
<br /> suhjcct to Lcndcr's approval,which shall not hc unrcasunaihly withhrld.If Grantnr fails to maintain thc cc�veragc
<br /> . �.._.i.._ �..ti.. .ti.,n., ..�.... .d'.,.,
<br /> �� ----- �- - -..: . .. . . . . . . . • .... . .:.. . _
<br /> . -- acscnnca fi0f1VC,t.cnucr fllity,ill Ll"IIUI'1 �u�rttvll,inii.iiii�iivi'i�i�� iai frT..��ia a.���u..�::��F�...,��...... . �.:�....�....—...,.."�,
<br /> to thc tcrms of this Sccurity Listrumcnt. F
<br /> All insur,�ncc pulicics and nnncwals shall hc arcc��tahlc�u Lcndcr,ind shall induclr a stanciarJ"murtgagc clausr"ancl.
<br /> � : whcrr apE�licahlc,"loss raycc cl.iusc."(�r:+ntur sliall immcdiatrl�• nutiCy LcnJcr uf ranccllatiun or tcrminatiun ul thc
<br /> insur.�ncr. Lcnctcr shnll havr lhc ri�!ht lu huld thc pulicics an�l rcncwals. I(L�nJcr rryuires,Grantor,hall immcdiatcl��
<br /> - giv� lc�Lrndcr .ill rcrcirts uf paid pnmiums.ind rencwal notires. Up�m lox�,Granti�r shal{�ivc intmi�di.ttc nulicc to
<br /> Ihc intiurancc rarricr and I.cndcr.Lrndrr may makc�runf af Ic�ss if ncri tnadc immcdiatrly hv(�rantur.
<br /> _ j fPage 3 0/41
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