<br /> in�he Proper�y and rights under�his Security Instrum�nt; and�d} takes such ac�ion as Lend�r may
<br /> reasonably requ�re t�assure�hat L,ender's interest in t�e Proper�y and ri�h�s under�h�s Securi�� �nstrumen�,
<br /> and Borrower's obliga�ion�o pa��he sums secured by�h�s Se�urity �ns�rumen�, s�a1� continue unchang�d.
<br /> Ilender ma� require that Barrav�er pay such reins�a�ement sum� and expenses in ane ar rr��re of�he fallawing
<br /> farn-�, as sel�cte�.b�Lender: �a}cash; (b} mon�y nrder; �c}cer�if�ed c�ieck, bank check, tr�asurer's check or
<br /> cash�er's chec�, pro�rid�d any such Check is drawn upon an�ns�i�ut�on whose depasits are insur��by a
<br /> federal agency, instrumenta�ity or en���y; or�d} Eiectron�c Funds Transfer. Up�n r�instatement by Borrower,
<br /> t�.is Secur�ty Ins�rumen�and obl�ga�ions secured here�y sha11 remain fuliy eff�ctiv�as if no accelerat�on�iad
<br /> �ccurred. Hov�e�er, �his righ��o reinsta�e shall n��apply �n the case of acce�era�ion under Sec�ivn 1 S.
<br /> ��. Sale of Note; Ghange of Lvan Ser�icer; Natice vf Gr�e�ance. The No�e or a par�iai interest�n the
<br /> Nflte��oge�her wi�h��.is Secur�ty Instrument} can be sv�d one or more�imes w�thou�pr�or na�ice�a
<br /> Borrow�r. A sale m�gh�result in a change in the en��ty�kn�wn as the "Loan Servicer"� �ha�co��ects Per�odic
<br /> �aymen�s due under th�N�te and�h�s Secur�ty Ins�ru.m�nt and p�rforms o�her naor�gage 1�an serv�cin�
<br /> ob�iga�xons under the Note, th�s Secur��y�nstrument, and Applic�ble Law. 'Ther�a�sa m�ght�be one�r mar�
<br /> changes af�he Loan Serv�cer unreia�ed�o a sale o�th�Nflte. If t�ere�s a change af the Laan 5er��cer,
<br /> Borrow�r wil�be g�ven writ�en not�ce of�he change which w�i� state the name and address of the nevcr Loan
<br /> Servicer, �he address�o which paymen�s should be made and an�other informa�i�n RESPA requir�s �n
<br /> connection wi�h a not�c�of transfer of ser�ric�ng. If the Note is so�d and thereafter�he Laan is serv�ced b� a
<br /> Loan Serv�cer other than the purchaser of the Note, the mortgage�oan s�r�i�ing obligations to Borr�wer w��l
<br /> rema�n wi�h�he L�an Ser�iGer or be transferred to a successor L.oan S�rv�cer and are not assumed by��e
<br /> Note purchaser unless otherwis�pr�vided by the Note purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borrower nor L.ender ma�commence,jo�n, �r be�o�ned ta any judicia� ac��an�as either an
<br /> ind���dual l��igan�or�he member of a c�ass} �hat ar�ses fr�m the other par�y's ac�ions pursuant to this
<br /> Se�urity Instrum�nt�r�ha�a�ieg�s that�he o�h�r part�r�as breach�d an�pra�ision af, or any dut�owed by
<br /> reasan af, this Securi�y�ns�rurnen�, until such Borrowe�or L.ender has n�tified�he other party�wi�.h such
<br /> n�tice gi�en�n comp��ance wi��.�he r�quirement�af Sec�ion �5}of�uch al�eged breach and afforded the
<br /> o�.her party here�a a r�asonable per�od after��.e g���ng of such no�ice t�take�orrec��ve ac�ion. �f App�icab�e
<br /> La.w prov�des a�ime p�riod which mu��elapse�efore c�rtain ac��on can�e�aken, tha��ime per�ad wi��be
<br /> de�med to b�r�asonabl�for purposes vf this paragraph. The not�ce af acce�era�ion and�ppor�un�ty to cur�
<br /> gi�en�o Borrower pursuant ta Section�Z and�he notice of acce�erat�on given to Borrower pursuant�o
<br /> Section �8 shall b�d�emed�� satisfy�he n��ice and oppor�un��y to take�orre��i�ve act��n pro��s��ns of this
<br /> Sect��n 2�.
<br /> �'i, Hazardous Substances. As used in�his Section�1: ta} "I-�a.zardous Substances"are thas�substances
<br /> def�ned as tox�c or hazard�us su�s�an�es, pollu�ants, �r v�as�es by �n�ironmen�al Law and��e fol�owing
<br /> substances: gasolzne, keros�ne, vther�lammab�e or toxic petraleum pradu��s, to���pes�ic�des and herb�cides,
<br /> �ola�ile solv�n�s, materials con�aining asb�s��s�r formald�hyde, and radina�tive ma�eria�s; (h�
<br /> "�nviron�r2ert�al LQw"means federa� Iaws and Iaws of the�ur�sdicti�n vvhere the Prap�r�y is�ocated�hat
<br /> rela�e tfl�.ea�th, safetiy�r en��r�nmen�a�pra�ection; �c} "�nviranmen�a�Clea�up"�nc�udes any response
<br /> act�on, remedial ac�ion, or ren�aWa� ac�ion, as defzned �n En�ir�nmen�a� Lavcr; and�d� an "Environmen�ar
<br /> Cnnditi�r�"means a condi�ion�ha�can�au��, contr�hute t�, or o�herv�ise�rigger an En��ronmen�al �Zeanup.
<br /> Borrflwer sha�� not cause ar permit�h�presenc�, use, disposa�, s�orage, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> 5u�stances, or th.rea�en to release any �azardous Subs�ances, on or in the Proper��r. Borr�v�rer sha11 nat do,
<br /> nor allow anyane else�o do, any�hing affec�ing the Proper�y �a}�hat is in vialation vf any En�rironmental
<br /> Lav�r, �b�vvhich crea�es an En�ironmental Conditi�n, or�c}w�xch, du�to the presen�e, use, �r re�ease of a
<br /> �azardaus Substance, crea�es a candi�ion�hat adversely affec�s�he va�u�of�he Prop�rty. Th�preced�ng�wo
<br /> N�6RASKA-Single�a�nily-Fannie Mael�reddi�MaG UNI�QRM INSTRUM�NT �arm 3�28�1�1
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi[NEf t13Q2)
<br /> Wait�rs Klc�wer Financial Ser►►ices Page 13 af 17
<br />