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� . . . ... -� - _ � . ,_•t�....�.. <br /> �c ' ' "r�ri'.• , . . "�,. ";1'' �~r�.� i_,.. s .. � � .,;•,=-��-�--!- <br /> ` � .;�`_ .i - • .. '' �} � ,� ���c �._.. _ ... �. <br /> '-..�..�. ...F b .w_......_.__.�. ��wr(:... <br /> �� <br />_".'!(.t.�1 <br /> -ri.,.r. 1 � �. <br />�-� �':;R� �. <br /> �—„�:.� <br /> ' 98— a��.2�0� <br /> .;,�;�� , <br />-- . . ; � <br /> .+,� �- <br /> °'.`9'"� by thi� Security Ic�trumxit.If Borrower filb w pay t}�ae ame priar w tbe expirrtion of thic period. l..�der m�y invo�e — <br /> '.;�:.. �ny romedia�permtued b thi�Security�n�truNent without furWer aotice or deao�ad oa Borrower. <br /> ld, Bort,uwer'�i�b!tp Reiu�4k. If�orrower meeto cort�in conditiow, Borrower�hall 6ave the ri�ht w luve <br /> u� <br />�.�,� eaforcement of thL Socunty Lutrumeat di�ontinued�t�y time prior to the oulier ofa (R)5 d�ye(or such other periaf�e <br /> �ppilcrble law taay �pecify for reindatement)beforo We of We Ptoperty pu:�wnt w�ny power of�nle ccmtained in thf� <br />•°"`� Secudty in�trumeat;or(b)eotry Qf a jud�ment eaf�xcin�thi�Security Inetn�meot.Thoee conditiau ue that Borrower:(a) � <br /> paye Lwv�clar �11 cumc which Ww would bo duo under thie Sxurity Inetn�ment utd the Note �e if�w �eeeleation h�d <br /> � occurrod; (b) cura �ny defiult of wy wher coveoimt� or a�reemma; (c) p►y�dt expa�eea incurrod ia oaforcin�tbie <br /> :����� Security Iastnimeat� includin� but not limited to, rauoo�ble�tWmeye' fea; u�d (d)Wcca auch�ction iu L,a�der m�y <br /> _��l ro�uopRblY * to �wtuti t�t We lyen of Wie Security Inatcumeat� I.eader'� ri�htr in ¢ho PropeRy �nd Borrower'e _ <br /> obli�tiac topay the wms�ecured b�thi�Securlty In�trua�ent eha11 coatiaue unch�n�ed.U�on roia�tatement by Borrower, <br /> Wi�Securit In�dumemt�nd tbe obLptiao��ecured I�nroby�hall rem�in fully et�'xpve a�f ao�ccaleratioa lud occwred. <br /> ' y nd <br /> �;yt'''' Hevvever,thie ri�ht to teinWle s}ull aot�pQ1y m� tb�c�ue of�cceleratioa un�p�t�ra�17. <br />•^'�..� .:> � 1!.Swk at Nok�Clwin�e ot I.�5enioa� 'Ibe Nota or a mta+eet ut Nc�te(to�all�er with t}d�3e�.-urity <br />_�=T�.�. In�trumeat) n�Z be wl�ooe or euo�e tlaa wtWoutpn or aotice w rt�• . A Mle my nrult ia�cb�n�e in tbe mdry <br /> "`�'"� (Irnown iu tbe Lo�n Savioa') Ih�t coUects monthly paymeab due uader tLe Nok aod thi� Security Inatumeat. lbere <br />=�;xq:���, �leo tnRy be ooe a moro clunRa of tiee Lan Servicer unrelated to t ale of the Note, If tLero i�a chmje of tbe Lan <br />=�-,+�.�� Secvker,Borrower wiU be pven writtm notice of t6e clu�n�e in�ocoe+daoce with p�n�nph 14 ahove�od�pplic+�Me law. <br />-�� 'Il�e notioe wlll�te tbe aNne�nd�ddrew uf the nevv Lo�a Servicer�nd the�idrese to which pnymonta ahould be m�de. <br /> -�— Tha u�tice will alw contain�uy other infomaation required by�pplicsble l�w. <br /> -_-- Z0. H�rdous Substances. Borrower sh�ll not c�une or permlt the prea�ce, use, dispos�l, stor��e,or reloase of <br /> .��i`� uty H�wnloua SuF�rstu►ces oa or ia the Pro,perty. Borrower shall not do,nor�llow wyone else to do, anydun��f�ectin� — <br />"".".°Iyii� tho Property thut ia in violation of any Eav�ronmenW Lw. 'Ibe procaling two seatencee eh�ll not�pply to the preeeace, <br /> _-_-- uso,or eton�e oo the Property of small quwtitiea of Hazardoua Subetances tlut pre Qwer�lly reco�uu+d to be appropri�te <br />-;�-�ir� to norn�!resideatu�l uAea Rad to tnaintea�u►ce of the PropaRy. ' <br />`�=°::�"`. Bomower�hsll promptlY Bive LrAder writtea nutice of any inveati�ation,claim.demaud,lawsuit or Wher�ction by <br /> �ny�ovema�enW or re�ulatory+��eacy or privaW party involvinR the Property�od�ny H�Lnbue Sub�oce or Bnvuon- <br /> -__;.� meatal I.�w of w}uc6 Borrower h�s�ctwl knowledge.If Borrower lear�ns,or�e notifiod by�ay Qovemmealal or ro�ulatory <br /> — — Rutbority,tbRt oay remov�l or othor romedi�tioa of any Huardoua Subxtance affectiaR tLe Propetty ie necoss�ry.Bo:mwer <br />-� ebrU prcmptly take�ll nece�ary remodiRl�ctiona in accord�nco with Bnvironmeotal T.nw. <br /> "" _ Ae ueed in thie pan�nph 20� "Hwrcloue Subetaaea" ue thooe eubetanea defined�s toaie or hiu�nbua eubst�aea <br /> �� .i�� by HnviroanxaW Lw�nd dw followinQ subatancea: �+ieoline,,kerosaja, other fl�mm�ble or toxia �troleum producta, <br /> ---° toxic particida ancl herbicidee,volRtile eolveats, m�teri�le conwnin�ssboetoe or forroaldehyde,�nd radiaictive m�teriale. <br /> --` ' Ao wed in thi�p�raanph 20, 'Environma►W Law"meani federnl l�ws uid I�ws of We junedichon wlyero the Propaty ie <br />--•�-� loc�ted th�t rol�te to 6alth,e+�fety or environme�at�l rDrotection. <br />--- .�_.;,�' NON-UMFOiGI(:OVBIJANII.BoROwef 11�l.w4or iucmor w�co'wti iY�RYiw�:f8�S0i'1o: <br /> 21. Aca�tioai Ranediee. I.e�lee shrll Ri�e notice to Borruwer pnor to acoekr�tion[ollowini Borrorna''� <br />