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��14��455 <br /> fu�l of a�l sums secured by th�s Secur�ty Ins�rumen�. However, th�s �p�ion shall na� b� e�er��sed by Lender xf <br /> exercise�s prahi���ed by federal�aw as of the da�e of th�s Security Instrument. <br /> �f Lender exercises this a ��on, Lender sha1� give Borrower na�ice ❑f accelerat�on. The noti�e sha1� pra�id� a <br /> � <br /> period of no� �ess �han �he minimum number af days establish�d by Applica�ble Law fr�m �he date the n�t�ce is <br /> deli�ered �r mailed within which Borro�ver must pay a�I sums secured by th�s Security �nstrumen�. �f Borrower <br /> fai�s to pay�hese sums pr�or tfl the expiratian af this per�od, Lender may �n�oke any remedies perrni�ted by this <br /> Security Ins�rument vvi�hout fur�her n��ice or demand on Barrower. <br /> Barrower's Right �o Reinstate. If Barrawer n�ee�s certain canditions, Borrower shal� have the righ� to haWe <br /> enforcement of this Secur�ty rnstrumen� discon�inued at any tim�prior�o the earlier of: �a� 5 days (or su�h o�her <br /> perivd as App�icable La�v may s�ecify for reins�a�enlent}before sale of�he Proper�y pursuan�to any pa�nrer�f sa�e <br /> contained in this Security instrument; �r �b� entr�y of a judgment enforc�ng �hYs Secur�ty �nstrumen�. Those <br /> condi�ions are �ha� Barrower: �a� pays Lender a11 �ums vvhich then vr�au�d be due under�his Securzty �nstrumen� <br /> and the Contrac�as if no acce�erati�n had accurred;�h}cures any default�f any other co�enan�s or agr�emen�s;�c� <br /> pa�s a�l expenses in�urred in�nfar�ing�his Security�nstrument, inc�uding,bu�not limi�ed��,reasonable att�rneys' <br /> fees to the e��ent permit�ed by�aw; and�d�takes such a�tz�n as Lender may reasonably require to assure that�he <br /> lien�f th�s Secur��:y�nstrument, Lender's rights in the Propert�y and Barrower's abiigation�o pay the sum�secured <br /> by�h�s Secur�ty rns�rument sha�I con��nue unchang�d. Upon reinstatement�y Borrov�er, th�s Security �ns�rument <br /> and the obligations secured her��y shall remain fully effe�tive as �f no a�celeration had ��curred. H�wever, th�s <br /> right tfl reins�ate sha�1 no�apply�n the case�f acc�Ieration under the sect�on ti�led Transfer af the Proper�y�r a <br /> Benef�ciallntQrest in Barrovver. <br /> Hazardous Suhstances.Borr�wer shall no�cause or perm�t�he pres�nce,use, disposal, s�orag�, ar release of any <br /> Ha2ardous Substances�n ar in�he Property.Borrov�er shal�n��dfl,nor a11aw anyone else�o do,anything affecting <br /> �he Pr�perty �ha� is in �io1a���n af any En��ronmental Law. The preceding two sen�ences sha�X nat apply to �he <br /> presence,use,�r storage❑n the Praper�y of smal�quan�ities of Ha�ardous Substances tha�are generally recognized <br /> to l�e appropriate�o narmal resident�a�uses and to main�enance of the Proper�y. <br /> Borrvwer sha11 promp�Iy gi�ve Lender written no��ce of any inWes�igation,��a�m,demand, �av�suit or other ac�ian�y <br /> ariy go�ernmental or regu�atory agency or pri�vate party �n����ing �he Properry and any Ha2ardous Substance ar <br /> En�ironmental Lavv of wh�ch Borro�nrer has actual knavvledge. If Barravver learns, or is no��fed �y any <br /> go�ernmental or regula�ory authority,tha�any remo�al�r ather remedia���n af any Ha�ard�us Substanc�affecting <br /> the Praper�y is necessary, Borrower sha�l promptly �ake al� necessary remed�al actions in accordance wi�h <br /> En�iranmental Law. <br /> As used �n�h�s paragraph, "Ha�ardous Substances" are�hose substances def ned as��x�c or hazardous subs�ances <br /> b� En��ronmental La�v and �he follov�ing substances: gasol�ne, kerosene, other flammable ar �axic petroieum <br /> produc�s, toxic pesti�ides an�i herbicides, voiatile sa��ents, ma�er�als c�n�alnxng asbes�os or fflrmaldehyde, and <br /> radioac��ve materxals. As used in�his paragraph, "Envir�nmenta�Law"means federal laws and laws�f�he state of <br /> Nebraska that re�ate�t�heal�h,safe�y�r envir�nmenta�pratec�ion.. � <br /> Acce�erati�n; Remedies. Lender shal� gi�e nvti�e tn �orrvvver prior to a�ceiera��on fal�vwing B�rrovver's <br /> breach of any co�enant�r�.greement�n th�s Security Instrument or th��vntract under►which a�celeratinn <br /> is permi�ted [but not pr��r to acc��e�a�ian under thQ sec���n tit�ed Transfer of the Property or a Benef��ial <br /> Int�rest in Barrower, un�es� Applicab�e Law pro�ide� flth�rwise}. The notice shal� specify: (a) the default; <br /> �b} the act�on reyuired t� �ure th� defau�t; �c} a date, not �ess than the minimum number �f days <br /> �s�ablished �y Applicab�e Law frvm the date the not�ce is g�ven to Barro►�ver, hy which th�default must be <br /> cured; and (d} �hat fa�xure t� cur� th� default �n ar b�fore the date specif��d in the notice may result �n <br /> acceleration of the sums s�cured �y thi5 S�curity InStrument and sa�e nf the Prapert�. Ta the exten� <br /> perm�t�ed hy lavv, the not�c� shail further inform Borrov��r of the right to reins�ate after acCelerat�on and <br /> the right to bring a court action to asser�the n�n--exis�ence of a default or any other defense af Sarrvwer to <br /> accel�ration and sale. If the default is not cured nn or befvre the date specif�ed in �he nat�ce, Lender at it5 <br /> option may require immedia�� pay�nent in full of al� sums secured i�y this Security Instrument w�thau� <br /> further demand and may in�oke th� power nf sale and an� other remed�es perm�t�ed by App�f�abl� Law. <br /> T� the extent pQrmitted by law, L�nder shall be entitied �o co�lect a�� expenses incurrQd in pursu�ng the <br /> remed�es pro��ded in this Section, ir�c�uding, but a�ot limited to, rea�onable attorneys' fees and c�sts af��tle <br /> e�idQnce. <br /> If�he p�vv�r of sale �s �n�aked,Tru�tee shall r�cord a notice of default �n each�ounty in vvhi�h any part of <br /> the Property is located and shall mail c�pies Qf such notice in the manner prescri�ed by App�icabie Law�o <br /> Borrower a��d ta �he other persons pre�cribed by Applicable Law. After �he t�me required by Applicab�� <br /> Law, Trustee shall gi�e pu��ic noti�e af sale to the persons and in the manner prescrihed by App�i�able <br /> Law. '�`rustee,without demand on ��rrower, shai�se��the Prop�rty at public auction to the highest b�dder <br /> at�he t�me and place and under�he terms designated in the no�ice of sale in one or more parcels and in any <br /> order Trust�e det�rmines. Trustee may postpone saie of aIl or any parce� of the Praperty by public <br /> annfluncement at the time and place of any pre�ious�y schedu�ed sale.Lender or�ts designee may purchas� <br /> the Property at any sale. <br /> Upon receip� of payment of the pri�e bid, Trustee shall de�i�er ta th� purchaser Trustee's deed con�eying <br /> the Property. The recita�s in the Trus�e��s deed shali he prima facie e�idence of thQ tru�h of the statements <br /> made therein. Trustee shall apply �he pr�c�eds af th� sale in the fol�awing ard�r: �a} to all costs and <br /> expenses af exercising#he pvw�r nf sa�e, and t�e saie, �nclud�ng the payment�f�he TruStee'� f�es actua��y <br /> C�2DD4-20I3 Compliance Systems,Tnc.8ES3-53BS-2�l3LZ.O.EI.712 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Tnstrucnent DL�435 Pa�e 4❑f 5 www.compliancesystems.�am <br />