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_.n T . � -'..,r. e•.,.ii.,T ' � <br /> �.} . .,..—. . <br /> � .. �.. �r1.:�Y.:.'L'�n�V:��.. �' . . 1� . •Y . _� ,:,«•u�iM6��rc'"_. <br /> ..�..p .+h. ..r:,L'p2('.r <br /> �4�'_!'._�.��':..'�_'� ���• <br /> . <br /> •,..'I ��}� � <br /> ' :-, �t.V'•.Ye �M � 4.." �;r.rr A��:� a •7�S.�i'A�v�..a._...�ae����.. <br /> . . . a <br /> ..> .XL'" �...�._.. ___"_:.. ._. . •�_:�..� ►� . ' <br /> 1r . -^--•--.-•—.+---...,.�.—�—.-+.+.-'---...n__�.�..-...------- -. ._ . <br /> _vd,. _._..._. ..__.._.__. <br />.'t':.�� i;. <br /> .�.�� � 98_ i�.2;�� <br /> � ��. <br /> , �(1) 1'Iw �aN, tnn�l�r,New, w�:p��m�nl,conv�yonc�or lurth�r sncumbrana ol all or eny pNrt of or any Inters�t In tha <br />-.:�� . Prqllrty,sllhar volunt�rity or Involuniprily,wtlhoul lhe�xpr�n writt�n consMl o!L�rxNr,providsd ttwt Trwtor thell be p�rmlt• <br />--,;��;� l�d to sx�cut�a N�M of th� Properry th�t da�not cunl�in An opllon to pur�he�e�nd ths tsrm of wh�h doee not exceed one <br /> ysa►; <br /> �r,�T�� (Q AbAndonment o}the Property;or <br />`-= a� (p) If Truetor la rtat an Indlvidual,the�sauence,eale, treneler,eaalqnmee►,conveyance or encumbrance ol mnre then pf e <br /> �`� aorpormtion) e total ol peroent ol Itt Itsusd end outetendinp stxk,or(if a partnerohip)a total o}�.__per- <br />;y„�� cenl of pertnerohlp Intereatb, or(Ii a limited Ilebllity compeny)a total of percent ol the Iimited Ilabllity compa- <br /> -- ny interoete nr votlnq righte durkp the period this Deed of T�uat remAlna a Ilen on the property. <br /> "�"„�� 12.iNm�dN�;AcaNrdlo►r Upon D�i�ult.In the event o}any Event of Delault Lender may,wlthout notice except as required f <br /> ���'"' by law,deda�e all Indebtednesa eecured hereby to be due and payable and the seme shall thereupon become due and payable witti• <br /> ; out any preeentment,demend,protest or not�e of eny kind.Thereaher Lender may: <br /> _---;s' (a) Demand that Truatee exerclse the POWEFi OF SALE granted herein,end Trustee shail thereafter ceuse Trustor's Inter- <br /> est in the Property to be sold and the proceeda to be distributed,all In the manner provided in the Nebraska Truot Deeds Act; <br />,_�, (b) Exercise any and ell rights provlded for In any of the Loan Instruments�r by law upon occurrence of any Event of <br /> Defautt;and <br /> '�,•• (c) Commence en action ta(oreclose thia Deed ot Trust as a mortgage,eppoint e recelver,or spec(fically dnforce any of the <br /> - coveneNs hereof. - <br /> '�±��_ No remedyherein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to beoxclusfve of any other remedy hereln,in the Loan <br />-",r � Instruments or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereundsr, <br /> -��� In the Lo�n Instrumonte or now or hereaRer exfsting at law or in equity or by statute,end may be exorcised concurrently,Independently <br />:�y.� or succeslvely. <br />______ 13.Tru�tse.The Trustee may reslgn at eny time without cause,and Lendermay at any tfine and without cause appoint s suF- <br /> -- ces�or or subsdtute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Ilable to any paAy,including without Iimltation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any pur- <br />�=--= chaser of the Properly,for any losa or damage unlesa due to reckiese or willful mfsconducl,and shall n�t be required to talce any actbn <br />-'-��� tn connectbn with the eniorcement of thi�Dood of Trust unless inde�rnified,In wrEting,for all coste,compeneatlon or expeneee w►�7ch _ <br />-�=�? may be assocfated therewlth. In edditbn, Trustee may become a purchaser at anysate of the Property Qud�lal or under tha power of <br /> _ --- sele granted herein);postpone the sale of all or any portion of the Property,as provided by law;or sell the Property as a whole,or in <br />-_�� separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretion. <br /> 14.FsN�nd Exp�nsea.In the event Tn�stee sells the Property by exercise of power of saie,7rustee shall be entitled to appiy <br /> � eny sale prxeeds first ta payment of all costs end expenses of exerclsing power otaale,inctuding all Trustee's fees,and Lender's and <br />- -- Trustee's attomey's feea, actually Incurred to extent permitted by applicable law. Inthe event Borrower or Trustor exercises any right <br /> _- provided by law to cure an Hvent of Detault,Lender shall be entltled to recaver from Trustor all costs and expenses actually Incurred as <br /> a result ai Trustor'a defeult,Including without Iimltatlon all Truatae's and ettomey's the extent perm(tted by appliceble law. <br />-�+� 15.Futun Advanc�s. Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at Its optlon,rnake additlonal and fuWre advances and read- <br /> -.:�� vances to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with interest thereon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust.At no time shall the <br /> "�' pdnclpal amount of the Indebtedness secured by this Deed ot 7rust,not Including sums advanced to protect the security of this Deed of <br /> Trust,exceed the o�iginal principal amountetated herein,or s.�nn, ,whichever Is greeter. <br /> = i 6.AAlscellanww Provl�loni, <br /> (a) 8o►row�r No!R�IMS�d. Extenebn of the time for payment or modlfication ot amortization oi the suma secured'uy ti�ia <br /> tloneci,and wfthout aftecHng the Ilen or charge of this Deed of Trust upon any portlon ot the Property not then or theretofore <br /> released as security for the full amount ot all unpald obligatlons,LFnder may, irom time to time and without notice(I)release <br /> any peroon so Ilable,(II)extend the maturity or alter any of the terms of anysuch obligatlons,(ill)grant other Indul�encea,(iv) <br /> release or cunvey, or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time et Lender's optlon any percAl,portion or all of the <br /> Properly,(v)take or release any other or additional security or reconveyod at any time at Lender's optbn eny pa�el,pohbn or <br /> --W— all d the Property,(vi)take or release any other or sdditlonel security for anyobligatfon hereln mentioned,or(vil)make oompc- <br /> sNbns of other arran9ements with debtors in relatlon thereto. <br /> (b) L�nd�r's Pow�n,Without aflecting the Ilability of any other person pebte for the payment of any oblfpaUon herein men- <br /> tioned,end without aHecpng the Ibn or charge of this DeeJ of Trust upon any portion o}the Presperty not then or theretoforo <br /> rcleased ae securfty tor the fuil amount of all unpald obllpatione,Lender mey, trom time to time and without not�e(I)release <br /> any peroon so Ilabte,(If)extend the maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligatlons,(Iil)prant other Ir►dul9encae,(fv) <br /> release or convey, or cause to be released or reconveyed st any time et Lendera optlon any parcel, po„ion or all of tho <br /> Proparty,(v)takd or r�lw��ny olhs�or I eecurity or reconveyed al any Nme et Lendera option eny percel,portbn or <br /> au or t�e Property,�>tq�e�rrre►ee� r�dditlonal security for anyoblipatlon hereln mendoned,or�v��maice c«npo- <br /> skions ol other efrenq�ments�iM1 1 Upn theroto. . <br /> (c) ForbMnda by pMfd�i'W�t�l� �14►►y forbearence by Londar B exercisiny eny ripht or remedy Mreur�ier,or oth- <br /> erwise eHorded ti�rep�bTB laiti,sfialf nof�be a waiver ot or precluda the exercise o}sny such�ight or ramedy.The procure- <br /> ment ol Insurance or the payment ot taxes or other Iiens or charges by Lerxbr shall not be e waiver or Lendere right to eoceler- <br /> ate tl►e maturity of the IndebtAdr►ess secured by this Deed of Truat <br /> - (dy Succ�swn�nd Assiyns Bound;Jdnt�nd S�v�nl LlaWlily;Captlon�.The covenants and agreemenb hereln con- <br /> talned ehall bind, end tM�ights hereunder shall Inure to,the respective wcceesoro end easfgne of Lencler erxi Trustor. All <br /> covenanle and agreements ot Trustor shall be�olnY and severel.The captbns and headinpa of tha parapraphe of thls Deed of <br /> Trust are for wnvenlence only and are not to be used to interpret or defEne tlie provlsfone hereof. <br /> __ (e)R�qwst fair Notias.The parties hereby request that a copy of any ratice of default hereurxler and a copy o4 any notice <br /> of sale hereunder be malled to each party to this Deed of Trust at the addresa set(orth above in the manner prescribed by <br /> — applfcaWe law.Except for any other not�o requireci under applicable law to be given In another manner,any not�e provided tor <br /> --°�-- in this Deed of Trust shall be given by mailing such notice by certiNed maY addressed to the other parties,at the address set <br />___= forlh above.Any no!icn provided for in this Deed ot Trust shall be eHective upon mailing In the manner deslgnated hereln. If <br /> -��° Trustor Is more than one persaL notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to all such persons. <br /> .:��-;�� (� Intp�ction.Lender may make or cause to be mede reasonable ent�es upon and Inspections o}the Property, provided <br /> -��� that Lender shall give TNStor nctice prior to eny such Inspection apecifying roasonable cause therefor related to Lenders Inter• <br /> ^,y� . estin the Property. <br /> � �` (Q)Rsconwyance.Upon payme�t of all sums sec:ured by this Deed of Trust,Lender shall request Trustoe to reconvey the <br /> --'°`�. Properry and shell surrender thls Deed of Trust and all notes evidencing indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to <br /> 7rustee.Yrustee shatl reconvey the Property,without warranty end without charge to the parson legally entitled thereto.Trustor <br /> shall pay ell costs or recordatbn, it any. <br /> � (h)P�rsonal Pro�rty; Securily Agreem�nt.As edditional security ta the payment of the Note,Trustor hereby grents <br /> Lender under the Nebraska UnKorm Commercia!Code a security interest In all Nxturea,equlpment,end other perscx�al property <br />_:� used in connecti�n with the real estate or Improyements located thereon, end not otherwise declered or deemed to be a peR of <br /> the real estete secured hereby.This tnstrument shall be construed as a SecuMty Agreement under safd Code,and the Lender <br /> .. .....,.........��.,......,r.,..,.,. <br />...�___-._ _ _ . .. � .... . .. . ... ' _• _ ___..__.� ��.i...������IJ/"��.1� ���J..IIY��M�I.w.1�.L�M <br /> -�,:� snen nave an me ngnis eno romwro� v� n awy�w Nmq uin,o� o..�....wo..�o....������ . .��o ��y��w...�,.....��.,..,...,..��...., ..�... <br /> -� �• paragreph shall be cumulative with,and In no way a Ilmitotbn on,Lender's rights and remedies undor any other security egree• <br /> rnent signed by B�rrower�r 7mstor. <br /> (I) LNns�nd Encumbrancss.Trustor hereby warrunts and represents Ihst thc�re is no default undor the prov(sions ot any <br /> modgage, deed o}trust,lease or purchasa contract descdbing elt or any paR of tha Properly, or other contract, Instrument or <br /> agreement consiituting o Ilen or encumbrance against all or any part of the Property(collsctively,'Liens"), exlsting as ot the _ <br /> , date of this Oeed of Trust,and that any and alt existing Llens remain unmodified except aa disclosed to Lender in Trustor's wri2• _ <br /> � � ten disclosure of Ilens and encumbrances provlded for herein. Trustor shell timely pertorm all of Trustor's obilgetlons, <br /> covenants,representatlons and warranties under any and all existing and luture Liens,shall promptly forward to Lerxier copies <br /> of all ratices of defeult sent In cennectlon with any ansl all existing or future Liens, and shall not without Lender's prior written - <br /> cons�nt fn any manner moditythe provislons oi or ellow eny future a<fvance9 under any existing or luture Ilens. _ <br /> Q) Applicationi od P�yc�nmts.Unless otherwise reqwred by law, sums pald to Lender hereunder,Including without imita- � <br /> tion payments of principal and intere�t,Insurance proceeds,condomnntionproceeds and rents and profits,shall be applied by <br /> � <br /> i � <br /> � .. . . .... ... .. ;.. -._-:-fi.`-..*--r-�......,..a.a,....._.....,,.._._.,� .._,... -__.___°.__�._-----..._.__ <br />