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.,�.. <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � - <br /> 1 ,Y!n1�Y' .1 ' " � _ <br /> � ,ia�t.�r.�s`, . - „ ' „ �� • - ✓:: <br /> `:TI"_ <br /> - '�!L'.�r� <br /> � 97� �11493'"! , `':YV� <br /> .�,.� <br /> ' (B) Any feilure on the part of the Truetor to meet the repeyment torma in rospect to the Lo�n Ag�eement nnd any �:� <br /> � other advances under thts Deed of Trust hereby secured; end, •.l;�,a <br /> iG) Any ection by the Trustor prahiblted by the terms of the Loan Agreement or thie Deed of Trust or any taflure of '.• ,_ <br /> + the Trustor to ect as required by tho Loan Agreement or thie Deed of Truft, each of which Trustor hereby agrees '_._� <br /> 1 have an edverse affect on the Beneffciary's aecurity for the Ilne of credlt established end the righta ot the <br /> � BeneflcfAry In such security. -'- _- <br /> :,,. and upon the happening of any such event of default, Beneficlary mey declare all sums secured hereby immedletely �� ���;`y_ <br /> due end payable by deliver to Trustoe of written declaretlon of default. The Truatee shall heve the pawer of sale of �' Y=;--.— <br /> � 'f";.n_,. <br /> ,��..-- <br /> the Property, and if Beneficlary desirea the Property to be sold,it ahell deposft with Truatee this Deed of Trust end e . ___ <br /> i promissory notes and documenta evfdencing expenditures aecured hereby and shall delivnr tu Trustee e written notico y- - <br /> of defeult end electfon to cause the Property to be aold, end the Trustee in turn shell prepare a notice in the form .';�� _f i_ <br /> required by iaw, which shall be duty flled for record by Trustee. :-�--- <br /> (A) Aftar the lapse of such time as mey be required by law following the rec�rdation of seld notice of default, and �.':..� <br /> • notice of defeult end notico of sale having been given as required by law, Trustee, without demand on Trustor, �,:__ <br /> � shall sell the Property on the date and et the time and place deaigneted In said notice of sale, et public auctfon t� �_-:_ <br /> �, thb highest bidder, the purchase prfce payeble in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale. The ____ <br /> �. person conducting the sale may, for eny cauae he deema expedient, postpane the sale from time to time untll it � <br /> ahail be completed end, in every such case, noYice of postponement ahall be given by publfa declaration thereof ___ <br /> by such person at the tlme and plece last appolnted for the sele, provided,If the sale is postponed for longer than � <br /> one11) day beyond the day designeted in the notice of sale, notice thereof shell be given in the seme manner as -- <br />