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.. . , ;..:. <br /> .. .. . . . . <br /> ',�,:�-t. ��!' . . ' r'�� �'.� , � <br /> ����/� L' . '� �. �` <br /> '3� , . � , <br /> 'X�It11���� � . _ - . .. j;'� ;� ��} S <br /> .il� '-yl- ' �. � j( i:f'���r`��.� .R�. <br /> ' ..�. .r r�oliwevwawu.f,..w. .!,:. • �'1 •. _-r ti1.f._.;Y17��0 <br /> :t',-`[:- - 'lf .. •.tr..t 2r"'LO`'. .ni..�.�.,t:•ILWr.. . � .. . . .. ... '�. <br /> . .. � '����` <br /> „ .. .... . . ..... .. .. .. . ...._. -. ._... 7�„ -.V'i:�. <br /> .�pt1.���.�'�'.;:"_. <br /> j� .�iet. <br /> � ' 1� % .g'(����yi�-_——. <br /> � . ` ���'r]J�-�.� � <br /> , w V I�_ ��V.JM Y y�� /�Q +I .q,�'��� <br /> Cn n �+• ���I{,1�..7r �. 4�'.: <br /> ~ RG•f��rl/�lL»... . . . <br /> The Power of Sale canfened upoa the Tru�tce Fhall nat Iw cxcrclscd until thc Trustee shall first file fc�r record, ia <br />' the Offi of DefauRe�etntifying thT uat Dccd by stat ag the nam SSOf thccTrn tor�nemcd thercin and g�h►ving thc Book and . ' . , <br /> a Not ce <br /> Page where the same is recorded, a descriptioa of thG truFt pcoperty. rr d and sett�ina forth the�nature of such brea h <br /> ' obligadoa for which the trust property was conveyed as security has occu � ► .r::�: <br /> and his electioa to se1D or cause to be sold such praperty�to sadsfp the abllgation; and er the lapse of not less thau one . <br /> ' ' moath,the Trustte shall give notice ot sale as prov�dcd by Ncbraska law, . . • <br /> , ,.���. <br /> ,,�+�+� After Notice of Default and lapsc of not less than one moath,the Trustce shall givc writtea aotice of the Ume and ,.,:I_;;.�. <br /> ` ,;��r:r- <br /> • --•-^-'�'' place of sale pardcularly describing the Property to be sold by publication af such notice,at lea5tr oiet�es�sale�in some •�� �=` <br /> � ..xi�-,_ : <br /> � for five consecutive weeks, tbe last publlcadon to bc at lcast 10 days but not mare than 30 days p� ,,,._ <br /> •1._:—__ <br /> newspaper haviag general circulatioa in cach cotuity in whi�h�be property ta be sold, or some part thereof, is situated. � ,`: : <br /> ,,.�..,;. - <br /> � Upon snch sale, the Trustcc shaU cxecute and•delivcr a deed of a�nveyance of thc property sold to the purchaser ;..,•�_.�: <br /> , ' or purchasers thereof and any statement or recital of fact ia such deed in relatlon to�sonal delivery and publicatlon and _.�'����~� <br /> ' sale of the properky described hercin, including recitals concerning any mallin8+ Pe p =='" <br /> � posting,of no6ce o� Sr of in�t�avordof b na&de� wchascrs and encumbrancp,er�far valuc and with ut notice.mThe Trustec's :���;;_:___.._ <br /> conclus�ve evtdence the - <br /> deed shall�perate to convey to the Purchaser,wPthout right of redemption, thc Truatee's dtle and all rig Ptp ytle pd claim :.,.''�N' <br /> of Trustor and his successors in interceAStsa bae�quen�tes of exercisting the Po cruof Saleaand of the�ale�includin6 the aOMen�t J�� <br /> � of the Trustee's sale,FIRST,to the � _ <br /> �, of thc Trtutee's fees actnally incuned,whicb fees sbaU include a reasoaable attorneys fee,aot to exceed 5350.00; S , <br /> to the,pay olders and the balance�if anYet chc Per on or pc so�ns lcg y entitled phecto.t of juaior trust deeds, mortgages or '"' <br /> �. other Uenh , ' __ <br /> ! And the Trustee covenants faithfully to perform the uust herein created. Trustee shaU have no obligadons under ' <br /> this Trust Deed other than thosc e�cpressly providcd for hereia. ����� . <br /> � FICIARY ma from time to tune substitute a successor or succcssors to any Trustee named herein or acting <br /> BENE Y �``'--- <br /> hcreunder to cxecute the Power of Salc under tbis Trust Dced. Upon euch appoiatment and wichout wnveyance to thc ��- <br /> successor, the latter shall be vested with all tide, powers, and dutics conferred upon any trustee herein named or acting <br />- � hereunder. Each such substitutian sind appointment shell be made in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska �,_ <br /> applicable thereto. <br /> • The waiver by the Trustee or BeneFiciary of any default of Trustar under thia Trust Deed shall not be deamed to _ <br /> --—__=— be a u�ai�er af su;other or s!milar defaults�ubseqnently occurring. <br /> � This Trust Deed shaU be consWed according to the laws of the State of Nebraska. <br /> � `r This Trust Deed shaU inure to and bind the he'us, legatces, deviaces, administrarors, executors end assigns of the <br /> parties hereto. <br /> • Tpa�arties hcreto request that a copy of any natice of default or noticc: of sale hereundcr shall be mailcd to the <br /> Trustor at 2b26 BREN'1WOOD BLVD� GRAND ISI.AND, Ivebraska 688Qi and to thc Beaeficiary,at Z511 LAKEWOOA � <br />" ' �'� � DR1VE. GItAND iSLAND, NE 688U1, by certified mail, unlesa eithcr party shall bc advised, in wnting, of any changG in <br /> � address. <br /> `' Wherever the coatext so requires,singular words shall be construed ln the plural and via versa, and the masculine � <br />-��� gender shaU be construed to indude the feminine and vice vcrsa <br />;�i:' '''. <br />,�.��,; `."..,� WITNESS OUR HANDS ttus 18th day of December,1997. �r <br /> �.�< <br />_ � <br /> ' STATE OF NEBRASKA � <br />- - COUNTY OF HALL <br /> l � . • - SINGLE PE�ON rument was acknowledged before me this i8th day ot December, 1997 by SIAMAK KARIMIAN� A = <br /> ;, � �� _„�--- ose�u'�rm3'w�M _ <br /> ^ �,� N31Sk13H'��INYIM � <br /> , o ar,j�'4'II61tc eysuQ�p�o a14S'AtlYION 1Ytl3N39 — <br /> .r�.a-.,� <br /> ' �:=� <br /> � � - � - <br /> When this Trust Decd has been paid in iull, ti�c Bcneficiary, in ordcr to relcusc thc licn, mush :,�:_��. <br /> i. Mark the original Promissory Notc and Trust Dccd'Puid in Full'ovcr nc� signntures of all hcncGciarics anddatc <br /> ' all signatures. <br /> 2. Advice the Trustce, in writing,that all amounts secured have becn paid in full and authorir�; thc Trustce to issuc <br /> � a Deed of Rec�nveyance; <br /> 3. Mail thc orip�nal Promissory Notc,Trust Deed and written authoruation to the Trustce at thc adJress indicated <br /> _ —.— on the first page of thisTrust Decd. <br /> ..__ . ._ -- <br /> ._ .,_��_�... �...., .�.a �r...�.,�.� awnnnt nnd will not tssue a Deed ot Reconveysnce unlese und unUl the <br /> YUt9tNtnt w i�cvaaa.... .�...� .»� "--" -... - -_-_.... <br /> foregoing items 1.,2.,and 3.have been complled with. <br />" <br /> i l <br /> i � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 1 q4N�/�1�M6 <br /> P�p�2 Form 8ollwan byllutom�t�d Rul E�uNBy�t�m�,lne.t.�00d�0•ts�e <br />