<br /> satisfac�ion, pr�vided that such inspe�tion shal�be und�rtaken pr�mptly. Lender rna�pay for the repairs
<br /> and restorat�on in a sing�e disbursement or�n a serie�of progress payments as �he wark is comp�e�ed.
<br /> Un�ess an agreement is made in wri�ing or App�icable Law requires in�eres�to be paid an such
<br /> Misce��aneous Pr�ceeds, Lender sha�l not be requ�red�o pa�Barr�wer any �nterest or earnings on such
<br /> MisGe��aneous Proceeds. If�he restoration or repair is not�c�n�micaliy feasible�r Lender's secur�ty wou�d
<br /> �e�essened, the M�scel�ane�us Proceeds shall b�app�ied to the sums secured by this Secur�t�r�ns�rument,
<br /> whether or no�then due, w��h�he excess, �f any, paid�a Borrower. Su�h Miscellaneous Proc��ds sha�l be
<br /> appiied in the order prav���d for in Secti�n�.
<br /> In�he e�ent of a total taking, des�ruc�ion, or Ioss in�a�ue of�he Prop�r�y, �he Miscelianeaus Froc�eds shal�
<br /> be app�ied to the sums s�cured by this Secur�ty �nstrument, wh��her or no�then du�, w�th the excess, �f any,
<br /> pazd�o Borrower.
<br /> In the�vent of a par�ial taking, des�ructian, �r lflss in value of the Praper�y in which the fair marke�value af
<br /> �he Property immediate��before the partial taking, d�s�ructian, or�ass in value is equa�t��r greater than�he
<br /> amoun�of the sums secured b��h�s Secur�ty Instrumen�immediate��before�he part�a��ak�ng, destruc��on, or
<br /> �oss�n va�ue, un�ess Borrower and Lender ntherw�se agree�n vWrzt�ng, ��e sums s�cured by��is Securi�y
<br /> Instrument sha�l be reduced by �he amount�f�he Misce�Xaneous Proceeds multipl�e�by the fall�wing
<br /> fractz�n: �a} �he totai amaun�of�he sums s�cur�d immed�at��y before�he part�al ta�ing, des�ruc�ion, or loss
<br /> in�a�ue d�vi�.�d by �b} �h�fa�r market value of th�Property imme�iate�y bef�r�the part�a�takzng,
<br /> des�ruc�ion, or�oss �n va�ue. Any ba�ance shal�b�paid t� B�rrawer.
<br /> In�h�event�t a par��ai�a.k�ng, des�ructian, or lass �n va�ue flf the Proper�y�n wh�ch the fair marke�va�ue�f
<br /> �h�Property immediately before the part�al ta.�ing, des�ruction, �r��ss in va�ue is less thar��h�am�un�of th�
<br /> sum�s s�cure�immediat��y bef�r��he part�al taking, ��struction, �r��ss in�alue, unless B�rrower an.d
<br /> Lender otherwise agree in v�r�t�ng, the M���ellan�ous Procee�s�hai�b�app��ed to the�um.s secured b�r�hzs
<br /> Security�nstrument whe�her or not�he sunns are�hen due.
<br /> �f�h�Proper�y is a�andoned by Barrower, ar�f, af�er no��ce by L�n��r to Borrawer that th��pp�s�ng Party
<br /> �as d�fined in�he next senten����ff�rs to ma.l�e an award to s�ttl�a ciaim f�r damages, Borravwer fails��
<br /> r��pnnd�o L�nder within 3��a�s after the date the notice is give�, Lend�r is auth�r�zed t�Gn��ect and apply
<br /> �he N.��sce��aneous Pr�c�eds e��her�o restoration or repair of the Pr�perty ar�o�he sums se�ured b�th�s
<br /> Security�nstrument, wh��her or no�then due. "�pp�sing Par�y" �neans the th�rd par�y that awes Barrow�r
<br /> Miscel�aneous Pra�eeds or the part�against whan-�Btirrovv�r has a right of actian in regard to M�scellaneau5
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borravver sha.l�be�n default xf any act�on or proceeding, whether c�vil or�rin�na�, �s begun that, �n Lender's
<br /> judg�nen�, c�u�d result�n farfe�tur�of t�.�Praperty�r o�her ma�er�a� �xnpazrmen�of L�nder's interest�n t�Z�
<br /> Praper��r ar r�ghts under�h�s Securit�r�nstrument, Bor�r�wer can cure such a defau�t and, if accelera��on�.as
<br /> occurred, reins�ate as pr�vided in Sectian 19, by�aus�ng��e a���on or proceeding�a be dismi.ssed with a
<br /> ruling�hat, in Lender's judgm�nt, pr�c�udes farfeiture of the Proper�y or oth�r ma�erial impairment�f
<br /> Lender's interes� in the Prap�rty nr righ�s un�ier�his Securit��nstrument, The proceeds af any a�vard or
<br /> c�a�m for damages that are attrzbu�a�le�o�he impairmen�of Lend�r's �nterest in�he Prop�r�y are hereby
<br /> assign�d and sha��be paid to Lender.
<br /> Al� Miscellaneous Praceeds that are not app�ied�� res�ora�i�n or repair of the Proper�y sha�I be app�ied �n the
<br /> order pro�ided far in Sect�on 2.
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingle Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFORM{NSTRUMENT Fvrm 3D28 1141
<br /> VMP{� VMPfitN�f�13a21
<br /> Wo�ters Kiuw�r Financial 5er�ices Pag�1 fl of�7
<br />