<br /> satisfactian, pra�ided�hat such�nspe����n sha���e under�aken promp��y. L�nder may pay for the repairs
<br /> and restoration in a s�ngle disbursem�n�or in a series of progress paymen�s as the vvork zs comp�eted.
<br /> Unless an agreement�s made��.vc�riting ar Applica���La�requires �nterest ta be pa�d on such
<br /> Miscellaneous Pr��eeds, Le�ad�r shall n�t�e requir�d to pay Borrovver any interest or earn�ngs on such
<br /> Misce�laneous Pro��eds. �f the res�orat�on or repair is nat ecanarnica�Iy feasible ar Lender's s�curity wou�d
<br /> be��ssened, the M��cellaneous Proc��ds shali be appl�ed�o�he sunns secured by th�s Securzty�n�trument,
<br /> whether ar nat�hen due, wi�h�he excess, if any, paid to Borrovver. Such Miscel�aneous Pr�ceeds sha11 be
<br /> appl�ed in t�ie arder pro��ded far in S�ction�.
<br /> �n th�e�ent of a total�aking, des�ru�t�on, or�oss in va�ue af the Property, the N.�isce�Xaneous Prac��ds sha�I
<br /> b�applied to th�sums se�ured by�h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�, v�h�the�❑r nat�hen du�, w�th�he excess, if any,
<br /> pa�d�o Borrovver.
<br /> In the event nf a partia�taking, destru����ri, or�oss in va�ue of�he Proper�y in which the fair market value of
<br /> the Proper�y immediate�y before�he par��a� taking, destruc�ion, �r�ass in va�u�is equal t��r grea�er than th�
<br /> am.�un�of the sun-is secure�b�this Secur�ty �ns�rumen� �mmediately�efnre the part�al ta�ing, d�struc��on, or
<br /> �oss �n va�ue, unless Borrov��r and L�nder o�h�rwise agree zn vvri�ing, the sums secur�d by�his Secur�ty
<br /> �ns�ru�nent shall�e reduced by�he am�un��f the Misce��ane�us Proceeds mu��iplied by�h�fol�o�v��g
<br /> frac�ion: �a}the tota� amount nf�h�sums seGured immed�a�e�y before�h�par��a.��aking, destruc��on, ���U55
<br /> �n�a�ue d�v�ded by �b}�he fa�r�nark�t�alue of�he Pr�perty�mrned�ate�y before the part�ai taking,
<br /> destructian, or�ass in value. Any bal.anc�shall b�paid�o Borr�wer.
<br /> In the even�of a part�a�takirig, des�ru���on, or�oss in value af the Pr�per�y in v�hich the fair marke�va�ue of
<br /> �he Prnp�rty immediate�y bef�re�he par��a�taking, d�struction, or loss�n va�ue is less than the amaun�of the
<br /> sums secured immedia�e�y befare�he par��a�takang, des�ruct�on, or�o�s in vaiue, unless Borr�wer and
<br /> Le�.der o�herwi�e agree in wrxting, the Misce�laneous Proceeds shali be applied t��h�sums s�cured by this
<br /> Se�urity �ns�rument w�e�her ar not the sums are th�n due.
<br /> If the Praper� is abandoned by Borrower, or if, af�er no�ice by Lender�o B�rrovver tha�the�ppos�ng Party
<br /> �as defin�d in the nex�s�ntence}o�fers�o mak�an avvard ta settle a c1a�m for damages, BorraWer fa��s�o
<br /> respond to Lender wi�hin 3�days aft�r�he date the no��ce�s given, Lender is au�horized�o co���ct and appZy
<br /> �he M�sce��aneous Proce�ds e��her to res�aration ar repair of the Prflper�y or to the sum�s�cured by�his
<br /> S��urity �nstrument, whe�her or no�then due. "�ppos�ng Par�y" mea.�s the�h�rd party tha�owes Borro�ver
<br /> Mis��llan��us Proceeds or the par�y against�vhom Barrower has a right of ac�ion in regard tfl Miscellane�us
<br /> Prace�ds.
<br /> Barrower sha��b�in defau���f any acti�n or proceeding, whether c�v�l�r cr�minal, is begun that, �n L�nder's
<br /> �udgm.en�, c�u�d resuit in forfe�tur�of the Praperty or ather rn.a�er�al. �mpa�rment of Lender's�nterest in the
<br /> Proper�y or r�gh�s under thi�Securxty�nstrument. Barr�wer can�ur�su�h a defau�t and, �f acce�erati�n has
<br /> oc�urred, re�nsta�e as provided in Se��xan �9, by caus�ng �he action or pro��eding to be d��m�i.ssed�ith a
<br /> ru��ng that, in L�nder's�udgment, preG�udes farfe�tur�of th�Proper�y ar other ma�er�a� �mpairment af
<br /> Lend�r's�nterest in the Proper�y ar rights und�r this Se�ur�ty�nstrumen�. The pra�eeds af any a�ard�r
<br /> c�aim for damages tha�are attributable ta the impairmen�af Lender's int�r�st in the Property axe here�y
<br /> assigned and sha�l be pazd t� Lender.
<br /> A�� M�sce��ar��ous Praceeds�hat are no�applzed�n res�ora��on or r�pair of�he Proper�y shall be app��ed zn the
<br /> �rder provided for in Sec�ian�.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single�amiEy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI��RM 1N5TRUMENT Form 3�28�101
<br /> VMP� VMP�tN�){13Q�}
<br /> Walters Kfuw�r Financial Ser�ices Page 10 af 17
<br />