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., �. ._.._.�.__ -.-_- `_ <br /> ';.�..., - -- <br /> :y.: . ..:..�iJ:. _� _-_ <br /> 98- �1�9 <br /> LOAN #: 9396055 <br /> As used in thls paragr�ph 1A, "Hazardnus 5ubstar�cos" aze those sub�tances defined as toxic or hazardoua substancee by <br /> Environmental U►w sud the follawing substancea: gasoline.kerosene,other flamn�able or toxic petrolrum producu, toxic pesticides <br /> and herbicides.vol4tile solvenu, materivls containing asbestos or formaldiehytte, and radioactive materials,As used in this ptuagraph <br /> 20,"Environmental Law'meuis federnl layvs and laws of the jurisdiction where the Propeny is located thut relate to heallh,safery ar <br /> envirotunentel protecti�n. _ <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower end Lender further covenant and agree ss foUewa: <br /> 21.Accekr�tbn; Remedles� Lender dhAll�ive notla to Borrower prlor to accekratbn tolbwlnY Borrower's breACh at <br /> ony aorea*nt or a�ecment In thiie Securit� Iastrument (but not prlor to Accekrallon under{�rn�raph 17 unlese applk�bl� <br /> Vw pcovides othervrl�e),Thc ootke shAll epecif'y: (A)the detauit; (b) the pction required to cure the defpult; (c) a d�te,not <br /> ku�han 3p da,ys fram the date thc natke �Qiven to Borrower�by whkh the defaul! must be cuxed;and (d) that tpllarc to <br /> cun the defRUlt on or before the date specitkd tn the notice mAy reault In accckrs�tioe of the sum�eecured bv thi�S�cu�ity <br /> Instrument and +M{e of the Property.'I'he notice etwl� turti�er �nt�►rm H°rr°wer of the d�ht tu retns�tAte �fter acc�ekr�tion <br /> and the ri�ht to brin�n court�ction w as�ert the non�e.�i+tence ot p detault or nny ather defenas oi Horrower to pccel�ntbn <br /> w�d sak.It Rhe default b not cured on or Fxtore tlie date sp�cffk�in tht notice,Lender,at its opdon,mAy requlre Iromedb�te <br /> poyment in fiuU ot pU aum�secnred bY tbbs Securit3' Irustrument withaut further demwnd wed may Invoke the power ot ss�k <br /> w�d any oWer reniedia pen�itted by applicabk lew.Lender shAll be endtled to coQect�ll espenees tncurred ta pursuln�the <br /> �nedlp prorMed in tl�h p�rngr�ph 21,tacluding,but not Itmked w,rew�onabk attorneye'teee nnd costs ot tttk ev�denca <br /> It the power af as�le is invoksd,Tn�ta shaU rawrd a notice of dctauk in wch county in wbkh way part of t1K PrApert�' <br /> fe iocated and 4haU mdl copfee ot such ndke ia the mw�ner preacribed by appllwbk Ixw to Borrower wnd to the ather <br /> persoo� prescribed by pppU��bk law.After the tlme rcquired by appllcAbk IaN,Trustee ahall give publk notkx ot s�le to <br /> t!k pqyoor pad In tbe momer pr�escdbe� by ppplkable law.Trwta,without demand on Borrower,sha11 sell t6e Property <br /> at public s�uction W the hi�best blddcr at tde time and plACe and under the terms desl�u+ted In the notice ot sak in one or <br /> more ppeock wd in�ay ader'I�ustee detecmiuea.Trwtee m�y poetpone sAle a[pll or�ny pnrcel of�� bY Wb��it <br /> �aa�ouncemwt �t the dme wd plwce of any previowiy echeduled�ale.Lender or ite deaignee mpy pu 'P��Y <br /> �r�• <br /> Upon re�xipt of pRyoneut ot the pria bld,Trustee ehsll deliver w the purr,hwser Trugtee'a dad conveyin�the Property. <br /> Tbe recltab in We Tru�tee'� dced shall be prima tacie evidence nf tLe truW ot the stntements made thercin,Trustee ih�U <br /> andv the proceed� of tk s�le (n the tdbwia� order: (a) w �ll cosb ead expenees ot exercbin� the power af <br /> sak��ad tbe sde�IaclodlM�P�7ment of the Trustee'�fees rctuoUy Incurred,aa w exceai 0.��v �w;.c p.:a��! <br /> �wo�wt af t6e aote nt the dme of the declArAtlon of defwult,and reasanAble pttorneye' f�+ntided W it�by law, (b)W s�U <br /> wa��ecured by thb Securky Iretrument;and(c)auY exass to the per,K►n or persau Ieaa11Y <br /> 22.Recon�eyw�ce. Upon payment of all sums secured by ihis 5ecusiry Instivment, L,euder shall request Truatee w recoavey <br /> the property and shall surttnder this Security Insuument and all notes evidencing debt secured by this Securiry Instnunent W <br /> Tnuta.Tnutu stwll reconvey the Property witlwut warranry w t}u Per�on or persona legally endtled to it.Such penon or penot� <br /> sh�ll p�y my recordation ca�s. Lenckr may charge such person or persons a fee for reconveying the PmpertY.bu�onty if the fx is <br /> p�,id W a thicd puty(auch a��he Ttuata)for services rendered and the charging of the fa i�permitted ttnder applicabk law. <br /> 23,g��qe �vstee, LeMer,tt ita option, may trom time co cime remove Trusta and appouu a successor mutee w aay <br /> T:uata appointed hereunder by an instrumnt rceordccl in the county in which thia Security Inamunent is recorded. Witb�ut <br /> conveyaa�ce of ttw Property�the successor uwue shall succced w all the tiUe,power and duties conferred upon Tnutet herein aad <br /> by applicabk Uw. <br /> u��eq�t far Notioa. Honower requests that copies of ttae notices of default and sale be sent to Bonower's address whith <br /> is the property Addresa, <br /> 2�� glders to thY Suurity Instrument. If one or more riders aze exacuud by Borrewer and recorded together wid� tbis <br /> Security lntaumeat,the covenanu s�nd agreements of each such rider shall be incurporated into and shall unend wnd supplement the <br /> covenu�ta wd agreewents of this Security Insuument as if the ridet{sj wen a part of this Security[nstrument. <br /> [Check applicAble box(w)1 <br /> �Adjwtabk Rue Rider(s) �Condominium Rider ❑ 1-4 Faatily Rider <br /> 0���p=���r �Planned Unit Development Rider � Biwakly Payment Rider <br /> ����t �Rate Improvement Rider �Second Home Rider • <br /> Cj VA Rider ����s)�SP��Y1 <br />,,: <br /> •; <br />'.y <br /> � <br /> � - <br />� ��Jtiilf: \��_ /vr" �J <br /> A ,,.,FIi(IVE) i�u.ox CHL(O1/47) e+�e s ort Form 302D 9/90 <br /> � __ _ _ _ <br />