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?' ,. :°;.... . . .. <br /> ; _, m. <br /> •,' .x�i ° 'R'•'f:N�;:""�... ``�`"�5�.-.__.____ <br /> ,• -�K,�+ y,K���;:+.�jd� �'�,,,.��yr!z,�:.�,.-r.-__— <br /> '.'3a� <br />.� -_- __"fo:=:.Y1'... - .-.....-•----- - <br /> - . _ . __ ___ .._.. . ._... . ___.__. ... . . .. <br /> 98- i��e <br /> �, CLAIMS AGAINS'f TITLE.'Pnutor will pay all taxes,asse�x�ents, liens,eucumbrances, lease payments, grouncl rents, <br /> utiliues, ancl other charges relating to the Property when dae. I3er�ficiary may rc�quire Trustor to provide to 9eneflcinry <br /> copies of all notices that such a�nounts are due ancl the receipts evideix:ing'Trustor's pay�nent. Trustor wili dafencl litle to <br /> the Pro�rty against any cl�ims that would impuir the lien of this Sc�c:urity li�.sttun�ent. Tr+�stor ugrees to tusiAn to <br /> Benefic ary,as rec�uesteci by Beneficiary,any rights,clain�s or defenses Trustor may have against parties who supply tabor <br /> or maierials to ma�ntain or imptovc the Property, <br /> 9. DUE ON SALE nR ENCUMBRANCE.Beneficisry may, at its option,dzclare tlie entire bala,�ce of die Securtd Debt to _ <br /> be irnroediately due a�xl,paynble upon the croadon of, or conuact for the creation of, aay lien, encumbxance, transfer or <br /> sale of the Property. This nght is sub�ect to ihe restricdons federal law(12 C.F.R. 591), as appllcable. This <br /> covenmt shall run with t1u Ptol�erty and shal�remain fn effoct winl the Secared Debt is paid in full aad this Security <br /> Inccrumant is releas�d. <br /> 10. PROPERTY COPfi1TION, ALTERATIONS AND IIVSPECTION. Trustor will kecp the Propeny in goal condidon <br /> and m�ke all repa�rs that are reasonably i�ecessary. Tnisror stull not commir or allow any waste, impairnxnt, or <br /> m� <br /> cletexloration of the Property. Tcustor will k,eep the Property free of noaiaus wads and Srasses. Tnutor agrees that the <br /> nacwe of Ihe occupancy aud use will not substantially change without Beneficiary's prior written cocuent.Trustor will not <br /> pemut any¢hange in any llcense,restrictive coven�u►t or easement without Beneficiary's prior written coasent.Trusror will <br /> noufy Bteneficiary of all demands, prc�ceedings, claims, and acdons against Trustar, arxl of any loss or damage to the <br /> Ptop�rcy. <br /> &�C�ciary or Beneficiary's agents may,at Deneficiary's opdon,encer the Property at any reasonxble time for the pu.zpose <br /> of it►q�ecdng �he Property. Beneficiary si�a11 Sive Trustor nouce at tht time oi or befnre an ia�c tionspecifyin8 g <br /> retso�wble pucpose for the inspecdon. Any Inspccdon of the Propeny shall be entirely for Beaficiary's b�nefit nnci <br /> Tnistor will in no way rely on Beneficiary's ic►cp�ction. <br /> 11. AU7'�ORITY TO PERFORM. If Trustor fuls to perform any duty or uny of the covr,naats conwinad in this Securlry <br /> Iasttument, Benef�ciary m�y, without md�e,perfoan or cause them to be pedormed. Trustor �wints &neficisry as <br /> attomey in fxt to sign Tnutor's name or pay any amount rxcessary for perfom�ance. Beneficiary s right tope dorm for <br /> Tnutor shall not create an obligadon to perfomx,and Beneficiary's fai:ure to perfocm will not preclude BeneficiarY from <br /> exexcising any of Benoficiuy's other rights under the law or�his Security Iasuument. If any constn�cdon on the Property <br /> Is discontlnued or not carriocl on in a reasonable mavner,Benefieiary may takt all steps necessaiy to protect Be»�ficiary's <br /> sccurity interest in the Property,including completion of the constn�ction. <br /> 12. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASFS AND REN'I'S. 'Tiustor irrevocxbly gracu,v, conveys a�sells to Tnuta, ia trust for the <br /> uc�ut of L:.u;,fsciar;, ss°.�d3uorA�'-�'"*±�'�1 �he riahc, tide and intecest in wd co any wd all oxisting or futun le�ses, <br /> sublase.y,and any othec written or verbal agnem�nts for the use a�x1 ocwpAacy of any pordon oi 6,c F�i,�cY'r.i�.�.�i�i <br /> any ezte�ions,reaewaLs,modificadona or subsdtutions of suah ng���(�a�fi��f��������� oi� <br /> wd profits (�Il nferred to as 'Rents"). Tn�stor will promptly p ary <br /> �xi��d future I,eASes.Tcuswr msty collxt, reccive,enjny and use the Rents so long as Tn�stor is not in de t iwder <br /> the um�s of tlus Security Insuument. <br /> Truseox�cknowledges ttut t}us assignment is PerfeGUd uPon the recarding of this Deed of Tnut and tln►t Beneficixry ia <br /> eau�od a naify aay of T:ustor's tennuts co make�aYment of Rents due or to become due to Bene6ciuy. However. <br /> Benficiuy agras ttu�t only on defitult will Benefic�acy notify Tn�stor�nd Trustor's te°a°ts xnd m�ke ���u+al <br /> �����p�d���y��t�gciuy_ pn rxeiving notice of default,Trustor will endorx xnd de�iver to BeaeficiacY <br /> m.y�nyp�ent of Rents in Tivstar's possession and will ceceive any Rents in trust for Reneficiuy�nd wi11 uot cammingle <br /> Ihz Rn pp �� <br /> ents with any other funds. Any omounts collxtal ��cableplaMlord/tenant 1d w 1Trustor�iso agras�maiutain�nd <br /> wamnts that ao defiwlt exists under tLe Leases or xny apP' �icuble 1Rw. <br /> roquirc�ny tau►nt to comply with the t�m�s of the Lexses and aPP <br /> 13. LF•ASLHOLnS; CONDOMINILJMSi PLANNED UrTIT DEVELOPMEN'TS• �ludes agun�'�t in�co��ndoadaium or a <br /> provisioav of Any leue if tius Secvrity Instiumeat is on a le�eb,old. If the Property' <br /> planned unit development,Tcustor will perform all of TrusWr's duties under the covcnaats,by-laws,or reguladoas of the <br /> condonumum or plamecl unit ckwelopment. <br /> 14.DEP�IULT.Trustor will be in def4ult if any party obligated on the Securecl DeM fails to makc ps�yment when du�.Tn�stor <br /> will be in def�ult if a bteach occurs u�ler the tsrms of Wls Security Instmment or any c�ther document executed for th� <br /> purpose.of creadng.sxurin8 or guaranrying the Secured Debt. A goai fiith belief by Beneficiary t1►at Bf�ficuuY at oi <br /> �he valueao the Property�is imp�iral�sl�all also consdtuu�an event de a lt�. �bt or th�t tl�e Pro�px Y P�Y�� <br /> Gj-1 G-28;,p90111/971 IPag�3 of 6J <br /> p�H�9�r1iM�5y�urm,Inc.,St.Cbud,MN Form OTH#1T61.A2HE iron• �/�� • ��� <br /> --.---'�'�rww�t*� . -"_'l Y��i`,.�+�i."y*a . T--�- --- - <br /> .. ' '. • .• . 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