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�k , �- ' �_. <br /> ,� .fr:��:;T�= <br /> L :fxu;p�, <br /> ..�:. <br /> •{.,,,�.�,• '.' - — <br /> . • -.....-• — <br /> .. �•���'�,-,• � , � — - <br /> , � t .. , ._..� <br /> - -ri:t.�I��.� <br />- � .. ' � , .. . . .. . - � .f•� W__'_—. <br /> �. ti�•:2""T,�. <br /> - . ."Ar�ia]II . <br /> . ���- t10�5u .��? <br /> • A <br /> 16.Borrower's Copy. Borrowec shall be given one contormed copY af the Note and of this Security Insvument. •,u�- <br /> 17,Transter ot the Propert or A Benetkial Interest in Barrower. If nJl or any pan of the Property or any intcrest in it is ;���_� <br /> sold or transfcaed (or if a bene�cial intera9t in Boaawer is sold or transfencd and Borrower is not a naturalperson) without - ,. ._,,:�.cL..r: <br /> � Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at its opdon,require immediate payment in full af all sums sc,cured by this Security �,�;�.;._. ___ <br /> lnstrumcnt. Howcvcr,this opuan shall not Uc cxcrciscd by Lcndcr if cxcrcisc�s prohibited by fcdcral law av of thc datc of this _ <br /> Sccurity InstrumenG ' �:'•��'-""... <br /> ,,,,_,r... If Lcndcr cxcrciscs thls oppan,Lcndcr shall givc Boaowcr nodcc of aczcicrauon.Thc nodcc shall pravldc aperiod of not lcss . '.�.��, <br /> ,�.► than 30 days fr�m thc da�th�n a6�icsc sums pnor to the c`xpirauon of thB pcn'odr Lcndc maylinvoke any rcmcYdics permit ltcd ,,..:,,W---=_��.- <br /> InstrumcnG If Borrowc p Y .:±:•f�:-w=— <br /> by this Sccurity Instrument without lurfher nouce or demand Gn Borrawer. y;;_� <br /> ' 18.Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Horrower [mdts certain condidons. <br /> Borrowar shall havc ihc dght to havc ;,`__.__�— <br /> � cnforcemcnt of Ihis Security.Instiument discontinued at an�l time prior to the earlier of: �acr��o contained in this Secun'tS . .'-" --- <br /> • r applicablc law may specify for reinstat�emcnt)before salc of thc Property pursuant tn any po �,,:�_,.�---- <br /> � Instrument;or(b)cntry of a�udgmcnt cnforcing this Security InsuumcnG Thosc condiuons ara that Bortowcr:(a)pu�y�s,L.c�d�r�y �� <br /> surr�s which then would be due under this Secunry Instrument and the Note as if no acccleradon had occurreil, ''':eL;.: <br /> �� default of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security lnstrument,including,but : .T, <br /> � not limited w,rcasonable atiomeys'fecs;and(d)takes such acaon as Lcnder maX reasonably require to assure that the lien of this : �,..�u✓ <br /> � Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property snd Bonower's obliganon to pay the sums secured by this Securiry `,�.__�.. <br /> .�, Instrument shall condnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and tha obligauons secured <br /> hercby sha11 remain futly effective as if no acceleranan had occurred•However,this right to reinstate shall not apply in the case of _:'_'�- <br /> acccicrauon undor paragraph 17. J�+"�'� <br /> �,_.. <br /> � 19.Sak of Note;CdAage ot Loan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (Wgether with ihis Secunty ,��. <br /> Insirument)may be sold one or more tLnes without prior notice co Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the enrity(knuwn :-;_,_ <br /> � av the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secunty Instrumenc Thcre also may be one or <br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a cha*►ge of the Loan Servicer,Bonower will be �;,�yG= <br /> given wriuen nodce of the chenge in accordance with para�raPh 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and :�.s`:r'r°. <br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The nodce will also contain any atlier `�y_ <br /> �, informatian required by upplicable law. �,b�ora e or release of any :^:.���?.'-= <br /> 20.Hautrdous Substances. Bonower shaU not cause or permit ihe presence, use, dispo 6 � �,ti, �' <br /> � Hazardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shaU not do,nor allow anyone else to do,enythln8 affectin8 the PropeRy <br /> that is in violation of an�Envimnmental Law.'Itie preceding two sentences sheU not apply to 1he presence,use,or storage on the ;_ <br /> . P rope r t y df small quanuues of Hazardous Substanccs that are generally recognized to be appropnate to normal residenual uses .�.—V <br />— � anu tu tiiSi��teD3tic�.of itte PtOgeri;. <br /> Bonower shall prompily give Lender wdtten nodce of any invesdga@on,claim, demand, iawsuii ui oilfec actian by astY — <br /> Z�... govemmental or regulatory agency or privatc party involving the PropercY and erry Ha7ardous Substance or Envaonmental Law _ =_ ``= <br /> � of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower leams,or is nodfied by anyigo��e�mm�Bonower haryll promp y take�all ����Y=_ <br /> t removal or other remediation of eny Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeay — L-- <br /> � necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. -_==- <br /> � ps used in �us paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardaus substances by ��_, <br /> Environmental and the foUowing subsWnces: gasaline, kerosene, other flemmable or Wxic petroleum products, toxic _ _ <br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,materu+ls containing asbestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materlals. As used in �_ <br /> � this paragraph Z0,"Emironmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is located that relate <br /> F � to hcalth,safety or emironmental protection. � <br /> �'• NON-IJMFORM COVENANTS,Bonower and Lendcr further covenant and agree as follows: <br /> �• 21.Acceleration;Remedies.Leader sha{l give notke to Borrower prior to Acceleration tollowing Borrower's breach ot <br /> � s�ny covedant or agreement in thb Security Instrument (but not prior to Acceleratbn uader paragraph 17 ualess <br /> ' � applicabk law provides otherwtse).The notice ahall spec[fy:(a)the detault;(b)the actbn requlred to cure the defaulh(c) _ <br /> . � a dute,not less than 30 dpys lYom the date the notfce b given to Borrower,by whkh the default must be cured;and(d) <br /> � , that tailure to cure the defAUlt on or before the date specified in the notice may result in accekr�tion ot the sums secured _ <br /> y�,� by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property.T&e notice shall further intorm Borrower of the right to re[nstate c ^_ -- _ <br /> +�. ' after acaleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non•e�ct�tence of a defauit or Any other detease of 6_ _ _ <br /> � Bormwer to acceleration And sale.It the default Lv not cured on or betore the date specified In the notice,Lender,at its `� <br /> �`. option,may require immediate payment in ftill of ell eums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand �,— — <br /> and may invoke the power of sAle and any other remedies permitted by applicable I�w.Lender shall bP entitled to collect _.ti.v.—��_ <br /> all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provided tn tht�paregraph 21,including, but not limited to, reasonable ��' ��° <br /> �---- .... <br /> atturneys'tees And costs of titk evidence. '�J <br /> �..�. <br /> If the power of eale is invoked, 'Crustee shall record a notice of detault In each county in which any part af the � :r. � r. <br /> 1 Property is Focated and sh411 mail copies ot such nottce in the manner prescrlbed by applicable law to Barrower and to the r. , <br /> � other persons prescribed by applicable law.After the tttne required by applicable law,Trustee shall give public notice of <br /> sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shall sell the <br /> Property at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notke of sale . <br /> . � ' . <br /> I Form 3026 9/90 <br /> �; �o-GR(NE)c�z�z).o� aeye6oia imuau: <br /> 1 <br /> � , <br /> � , . . -�---�----- <br /> �1 _ ____ <br />