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. � <br /> , - —„- <br /> ,. ,� ....e,�.�.;�.c��.�,r�,,,¢,: <br /> . . ._.�:- . <br /> � .. �-1�="�a'��'.t..y.�-- .._._.__..__..,..__....._, -- -= <br /> - -- - - - — - `�-.:�1;3f�„�'+t:-i_.____- <br /> . � 98-- �1�9 <br /> Aay Applic.�tlon of renu ehell nat cure ar waive Any defAUlt or invalid�te any other right or remedy of L.ender. Thfs <br /> auiQnment of rents of the Propeny shall terminate whrn the debt sexured by the Security In�trument i�pdd In full. <br /> �e, Po�eciowre prooeduce. !f I.,endcr requiree immedl�te p�yma�t in full under psr�graph 9,l.ender miy invoke <br /> the power of�ale and any other remedles permitted by�pplic�ble law. Ixnder sh�ll be entitled to cailect all expenses <br /> incurred !n pur�uing the remodiea provtded in [his pu�gr�ph 18,including, but not IlrNted to, reiuonAble nttorncye' <br /> fees �pd cosu of title evldence. <br /> If the power of eale ls invokM, 7'rusta shall record A notia of def�ult in each coanty in whfch any pw't of the <br /> p�,o��y ����ated md spRil mail copiea of such notice in the manner preseribcdic b'PP��RTtuatec,t hall gt cpublic <br /> to the other pereons pnscr�b�d bY aPP�jcable law. After the time requirat by spp <br /> notice of s�le to the persons And in the manner prescdbed by applfcxblc law. Tcustee, without demand on Boaower, <br /> ahdl sell the Property At public �uction to the highat bidder at the time ond plsce and under the terms dcaignAted <br /> in the notice of sale in one or more ps�rcels and tn any order Trustec detemunes. Truscee may poscpone sale of all <br /> or any p�rcel of the Propeny by public announcement at the time and place of Any previously scheduled sale. Lender <br /> or ita designx mwy purchase che Propertv at anY salo. <br /> Upan receipt of payment of the price bld,Truatoc sh�ll deliver to the putchaser Trustee's dad conveying the <br /> pcopecty. 'Ihe recitals ia die Truatee's deod sh�ll be pdma fACie evidence of the uuth of the statements m�de thenin. <br /> Trustee ehall apply tht proceals of the sala in the following order. (a.) to�11 costs and cape�tses of exercising th�power <br /> of s�le, �nd the s�le, including the peymrnt of the Tn�sta's fas actually incurrcd. not to exceed � <br /> of the princlp�l amounc of the note et tho time of the dxl�rAtion of def�ult, and reasonable stcarneys' fea as <br /> permitted by l�w; (b) to all sums secured by this Secudty Instrument; and (c) sny excess to the person or persons <br /> leg�liy entitled to it. uires imtnodiate <br /> If tha La►der's interest in tbls Security Instnunent ie held by the Secntary and the SocntAry req <br /> payment in full under paragraph 9,the Sccretary may invoke the nonjudicial power of sale provided iu �he Single <br /> F�mlly Mo:tgage Forcelosure Act of 1994("Act")(12 U.S.C.3751 �s�.)by requesting a foreclosure commissioaer <br /> designatod under the Act to conu►xnce foreclosure and to sell the Ptoperty as provlded in the Act. Nothing in the <br /> ptuoding senteace shall deprivc the Secretary of any righte otherwise available to a Lender under this puigraph 18 <br /> or applicable I�w. <br /> ig, Reoonveyanoe. Upon pAyrnent of ali sums secured by this 5ecuriry Instcument, Lender shall rec�ueat Truscee <br /> co raconvey the Property and shall surrendor thls Socurity [nstrurt►ent and all notes evidencing debt secured by this <br /> Security lnsuvment to Tnistee. Trustee sh�ll reconvey We Property without wanAnty and without charge to the penon <br /> or persons loSalY entidod ro it. Such person or person� qhall pay any recordatlon costs. <br /> �p, � 1t�uAee, Lender, at its option. may iru�u iiiae i'v iirj'w ..�a.c Tr�::ee snd aF�i^-r n cpcc.eseor <br /> truata to wy Trustee oppolnced hereunder by an instrumeut recordod in the couaty ln which Wis Secu�te1l�nunen�e <br /> ia recordod. Without conveyance of the Property, the suecessor trusta sh�ll suce,eed to all the dtle,po <br /> couferred upon Truata herein and by applicable law. <br /> 21. R�a� foe rlotioa, gorrower requeste th�t copies of the notices of default and eale be sent to Borruwer's <br /> �ddreaa which te the Pcoperty �ddres�. <br /> �. g�a�is Saauity I�tnuneat. If one or more dders are executod by Boaower and rocoidod together with <br /> thia Socuriry Iniuument, the covenu►ts of each such rider shal!br incorporated Into�+nd shall amrnd and s�ipplemrnt <br /> tbe eoveaants �ad �gramenta of this Socurity Iastcument as if the dder(s) were a part of this Security Inauumn►t. <br /> [Chocic apPlicable box(es)l. <br /> � Condominium Rider � Graduated Payment Rider � Growiag Equity Rider <br /> � planned Uait Development Rider � Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Rehabllitation Loan Rider <br /> � Non-Owner Occupancy Ride: � Other [Specify] <br /> BY SIGNING BEIAW, Borrower accepts and �grea to the term5 containai in pages 1 through 6 of thfs Security <br /> Insttument and in any rider(s) executed by Borrower and recordal with it. <br /> Z��/`�b�' Z�_,�4E.�/G�� _ ($�l) � , r' ��—:Seal) <br /> ROLAND E. WHITE, JR. -Borrower J RI WHITE -Borrower <br /> r�� ���� <br /> -Bonower -Borrower <br />— ��� r.(Seal) <br /> -Borrower -Bonowcr <br /> = Witness: Witness: <br />,� <br />:� <br />:�3 <br /> � <br />.A NlBRASCI►-FHA DBBD OP 7RUSf <br /> �y SY��^+.Irc.1S001 6�9•1762 Y�gc 5 of 6 <br />_� <br /> (,- <br /> �- .-. .__._ _-_-_ <br /> 1 _ _ --- <br /> � __ <br />