Return to:
<br />Galen E. Stehlik
<br />PO Box 400
<br />Grand Island, NE 68802
<br />AND
<br />Executed: November 15, 2013.
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<br />r r1 0
<br />RI
<br />Crt
<br />�C =
<br />Sue E. Gulzow, Grantor
<br />Donald W. Gulzow and Sue E. Gulzow, husband and wife, Grantors, quitclaims to Donald W. Gulzow and Sue
<br />E. Gulzow, husband and wife, as joint tenants, the following described real estate (as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. §76 -201)
<br />in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />The South Half of the North tretrtQuarter (S1/2ME114) of SmcK (1S),
<br />Township Twelve (12) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.lvt., l {+dl
<br />County, Nebraska LESS a tract attend Northesst Quaid' (NE1 /4) of Section
<br />Fifteen (1S), Township Twelse (12) North, R*se Nine (9), West cfthe 6 th
<br />P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, and more particularly described as follow
<br />Defining at the S o u t h e a s t c e n t e r of raid Northeast Q Teter (NE1 /4); thence
<br />running westerly along end upon the south line of said Nettheast Quarter
<br />( NE1l4), a distance ofForrty- five (45.0) feet; theme running northerly, latxhlki
<br />with the east lime of Laid Northeast Maarten (NE 14), a distance of Eight
<br />Hundred (1100.0) test; thence running eastatly. parallel with the south line of
<br />said Northmat Quarter (NEIA), a dislance of Foray- (45,0) feet to a point
<br />on the east line of said Northeast Quarter (NEI14) thence running southerly
<br />along and upon the east line of maid Northeast Quarter (Nt~1 /4), a disisnoc of
<br />Eight Hundred (800,0) feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.526
<br />term, more or less, otwhich 0.606 acres, more or leas, fa patently occupied
<br />by public road right of war,
<br />The Sonar Half of the Notthweat utter (Sl /`2NW1/4) of Section Fourteen
<br />(l.d), Township Twelve (12)Nort r, Range Nina (9), West ofthe 6th KW. Mill
<br />Count y, Nebraska, 1J S the following described nett; t A irOct of ietwi
<br />comprising 4 part of the Southwost Quarter of the Northwest Quatier
<br />(SW114 ,°'p IM).ofSection` fourteen ( 14),' l 'owitsbip Twelve (12) North, Range
<br />Wine. (9), West orate 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br />described es foilcxvra: De innitn at a point on the. west line of said Seeti0il
<br />1xt urteon (14), said ptrint bairn 4i.$4 foot north cif`li', c Southwest comer said
<br />Northwest Quarter (&Pl`it4)i. theme northerly along the west tine of said
<br />Sec don Fourteen (14), 17$ feet; thence doileeti right9Q`00attd
<br />t rltt inn go eriy, t dint twe or148.)1 feet; t'hme southerly p rallet to the west
<br />lei:ftti ol'said Sec tion fourtr:cn (14) a distance of 175 feed therm. deflecting ri gllt
<br />WOO' and rennin wester ty, izsun= '24101 iaefto the fleet of logjam ing
<br />and ret� tairlinl 1.000 sere ouse or less; and i; ATHE;i EX't".'EPT NO the
<br />following described tract; ne^ginn:itnttt SOUMWVIl 4(.11.1tr said Northwest
<br />Quartet ()+ W 1)4) thence; binning Northerly along and upon the west line of
<br />Donald W. Gulzow, Grantor
<br />