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� <br /> — — <br /> __�._.�L:.,L1 ��- <br /> •.�'�' �e-._ . <br /> 4r ___. '_..___..�.___.....�..e.e.��F.�..4si R:IL-_ �.��._�_-__-�._ <br /> . .._ .. _ ._ _. .. __.._. .... . . . ... ... .... . ....__.__ . <br /> 98- ��,�� <br /> G. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES.Upon Lender's request, Borcower sh�l! asaign to Lender all latse�of the <br /> l�roperty and all aecuriry depoaits made in connection with leases of the Proper�ty, Upon the assignment. Lr,nder <br /> sh�ll lu�ve the dght to modify, extend or terminue the exiating leasea u�d to eaecuta new leases,in I.cnder's aole <br /> discntiun.Aa used in this puagraph G,the word"lease" ehall me�n"sublease"if the Securlty Instn►ment is on <br /> �leaaehold. <br /> H. ASSIGNMENT OF REIVTS; API'OIN'I'MEN1' OF RECEIVERi LENDER IN �'OSSF.SSION. <br /> Borrower�hsolutely and unconditianally aasigna ond tranefera to Lender all tho rents+u�d revenues("R�nts")of <br /> the Property, ngudleaa of co whoxn the Renta of the �perty ue payabl�. Borrower authorizes Lender or <br /> Lender's agents to coUect the Rents, and agrees that each ten�nt of the Property�hall pay�he Rents ro L.ender ur <br /> l.,et�r'a�gente, However,Borrower shdl receive thc Rence until(i) Lender has givcn Bortower notice of default <br /> p�uauwt ta paagraph 21 of the Socuriry Inauument and(ii)l.ender has given notice to the tenant(s}that the Renu <br /> ue to be paid to Lxnder or Lender'a xgent.Thie aaeignment of RenW conadtutea�n absolute auignment And not <br /> an asaignment for nddltional security only. <br /> If I.ender gives notia of bre�ch ro BorrowGr. (i)all Rents roceivod by Borrower shall be hcld by Borrower <br /> as trusta for the benefit of Leuder only,to be upplied to the sams sacurod by the Security Instnuncnt;(ii)I..encier <br /> shall be entitled to collxt u►d roceive�ll of the Renta of the Property;(ifi)Bormwer�groea tl�at e�cd tenant of the <br /> Propecty sh�ll p�y all Rents due u►d unpaid to Ltnder or Lea�der's agmts upon Lender'�written decru�nd to the <br /> tenuu; (iv)unleas applicable law provides othecwiae, all Rent�collcetai by I..end�r or Len�er's agrnts shall be <br /> �pplied fint to the coats of t�king conuol af and man�ging the Prope�ty �nd coAectiag the Renta, including, but <br /> noc limited to, attorr.eys' foes, receiver'a fees, premiuma on roceiver's bond�, rep�ir uid maintenuice coau, <br /> inau�c�ce piemywros. taxea, �ue�menu u�d other chuges on the Propercy,ond then to tLe aums secured by t1x <br /> Security Instn�meat;(v)l.ender,i.enckr's agents or any judicially appolnted receiver�hall be li�ble to�ccQUnt for <br /> anly thoee Rcats actwlly received: �nd (vi3 �r shall be antided to hnve a receiver �p,poiated to tako <br /> poasesaion of wd ann�ge the Pmperty and collect the Rents and profiW dedved from the Property without�ny <br /> showing oa to the inadeqwicy of the Properry�a aecuriry. <br /> If H�e Rcnts of the Property are not �ufficient ro cover the coau of taking control of end n�ing thc <br /> propecty wd of collecdng tbe Rents my fuads expended by L.ender for such purpases s1u11 baome indebtedneaa <br /> of Borrower to Lender socund by the Securiry Instrumeat purswmt to Unifonn Covewnt 7. <br /> Botcower npresents ond wutant8 that Borrowor Iws not exxuted wy Qrior w�a�ijpi,iiiui uf tt'.�:rcuta an�i ts:s <br /> oot�nd will not perform any act thu wauld prevent L.eader from exercf�ing its rights under thia nu�gr�Qh• <br /> I.ender, os Lender's agents or A judicially appolnted receivar, �hall not be requircd to enter upoa. take <br /> control af or maiatain the Property befon or after giving notia of default to Borrower. However, L,a�der, or <br /> Lenda's�a►u or a judicWly��poinced reaiver,nwy cb ao at�ny time w6en�ckfault occum. My�pplic,�tian <br /> of RwW shall not c�ire or waive any defwlt or invalidue any other right or rcmedy of Leader.Thi:�uignmeat of <br /> Rents of tbe Propaty�hall terminue wLen�Il the suma secural by the Security Instrument ue ptid in full. <br /> I.CR08S-DEFAULT PAUVISION.Borrower'a defwlt or brsach uuu�er my note or�gnxma►t in which <br /> Lender tw an interat ahall be a breuh under th�Security Instiument u�d Lender m�y invoke eny of the nmedies <br /> permitted by tLe Sccurity Instrument. <br /> AY SIGNiNG HELOW, Borrower accepta and agn:cs to the terms uul ptovlsiona contained In this 1-4 <br /> Family Rida. <br /> (Seal) (Seal) <br /> R L VOL�C -Bortower •Horrower <br /> (Seal) ��) <br /> -Bortower -Borrower <br /> �•67 uaosi.ot r�w 2 a 2 Fam 3170 3/93 <br /> .� Y k.' �.�i:t t <br /> ♦ !3 r•. <br /> .. �'[-,��'�'2'1��..�i���..e�_ . � �-. -- <br /> ��r-�V'�.r. 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