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;,�. � . ;.. 't.l,�_.r. ..���14. .. _ � . <br /> ` � � ,�'�M+�a�� h �� ..�. t yM �. . . �- -�'.�''-� _ <br /> ,. ,, " ,��.` „� . , �ea� <br /> :, �,. <br /> � 1 . ,. - . . • . . .� - _ °- <br /> ,�- <br /> ',;, � • ��1 y� r*.. .Da�iu... ___..�...wd.w.,_�.�wjl..�i �Ablf�u,�:.t,. � . . .. . _ <br /> - ...5 .. .a.n.._.� ..........._ .. __ <br /> .nr.,.l,?i•'{b . i.. <br /> \ i t, <br /> .S'R,;t � �' . <br /> _.^.;?,ds�`y. 9�.r, ,�;e 1 ♦ r`, <br /> .,�. '��.:,f 1.��0`�' — <br /> ,a�. <br />'+�E;�i�nL`,� <br /> --�, .v.v _. <br /> --�:.��:;�':^� � iacludin�tlood�or flootin�� fa wLich Imd�r requira inair�oce. Thie insunu�ce�h�ll be mrinuined in t}w�moual��nd <br /> k :. for the periode t}u�t Leoderrequires,'Ibe ine�tr�nce carrier providing the insur�oce�ll be cha�ea by Borrowar abJxt W <br /> . l.ender'��p�►rov�! wWch �h�ll not be �uaro�000�bly witbheld. If Borrower fiul� to m�infun coven�e dercritwd �bove, <br /> , ' Leader m�y, �t L.a�der'i optioa, obtaia coveca�e to protect L.eoder's ri�hy in the Property in �ccordu�ce with pRntraph <br /> iK 4:f�.�,�. 7. <br /> � '-.s All ineurnace policies �ad reaew�l��11 be�ccept�ble to L,eoder �ad �11 include � qujdacd mort���e clw�e, <br /> � Lender eh�ll have tl�e ri�ht W hold tbe policies�nd reoowde. If L.ender requires,Borrowet ehAll promQtly Qive to Lendsr <br /> ':�••+••��. al roceiptr of pud pr�omume�od reoewd notica. In tLe evaat of loee� Horrower�hall�iva,prompt notice to�Ix�iawn�nco <br /> � carrier and Lrader.I.ender may mvicep�o f of las if not m�de promptly by Harower. <br /> Ualees L,aocler aad Borrower otberwiee aIIree in writin��ina�rance proceed��II ba applied W raWr�tion or�r <br /> --_-'�� of the Property d�ma�ad, if tl�e re�tontioa or repair te ec000wically fauible�nd I.aoder'�recunty i�not lewajed. lf the <br /> �--�:;�;y� cestontion or rapiir ie aot ocawmically faeibla or I.axter's eecunty would be le��ened. tUe iaar�nco proceecl��6a11 te <br /> �pPliod W tha sume eecured by Wia Security Inetcuma�t, wheWer or not than due, with any eacoea�id to 8orrower. If <br /> Borrower ab�ndone the Proparty, or doee nat �nswer witLin 30 days a notice from Laxier�h�t ttie u�suniace e+�rrie�hM <br /> n <br /> ,,;:: ;x offerod to settlo a clum,then Leoder�m►y collect the inaurnace proceecls.Leadar mny uoe t6e proceeda W re�ir or ratc�ro <br /> `.�'°.%"' ` the Property or to pay eumo�eecural by thie Socunity Inatnurrat� whether or uc>t tbea due.The 30-d�►y ponod wlll besia <br /> •iavitl, <br /> %�►';qi��y� W2100 1�1E�OIICb le�t VEA. <br /> ''-'� Ucleex Leoder and Borrower otheewi�e s�roa iu writia�,�ny llcation of prooeeJ�to priocip�!rh�ll not extad a <br /> Loe n <br /> ��'4�,t�^,. popp000 tlte due date of tbe monthlY paYmeo.ta nferred to in p�r�ga e 1 �ad 2 or clun�e the�mount of the�yma►ts. It <br /> 'y..';,�,;;_` under pa��raph 21 the PropertY ie�cquired by Lender, Bonower's right to ray insuruice policies rnd procoadM reaultin� <br /> � -�+�"�� from dam��e to the Property pnor t the Rcquisition shRll pwsa to I.ender to the extent of the eums secured by this Security <br />-;��.; . Iaunimeot immodi�tely pnor to We�cquis�tion. <br /> _,�,::�ti:, f. OccuP+�ncJ', Pr�rtion, Mwintenwnce and Ihrotectioa af the Pro�ert7i Saa'o++'a''e Lo�n Applic�tio�� <br />-.•1;; I,prehoWs. Borrowar shall occupy, ost�blish. md uaa the Property Rs Borrowor e priacip�l raideace withia tixty dwyi <br />°:=r�:,' �tler N�e executlon of thie Security Inatrumeat�nd eluU cont[nue to occupy t6e PtoPedY!a Bottower��prlucip�l reddence <br /> °'� for�t leut one year after t6e dxt�of occup�ncy, unlese Lender otherwise�Qceee in wntinQ, wbich cooient�hall not be <br />`'�'�+=;�'_-- uareiuoiubly witLhald,or ualas extenu�tin cucumeGwcee azist which ue beyond Borrower's coatrol. Boc�row�er�tull not <br />_-*��-� de�tmy,dRmaRo or imp�ir the PropertY, �I�ow the Property to deterionte, or commit w�ete oa tbe Ptopetty. Borrowx <br /> _� <br /> --_���-- �1�ll be m defRUlt if�ay forfeituro�chon or proceedin�,whether civil or crimin�l, ie be�un t6�t in L.e�der'� ood fiulh <br /> ___;y�� jud�meot cauld reeult ia forfeitun of the Property or othetwiee m�teri�lly impair the lioa c�naded by thi� 9ecurity <br /> -%��� Inwument or Leador•e recunty mtcrost. Aorrawer ma�cure euch a defiult�nd retnstate. �u provided in p�ra�raph 18. by <br />_"�";-�y� cauda� Ihe �ction or pmceedin� W be diemieea!with • rulin� th�t, ia l.euder'e good fi�th determia�tion, pcecluda <br /> _�,�, forfatun of the Borrawer'e intarest in the Property or other materi�l impurmant of t4�e liea craued by thf� Security <br /> �-_'_`�3� ln�trument or Leader'e eecurity iutecest.Borrower slu�ll Rlso be in def�ult if Borrower,durin� the low�ppUcatioa pracer, <br />��..���� �wve tn�terially filee or in�ccurate infornution or etateroenta to Leader(or fiuled to Prov►de Lender wiW wy m�teri� <br /> .. �.:fct^�.._lioa)ia c��^_G2^w;rt,�f+.�I�,.n Rvide,nced by the Note, includin¢,6ut not lim�ted to.►eProeeat�tiau ooncernin{ <br /> ��,���� gomniver'�accupocy af tbe Property�a a principwl roeida�ce.If t6ie Secur,ity Inatcument ia aa�le+i�elwld�Borrowar�ull <br />-___- comp ly with dl the provisiooe of tLo laiee. If Borrower�cquiree fee title to the Property,the leau+ehold u�d the fee title <br /> ----— �brll nnt arer�e unlaa Lander aQrea to tho mer�er in wrida�. <br /> 7, prWedion of I,ander'�R�ht� in the Pn►perty If Borrower fiuls to perform tho covea�nt��ad <br /> ec�ot�ieed in tbi�Security Instrument, or therd ie •le�d proceedin� th�t may signific�ndy sffect I.ecubr's ri t�in the <br /> -_---- - pn�perty(wcb�a proceedin�in b�nlcn�ptcy, proMte, for coadomnRtion or forfeiture or to eaforce lawe or roQul�tioai), <br /> tb�a I�aider mny do and p�y for wlu�tever �s neceasary to protect the value of the Proparty �nd Lencbr's ri�hta in t5e <br /> �_-- p�op�C�y Lendpr�� actiooe m►y include p�yuiQ my sums eecurcd by a liea which bao priority ovar thie Securit <br /> - lAMruawot.appAUip� in court, �ayin�re�eonwble �ttorneys' feee wd eatetiay on tbe Property to m�ke rep�in. AltLou� <br /> °°" l.�ed�r may GJce�ctioa under tkuR para aph 7�Leader doeA not havo to do eo. <br /> " - �py�mwmts dlebursed by Lea�er under tliie puayrwph 7 shall become additioad debt of Borrower eecurod by t1il� <br /> � - Security Inrtruwent. Unleea Borcower�nd L,wckr�aroe to other krme of p�yment, thesa amouats shsll beRr interat from <br /> '� the date of did�uroement at the Noto r�te md slull be pwy�blo, wiW intecest, upoa ndico ftom Leader to Borrowa <br /> — ��WYmont. <br />--- 1,Mort�ye Lisurane�. If Leader required mort�a�o insuruice�e a coadidon of mdcinQ the lan secured by tLb <br /> --_- S�curity Instnuuent, Borrower ehall pRy tl�o pnui+ucne requirod to au�inhin the mo�t��Qe iaaur�nce in ef#'ect. If� for any <br /> - - r+oron. tbe auortpQe iasunu�ce coven�e requued by I.encbr ly�ee or caues W be �a ett'ect� Borrower aull p�y t6e <br /> ---___„�,;n�� premiumr royuired to obt�in covera�o eubetauli�lly equivaent to the mort���e iaaurmce previouely Ia et�'xt, �t�can <br /> -- ,6.:�.� subNantWly equiv�lent to the coet to Borrower of the mort�Rae ineunace prov�ouely in of'Fect�from m�Itam�te mort�ye <br />—��=f��� in�unr�pproved 6y Lsodor. If substantidlyeq uivdeat mort�+�Qe ineur�oce covera�o�e not wvulable, Bonower rh�ll py <br /> `--- — to I.aocix wch month�eum equal to one-twelfth of the ye�rly mort�a�o inaurnaca premium beia� pid by Borrower wbee <br /> �._---=�4� tbe inwnocd covetaQe I�ped or cwa!to be in effxt. Leader will�ccept�uoe and rotain tbese paymeat��s�Ioer ro�arve <br /> ------ in Iku of nwA��e uoarance. L.o�e reeerve p�yanents my no lonaer be reqwred, �t tho optian of L,eader, if awrt�ye <br /> _-, s�� inrunooe covenre.(in�he amount aod for the period tlut Lend'er requiroo)provided by m ia�urer y�proved by L.eoda <br /> -��-:� � un beccrme��vafrbk and ie oWainod. Borrowa ehall pay the promiume required to mainlun mort�e iasurwce in <br />-_:�g�� e�t. or to provide �loer reoerve, until tho requiromeat for mortgago inaurance eads in �ccosd+nce with wy writtan <br />=_,,,-:.� R�reeme�t Fx:tween Bamwer�nd I.sader or�pplicable law. Fam 2 s/so lpip�3rpfslj <br /> -::;�...,:• �� �_ <br /> o`�"r',p+';.;`' � �/416111�IIY�T[M�,INC.,ET.CIOW,MN{�00]0•�00•J�7•43411 FOMI MU•1diE 2f6/�1 <br /> , rtr . <br /> •� e� <br /> _ - " ,.�. <br /> --., . <br /> a:, 'i <br /> _ , � _ <br /> . .� �' . <br /> ..• l' <br /> . � <br /> ."�`' �. <br /> � . . . . .. . . ... . .. ------- �°---- -_. ._.. .. . <br /> . <br /> - <br /> �.. <br />