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�R��,� <br /> ,, ,. � <br /> «..,.�>.,�r , . � . . �. <br /> �.--��.�,:�,-,� �,rt. _ ___ . _ . _._ -: <br /> .�.3- -� .;.�• � -- - �� <br /> . <br /> �$- ii�595 <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> A tract ot land comprisinq a part ot tihe North�ast Quartar (NE�t) Sec. <br /> Thr�� (3) , Townahip 'i'r+elve (12) North, Renq� Lleven (ii) Was� o! th� 6�h P. <br /> M., Hall County, N�br�ska and mor� pssrticul�rly dascrib�d ss tAllows: Se- <br /> qinniag at the South�a�t Corn�r o! Ssction Thirty �'ivm (35) , Tcwn�hip <br /> Thirts�n (13) North, Ranqa� Eiev�n (111 Wsst of the 6th P.M., Howard Count�r, <br /> N�braskaf thanc� N89 degr��s 38' 34" E alonq and upon ths North lin� o! <br /> �aid S�ction Thr�e (3) , a distanc• of Six Hundred Si.xty One �nd Ninety Five <br /> Hundr�dths (661.95) f���i thanc� 5 00 Daqree� 02' 26" E a di�tance of Saven <br /> Hundr�d l�orty Thr�e dnd Fifty S1x Huridr�dths ('143.56) fnet; theaca N 89 de- <br /> qre�s 41' 11" W a distancw of Seven Hundre+d Sixty One (761.0) feett tY►�nce <br /> �I 00 deqreea 02' 26" N A di�tance o� 5even Hundred Forty P'our (7 44. O) fe�t <br /> to a point an the North line o� said S�ctton Three (3) ; thance $ 89 de�� <br /> qr��s 43' 28" E alonq a�nd upoa the Narth line oi ssid Section Thx�e (3), a <br /> distance of Ninety Nine and Five Hundredths (49.05) feet to the point of <br /> b�qinninq. <br /> - _ - ��-��"l"�,,'��s,��ea+aa�� -- _�' <br /> ----- a���j�„�;�i�5y71's���� i�4�'�`'� —_v-�°•'�`-='' <br /> t� <br /> �1�ik'���y� ' --- - 1 1��� <br /> �c t y wl����f X Y. ''. x �— �a'�'1'�;fi�1�'P'�1 <br /> .:���� '�-ti�i c �; ... ir'.y,.�,u'a� ,�.i� .'cl u,Ct-+.,J 4r <br /> . �.t;--� - ---. . , . : •t --- . ._..�rY._�.�`�^� _ . 1 .�_'. _ .. _ A�' . .:.--�_--_— <br />