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.r-.�, .,.q,.,.�„o.,,,..,,...�,..p.., <br /> .M� ' •1:hM$ul'A{tiM�w�1MTNM�+�.k•,. I <br /> c„ v� 'r�._•�: <br /> . , ,:,?:��W�(ll��.��!�'+f�.e;yu�r.�? .Y '•'�' f a� ? :i4�is:��=�' — <br /> — � r.�I..r.�..�it..r.` "'i'�����4.�.'.1'i.��� �~��4•ah.�� ._.v.. ..r L�� . <br />._'��-�� �� '_— _ __ <br /> ' v�/� ����� COVENANTS <br /> �, ��nn�q, dorrow�► pr��� to m�ke �A [�ayrlMrlt�.onet�:.wr�' ll�at When dw. Unlet• Borrower and Lender epree otMrwi�e, �ny <br /> p�ym�nt�L�nd�r nc�iv��frum Borrow�r or for B4rrow4f1l-b'I���P Pp�l��flP t to�ny�mount� eorrowa ow�� on th��ecursd d�bt <br /> not r��vluci a�s�c�i+�i,iny icMdul�d piymant urttM �id a� I full�l � �ym�nt of th�t�cursd debt occurs for any re�son, ft will — <br /> 2.CIYm�Ay�ln�t Tid�.Bxrawer wlll pay ell taxe�,a��euments, and other chuQe� attrlGut�Gte to the proparty when duo end will ds(end titfs <br /> to tM prop�rty�p�inst�ny ci�lms whlch would Imp�ir the Iie'o:�ta�o�i miterieln in improve o9Ymalntein Bherp opertyaeslgn ony riphts,clairne o� <br /> Mf�n���which 8orrow�r may h�vs ap�imt pertie�who�upp y <br /> 3, kNw�na. Borrow�r wNl kap tM prop�rty in�und untNr Urm�aae�pt�ble to Lend�r �t Borrow�r'�sxpensn snd for Lsnder'� banetit.All <br /> Inf«rence policies sh�ll Includ��st�ndard mortp�ps cl�ut�In f�vor o}4end�r.Lender will be nem�d e�lou payse or e�the insurad on any such <br /> In�uranc�policy,Any Imurona proa�ds may k»a d,within Loisdor'n diacratlon, ta aither the reetoretion or rep�ir of the d�meped Rroperty � <br /> or to tlw��cw�d�bt. If l�nd��r�quk��morty�p� ruunncs,Borrower�pne�to mNnt�in�uch Irnunna for aa lonp en Lender require�. <br /> 4,ryppMy,Borrow�r will ke�p th�prop�rty in pood conditlon�nd mak��II rep�in renon�bly necu�uY• <br /> i.Expt�N.�orrow�r����to pay sll Und�r's sxpm���,Includinp nuonabl��ttorrNys'fse�,(f Borrower bre�ks any covsn�nt�In this deed <br /> of trwt or In�ny obliyatbn s�cw�d by thl�d�ed ot truat,Borrow�r will p�y tM�s amount�to Lender as provided(n Covan�nt 9 0}thlc de�d ot <br /> trutt. � <br /> s,p����r�yp,U�let� Borrow�r fint abt�lns Lond�r's writt�n consent, Borrower will rat m�ke or permit�ny charpe�to�ny p�or <br /> jncllu Ilr�ip��Barowir'icown�na't m�k pi�yminte�wh�n�obllq�tbnr und�r �ny pria mortp�fle, desd of trust or ether eecurity spreemant, <br /> �.A�o}�Mq�!rroliq,Borrow�r�ul9ru to Lender tM r�nti and proflts of tM property.UMeas Botrower�nd 6erxler havs aprsed <br /> othKw s�In wrftinp, BortowK m�y colNct��d rst�ln th���nts a� tonp�o Borrower Is not In defeult. If Borrower defaults, Lender,Lender's <br /> ap��t, a a aaxt�ppolnfW nc�Ivsr ma tak� poa�tsbn arxl m�nay�tha property��►d collect the rent�. Any rentt Lsnder colNctt shdl be <br /> Mc�iiiwy f��itWizp��ius f TM riro�dnlnp rmount of enti w+�l then�pply to paymention the�ecured dsDt es�ovlded In CovenaM 1�ny other <br /> � ���,�a�q�p���d Unit p�yNopmMq,Barower aarees to comply with the provialans of eny leaae If thla deed of trust b on <br /> unNdN tM�cav�ninti byliweruor rsyulitlon�of tM condomin1lum or plenned unit developme tnt, Borrower will perform sll of Borrower's dutie� <br /> Y.Authority o1 Lw�elK to P�rfarn for !p ow�►. It t�errow�r fsil�to_peiform sny of Borrower's iumount(f nsciitary for psrtormineselliny <br /> p�rfam tM dutl�s or cwse th�m to b� form�d.Lond�r m�y slpn 9orrow�r't nam�o�pW�ny <br /> s�r���t{n�th�ao�p�rty��aTMi mak y Ine�lud�iomrpl�itinp th�conitruct onm���r,La�nder may do whstsver ie nacea�ary to protect Lender'� <br /> L�ndK's f�ilun to pr►fam wiN not pnclud�Lend�r hom�x�rcl�i�p�nY of It�other rlphts under tM I�w or thl:deed of tiu�t. <br /> u�d wiN��i RfntKi�t fra'n th�tdati�of M paYm�nt�unt 1 P,�dtn full ati th�e Intsrsitr ate In�eHect on'the secured debt unts will be dus on demand <br /> �p. paf�ilt �nd Aeodu�tlan. If Horrower f�il�to m�k� �ny payment when due or breeks any covenants undar thl� dead ot tru�t or�ny <br /> oblipat'an t�cur�d bV thb dMd of uutt or+�Y Pr1or mort9+y�or dNd of trust, Lsnder may�ccalsrat�tM m�turity of the�scured debt�nd <br /> �m�nd�mrrndiat�p�yment�nd mW(nvoke tM pow�r of s�l�ar►d�nY otF�r remsdi��permlttad by�pp��cable law. <br /> ��,p�t}a Motl�,y of pfwk.It is hereby requestad that cupies of tM noticas of dehult and�sle be eent to e�ch psrson who Is a party <br /> h�t�to,at trw wure�ii of:�tii:uc�w:���,�=='t!o•r�h�rwln. : <br /> 12,rpwM ct S�.If th�!_snder�mpo��M�PoW�����'�Ituit d�tnodc�Iof�deiault�contalM�tfhe infotetlonlrsqulrsd by law. Ths T a N <br /> wh�r�ln th�trust propwM <br /> sh�M�Iso mail copbr ol tFw notic�of d�i�ult to the fiarowx, to e�ch person who Is a PartY rsto, a�d to othsr pereorn a� Ise�Lib�d nY <br /> •ppHcabb law. Not leu tt��os{�jn fwminp opsratbns curledd on by th te�trusta tM Truitaeihi I pive �puWhc notsce of iaN to tM pinoru <br /> Mcorpor�td city a viNps �t blic�uctbn to ths hipha�t <br /> ��d�n tM m�w►presafbed by apppNo+bls I�w•Truste�, without dem�nd on Borrows�,�h��tWO�separate����Wuksd by�pplkabN law, <br /> bWd�►.M nquk�d by tM Farm HortNStsad Prot�ctlon Act.Trustse sb'�c��unce�ment it th�tlme�nd p�ace of�ny previoutly tcFwduled sak. <br /> TrwtM may poqporn uls cf���a�^Y P�►cel of tM property by{w <br /> L��d�r a its deslpnN m�Y P����P�ol�rty at�ny aN• <br /> Upon rscMpt of�yrt»n��m�a�e�vidbnce ofihe�iruth�o�f i�b■t ement�contalmfd therelnaTrusteet hal'I�ipplypthtl pro�edi o�f Ithe aN I�ntM <br /> TruttN'�dN0 11 W <br /> lolbwinp ord�r (�1 to rll expens�s of the o�Ie, Includinp, but rtot limited to, nuonabla Trust�a's fees, reasonsbN attwnsy'� teu • <br /> ninstst�msnt fe��; (bl to all�ums��cured by thle dead of trust,and(c)tf»bal�nce,if sny,co th�pe�sons leyally a�tld�d to rsc�ive it. <br /> �3,Fondo�un.At L«der'�optlon,thls deed of trust m�y be forscloasd fn the manner�rovkla by eppllcible I�w fw fa�cb�ure o}mortpafl�6 <br /> on nal prop�rty. <br /> �4,le�p�ctbn,L�nd�r may�nt�►tFM property to I�spect it if Lender qlves Borrower notke be}orehsnd.The notice mu�t st�t�the ra�tonabM <br /> caus�for L�nder's insp�ction. <br /> �6,Co�d�Klton,Borroww�ss�p nuch�oceeds vNll be�d�led�t P►ovadsd In C ve nt�1��Tlii:�islpnment is rubjeatdt�omM terina ofhi Y W� <br /> of aN a�ny p�►t of tM property 5 P� PP� <br /> ssc�xity WrMme�t. <br /> 1A,Wafwr.8y exe►cl�inp my remMy�v+���bk=a�ander, Lender does not piw up�ny ri�hts to later u�e�ny otMn`eme,d��Y.By�t sxecisinq <br /> My nm�dY uiwn gorrcwer't def�uk,Lend�r does not wsive�nY rlpht to latsr consd�tM event a d�f�uk if it heppe s9 <br /> 17. Jokit�nd S�wrN Lt�hdlty:�Ca�ipr»n: �r1yirq <br /> �Sp� ir�d At�IpM lound. All dutie�und�r thfs de�d of trust K�►oint and ave►d. Any <br /> 8orrow�r w�w co-sipn thlc de torths liustse u��der Hii t�rm�of t�1s de�d of trucbt In�additbn(such a BarowK apre�es that M Le��nd <br /> - Borrowsr's intMSFt in the property <br /> �ny otMr Borrower urdsr ttis d�ed of trust may ext�nd, ewdi(v o►m�ke any other charqes in the tsrms of tAts deed of tru�t or ths�ec�xsd <br /> d�bt without that Bonow�'s content and without nleuirKl that BarowK'trom tM tems of tMt d��d ot tru�t. <br /> - The duties and henefit�of tMs deed of trust sMll bind��d b�rNfit ttM cuccessors�nd�ssipns oi Lar�r�nd Borcower. <br /> 1!.Notle�.Unksa otMrwiw rsqukod by law,any notics to Barowar�hall be p�van Cy deliverinq it a by,m�ilinp ft by cartitied m�fl�ddresssd tu <br /> Borrow�r at tM pro� p1rh► ��s�1 of tNs de�d�ruytt orf to�iny o hH�ddr�astwh�'�c�n�,is�qnat d.A^Y otM►rwticri�to 4synd�► 1u1 <br /> . msil to l�rx1�►'s Wtk�u on Raq� <br /> = b�s�nt to LMUIK's�ddrss�u st�t�d on psp�ti of thi�dNd of trust. <br /> i <br /> Any notiss shsll be dnmed to haw beeo pive�to Borrower or L�nde�when pivsn in the marx�er stated�bovs. <br />-� 18.Trrrfw of tl»rroparty or�{�Ci�i���^��ORO�.If�N a any Wrt ot tf»pro yo�any MtK�st in it is sold a trarnferrW <br /> �iJebt, (,endsr may elYa dema::d �:nrr.ed3ate <br /> — Wnhout Lsr�'s pria written cons��t, Lander mvy demarxl imm�d�at� payment of tM ssaw�cl <br /> � payment it the Borrower Is not e natural person end a beneficial interest m the Borrowor is sold or transferred. However, Lcnder may not <br />-_- dem�nd psyment fn tM a0ovs eituations if it Is prohlbited by fedeial law as of the date ot this deed ot truat. <br /> Zp,pK�ny�y�rK.y. When tM oMipatlon secured by tAta daed of trust has been p+�d, ��d Lender has no funhe�oblig�tion to msks �dvances <br /> undar tM in:trument�or preementa secwed by thi�deed of trust,the Trustee ahall,u{wn written requast hy the Lender,reconvoy tha trust <br /> F� prop�rty.TM Lendx shall deliver to the 8orrower,or to[iortowsr's successor in Interest, tM trust deed and ths note or other eviderx:e of the <br /> � � oW�q�tbn w sstisfied.Borrower shall pay anY recwdation costs. <br /> .Y _.,., ..M..:.,. . •��cr.�esot Vuitaa bV firsL m�il�nq e copV_of the <br /> � ] 21. Suee�uot Trutt». Lencler, at LQf1OQf 6 o i�v�, ���: �Q ti.e ° - <br /> i substitution of truste��a required by�pp��cabb Paw, arxl t�ien,by filinp�the suOstituiio�of trustee for record in the oftica or tne rey�sce.or dvws <br /> { iuccaed to�1 the power tdutiesS�uthorl Yyand title of�ihe Trustee smetd�n tM deW of trust i d ot any�succe sor trustee.�}t� a���� sha�� - <br />.1 <br /> ; <br /> /p�pe 2 o!T! <br /> - sAH1(EI15 Sr5TEM5.INC..ST.C10V0.MN 66�01 11•sOQJ9J�2]411 fOMR OCP•MTGNEl/19191 _. <br /> �� <br /> 1 �. <br /> i --- <br />