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� _. ,.. .. • _- .___ -- . __ __ _ <br /> �.:��. <br /> ...��.»,_'�„�p�`'°,��.�� l,,t�:...��. <br /> _ _ _ _ _ —-_ _ _ <br /> 4 � <br /> • 9V� 112��I2 <br /> • Ex�iBrT �A� . <br /> Lot Eight (8) in I{aggee' Subdirieion being a par� of the NorChe�aC Querker of <br /> the Northweat Quarter and a part of ttie Northweat Quetter of the Northesst <br /> Quprter in Section 28, Townahip 11 North, Range 9 Weat of the 6th P.M.� <br /> ilall County Nebrasks e�cept e trsct of land aore p�rticularly described es <br /> $edi�ning at the northweeC corner of LoG Eight (B)� l�a��ee' 5ubdivision in <br /> tl�e City of Grand Island, NeUraske; thence running east on the north line of <br /> eeid Lot Bi.ght ($) to a point lying �.68 £eet (2.341 rnet�rs) east of the <br /> noxthwest'curner of aeid Lat $; thence running aouthrreaterly a.diatance of:.' . <br /> 12.69 �eet (3.868 metera) to a point on ehe West �ine of seid Lot Eight (8) <br /> a diatence of 10.10 feet (3.0T8 aieters) �outh of tha norrhwes� corner of <br /> said I.ot 8; thence running noxth on the weat line of aeid Lot Eight (S) a <br /> diatante of 10.I0 feet (3.Q78 r�eters) to rhe point of beginning. <br /> _--ig��l�L•4dliBarr"sa-L�CiHIM�.S�4���-�-_�—— —_— —���_� � <br /> --�_-:��n','����',����"------� r���= <br />