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� �� <br /> -- -_ <br /> - - <br /> ._..�..�....�..._....._ �:_. ..;�--- <br /> ,� . . „ - ,_ .,.,. : „ _ __ -- - --- __ _ _ -- <br /> , -- - -�_.__ -. <br /> *,��'���,s�:�..:;��:�.�. <br /> �� m � D <br /> M <br /> � r,y ct� C.A � tn <br /> S W o -�1 <br /> �� .� � S � 7 � � c� � � j <br /> '� � Cml � • � � ' � -i F, c�" <br /> n � .ro� <br /> � ' � �' OO ;� �' �. <br /> a <br /> 1 ; ` ``'`` =_ ,.� f♦ /y7 <br /> \ � „D . '�U �--'� • <br /> � 1 �� ,-- ::: ; <br /> , ,\ ,� r- ,. tv <br /> � � �� „� v,�- L.JI c� <br /> �-� � D <br /> C � N � � <br /> NnmTr.F UF DEFALII,T OF DEED OF T�UST u <br /> � � NOTICE is hexeby given that C. C. & H. Co., A Nebraska� � -� <br /> Corporation, Truetor, under a certain Deed of Truet filed as a <br /> � Document No. 90-104788 in the Office of the Rdqiater of Desds, hxe � <br /> � breached the terms and conditions ot the underlying obliqat�.on for <br /> � the following truat propesty was conveyed as aecurity, to- <br /> wit: <br /> � Lots Twent�-Si.x (26) and Twenty-Seven (27), in Wildwood <br /> o, 3ubdivieion to Hell County, Nebraska, a part of the <br /> Nartheast Quarter (NE1/4) of Section Twelva (12), <br /> Township Ten (10) North, Rdnqe Ten (30) , West of the 6th <br /> P.M. , in Hall County, Nebragka, meaeuring 200� x 4U0� and <br /> with all appurtenances located thereon. <br /> The Beneficiary under the Desd of Truet, Ffve Points Hank, of <br /> Grand Island, Nebraska, and the Trustee, William W. Marshall III, � <br /> hnve directed the undersigned as attorneys for the Trustee to qive <br /> Notice of Default of the Promissory t+otes and �,xLenr�iciii esyie�8iiiaa"i�o <br /> aecured by said Deed of Truat becauae of Truetor�a failure to pay <br /> when due the sums under sai.d Promit�sory Note(s) and the failure of <br /> the Trustor to pay when due all general real estate taxes levied <br /> and assessed against the above-desarihed property ae requixed in <br /> the DePd of Trust. As a result o# the de�ault, the Benefici�ry hae <br /> directed the Trustee and the Trustee�s attorneys to sell or cause <br /> to be sold euch property to satisfy the obligations r�ecured under <br /> the Aeed of Trust. The Beneficiary has accelerated the <br /> indebtednsas and caused the entire sum af Four Hundred Fifty-Nine <br /> Thousand Six Hundred Twenty-Nine Dnllars Eleven Cents <br /> ($459,629. 11), together with per diem intereet of One Hundred <br /> Forty-Two Dollars Forty-One Cents ($142.41) from and after June 19, <br /> 1998, to become immediately due and. pr�yable. <br /> DATED this 16th day of December, 1998. <br /> FIVE POINTS BANK, Trustee <br /> CUNNINGHAM, BI,ACKBURN, FRANCIS, <br /> BROCK & CUNN�NGHAM, Attorneys <br /> 222 N. Cedar, P,O. Box 2280 <br /> Grand Island, NE 68802�2280 <br /> Tele: 308-384-2636 <br /> Q r <br /> ✓ <br /> By <br /> Wil .�.am A. rancis, 011366 <br /> One of Its Attorneys <br /> RE\SPTCCB.NOT <br /> 'rG^i L `r �"1 `.. � .4������`".��}1�1iI�5iAt. — — - <br /> ..�dt�.�f^.' `. ,a v. .. � r. iaC""v r+r . �..�im '_-- - a.- a. --- <br /> . .-n`,�f..�'l .=3:i�.^_�..:��_ SL•'c _ <br /> � � �, ' �f 'F �. <br /> j.-r4- �+',r.�Sia_` .a t � ':.� 3 � �6My.�,� !..r�w+� _- _-�---�— _ <br /> �v�'t(,"��l ,x•Y?fyr�,�� � `1 '`'.Nr131i�rY.u�� � � <br /> S <br /> . ' . . <br /> �.lt1} r. a '. <br /> 1 ' <br /> � -.n._ ' ":�'�'�1:�.� ..�..s. '��'��d uLt'�.Ta�u.A.�w�����aw� — — -- <br /> �� '� . .. � -r�..L:v�ivt���Ft�'�Dr��� �t�3j'7P�lw� �3 .. -� --- -- � -.�..� .: �-�- -----� <br /> t�l�u ' .-1 �( �f,• ,f:t;n'�l' rtx c�������1�i.1�ltle — -= — <br /> -A_ i - .' ' � �. t��d1:���,� r � - - <br /> 1.` '�'� � .. . :. ... . :11F S +ta�y.p�d;�. ���a k�kr-'��':� -- _ — <br /> . � - � . . •�.� ... .. . '„w�!�:�r��\!fi:•ri� � �; - - <br /> - . .. � ' � �. " , -J. . ``i'�'i� ' •'.�`.`'._ -- <br /> . . - . 'i�' :l.r .n.— - <br /> _ - .. . �,. . .M_ <br /> .. ' ' - . . �. .-:�:.�`��t . , i. . �:�.i: ___—_ � <br /> � ' " .. ..` ' ,.. - .. . , ...,IS. � .:1. .�e��r�.`"___ _ ..e..d _ . <br /> .. - • ' • . .' �1�'�9�*;Y .— —"— _ "—_ <br />. � . '. _...._.;�. . .. .,. _ :}�.��:ir� :ti�.�. -j}'4�;�r�h5 al��Is�.� . ._n"12^�h"' _ _ _ <br />