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.`� �t:`�-J' � .•- � 't .IIti.J: __ 4i� _ _ <br /> �l±-•�•�e�sM01 M�11*11aimM1Yl�t�dM�av.t1+1MMMif4+ ��.,..« , a,...:n�.1_a:�....'._._._�?�'" <br /> . :� _ �125b8 �. <br /> . � ,: 9� — <br /> ..,o,,.. . <br /> � • 10. Borrow�r Not Rels��ed;Forb�eranc�By Lendsr Not s W�iv�r,Extonolon of the time for paymont or modification - <br /> of amortization of the suma secured by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrowershall <br /> nct operate 3o release,In any manner,the Iiabillty of the origlnal Borrower and Borrower's successUrs In interest,Lendershall �" <br />_ � � not be r�quired tu commence proceedings agalnst such successor or retuse to extend tlme tor payment or othervvise maiHy _ <br /> amortizatlon of the sums secured by this Dsed of Trust by reason of any dernand madA by the orfginal Borrower and <br /> Borrower's suc�essors In interest. Any forbearanco by Lender in exercising any right or ramedy hereunder, or otherwise = <br /> . ' afforded by appllcable law,shall not be a walver of or preclude tho exorcise�f any such right or remedy. - <br /> 11. Succaeson end Assl�as Bound;Jalnt and Severol Lleblllty;Co-slqnen.The covenants and agreements herein _ <br /> contafnad shali bind, and the riqhts hereunder shall inure to,the respective successors end assigrs of Lender and Borrowar, �• <br />- subject to the provisions of paragrapi� 16 hereof.All covenents and agreements of Borrower shall be Joint and several.Any <br /> '`� � Borrower who ca-signs this Deed of Trust,but dc�es not execute tho Nate,(a)is co-signing this Deed of Trust only to granl and <br /> �h convey that Borrowers interest in the Properry to Trustee under tho terms of this Deed of Trust, (b) is not personally IiaMe on <br />�x the Note or under this Deed of 7rust,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other F3orrower hereunder may agree to extend, modlfy, <br /> ' forbear, or make any other accommodations with regard to the terms of this f�eed of Trust or the Note,without that 8arrower's <br /> • consent and without releasing that Borrower or modifying thls Deed of Trust as to that Borrower's interest in the Property. <br /> 12. NotlGe. Except for any notice requir9d under applicable law to be given in another manner, (a) any notice to <br /> • , Borrower provided for In this Deed of Trust shall be given by deliverfng ft or by mailing such natice by certifled mail <br />- addressed to Borrower at the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may designate by notice to Lender <br /> � � as provided herein, and (b)any notice to Lender shall be given by certifiod mail to Lender's address statad herain or to <br /> � suah other address as Lender may designate by notice to Borrower as provided herein.Any notice provided for in lhis Deed <br /> � of Trust shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given In the mAnner designated herein. <br /> � 13. Govorni�g Law; Severat�IlltY•The state and local laws applicable to th(s Deed of Trust shall be the laws of the <br />� �� Jurisdiction in whicn the P�uperiy i� Ia�ted.1 e foregoing sentence shall not limit the appHcability of Federal law 10 this <br /> � . Deed of Trust.In the event that any provlsion or clause of this Deed of'Trust or the Note conflicts with appliceble law,such <br /> ; ,,., ,,, � conflict shall not affect other provisians of this Deed of Trust or the Note which can be given effect without the con�icting <br />-' ��"'t' provislon,and tr�this end the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable.As used herein, <br /> �;�_;, ,`;..�, "costs", "expenses"and"attorneys'fees"inciude all sums to the extent not prohibited by applicable law or Iimited herein. <br />- ' 14. Bo�rower's Copy.Borrower shall be furnished�contormed copy of the Note and of this Deed of Trust at the time <br />.�'���' `""� . of execution or after recordatlon hereof. <br /> - - r,�• 15. Rehebilitatlon Loan AyresmAnt.Borrower shall fulfill all o}Borrower's obligatfons under eny home rehabilitaticn, <br />_�;,�, � Improvement,repair, or other loan agreement which Borrower enters into with Lender.Lender, at LendAr's option,may <br /> ==*•� ';:�� require Borrower to execute and deliver to Lender, In a form acceptable to Lender, an assignment of eny rights,claims or <br />=-_=.r,��rY Ublbfl`fF7i! X1ii�ii:r'i oGifGYrBi iTiB� �'iw`r'o^ u�'uiR.^�� �`w'��C.°. ::'�'!f) .°.J�r^.I� I�t,i�r ►T7A}RfIAIC Qf RB�V�CeS �fl connectlon with <br />'`-;�, . ;r Improvemente made to the Property. <br /> °�'��� tg, 'nsntfsr of property ar e Be>neNclal Interest In Borrower.If all or any part of the Property or any Intarest fn it Is sold <br /> -`_=�%� or trans9erred(or If a beneficlal interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)without Lender's <br /> ---�^°,.,;a� prior written consent, l.ender may, at its option, requ(re immediate peyment in full of all sums secured by this Deed olTrust. <br /> `�'��='� However,this option shall not be exercised by Lend?r!f exercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date of this Deed ofTrust. <br />��'��'� I}Lender exercises this optlon, Lender shell give Borrower notice of acceleratfon.The notice shall pr�vido a period of <br /> "�F��:'� not less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within whfch Borrower must pay all sums secured by <br /> ---•� ���`_"�� this Deed of Trust.If Borrower Iails to pay these sums prior to the oxpiration of this period,Lender may Invoke any remedies <br />-�°';��;� permitted by this Deed of Trust without turther notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> =��� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foliows: <br /> - 17.Acceleration; Remedbs. Except as provided in paragraph 16 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any <br /> -�.���� covenant or egreement of Borrower In thle Deed of Trost,including Bor►ower'�failuro to pay,by the end of 10 cslender <br /> ��F��'`�'�� days nfter they are due,any aums aecured by thls Deed of Truat,Lender prlor to eccekratian shall yive nodce to <br /> •_�-� Borrow�er as provided In peragreph 12 hereof specffying:(1)the broach;(2)ths ection requlred ta curo such lxeach; <br /> �y�"���`�� (3)a date,not less than 20 days irom the date the notice la mailed to Borrower,by wh�h auch broach must be cured; <br />�:.��<:. .'; <br />-`:,�;�t�� end(4)that fellure to cure such breach on or betore the dete specified In the not�e may resuk in ecceleration of the <br /> ���• �• sums secured by thls Deed of Truat end eale of ths Property.The notice ahall further Intorm Sarruwer ot the rlgM to <br />-�'�Q?`'{� �"� relnst�te after acceleretinn and the right to bring a court ection to essert the nonexlstence of e default or eny other <br /> --•-��: ., <br /> '-''-`'-n"'�;- defenae of Borrciwer to ecceteratlon end aate,If the breach fs not cured on or betoro the dete specfNsd In ths notice� <br /> '�� Lender,at Lender'a option, may declare eil of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immedlately due and <br /> `-=_a����� payeble without further demand and may Irrvoks the power of sale end any other re!nedbs permltted by epplicable <br /> °"'�����-,-�- � lew,Lender ehall be entitled to collect all roaaonabte costs and expensea Incurred in purauing the remedlea provided <br /> :• , in this peraqraph 17,Including,but not Ilmited to,reasoneble attorneys'ieea. <br />�h�, •�.,� ' If the power of sele Is Irovoked,Truatee ehall record a natice ot default In each county In whlch ths Property or <br /> -� aome pert thereof Is Ixated end ahall mall coples of such notice in the menner prescribed by applicabte law to <br />- Borrower and to the other peraons preacrlbed by applicable law.Atter the lepee of such time as may be wquired <br />_ by eppllcable law,Trustee shell give public notice of sele to the persons end In the manner prescril�ad by eppllaable <br /> Iew.Truetee,without demend on Borro�ver,shall sell the Property at publlc euction to the higheat bidder et tM time <br /> � and place and under the tarms design+ated In the notice of ga�le In one or more parcels and In auch order as Trustee <br /> - may deterrnlne.Trustee mey postpone aele of all or any parcel of the Property by publlc announcement at the time <br /> • and place oS any prevlously acheduted sale.Lender or Lender's doalgnee may purchase the Property at eny sele. <br /> Upon recelpt of payment of the price bld,Trustee shell deliver to the purchaser TYuatee's deed conveying the <br /> •�-• prope�ty ac�ld.The recitels In theTrustee'a deed shell be pHma facl�evidence ot the truth of the statements mede 1hQre�n. <br /> r..�..e...tieu e.,�,n,�np nrna.w�dR of the Aele In the followina�rder:(e)to all reasonable carta end expenses of tM sale, <br /> ..-�::�:�_-.-.-- _.__ .......���..�...��ry "'_r•_'_"' _ _ . . <br /> � Including, but not Ilmited to,71�ustee'a fees actually Incurrod of not more than _ %of tha gros�a aale price, <br /> reasonable attorneys'fees and costs o}title evfdence; (b)to all suma secured by thls Deed of Truet; and(c)the <br /> excess,If any,to the person or persons legally entitied thereto. <br /> - 18.Borrower's Right to Relnstate. Notwithstanding Lender's acceleration of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust,due <br /> to Borrower's breach, Borrower shall have the right to have any proceedings bogun by Lender to enforce this Deed of Trust <br /> � discontinued at any time prior to the earlier to occur of(i)the fifth day betore sale of the Property pursuant to the powerof sale <br />- contained in this Deed of Trust or(ii)entry of a judgment enforcing this Deed of Trust if:(a)Borrower pays Lender all surns which <br /> would be then due under this Deed of Trust and the Note had no acceloration occurred;(b)Borrower cures a�l breaches af any <br /> other covenants or agreements of Borrowercontained in this Deed ofTrust;(c)Borrower pays all reasonable expansesincurred <br /> by Lender and Trustee fn enforcing the covenants and agreements of E3orrowar contained in this Deed of Trust,and in enforcing <br /> PAGE 9 <br /> i � <br /> . i . . � -- __- --. . ..�-.,r..�.�..,.,..�.._.�..._ <br />