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(-:.�{t.�- <br /> THIS ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RIDER Is made Bnd ext+cuted thls 23rd dny of December , 1997 , end Is <br /> hoorporated Inlo and shRll be deemed to amend end supphment the Mortyage or Deotl of Trust, herek�efter relerred to es the "SecurRy • <br /> Instrument', ol Ihe same dote ptien by the underelpned. herehAfter roferred to ac Ihe "Borrower", to secure Borrower'e indabtedness, �,. .. <br /> � h9reh8fler rpferred to a6 the •Note',to �NITED NEBRA$(CA BANK .- - <br /> , hsnlnaRer relerred to es the 'Lender', of the seme data end coverinp the <br /> t property deacribQd h ths Seourity Inetrummt md bc�tsd st: <br /> _ � <br /> ' � 717 S HARRI,�QN GRAND IF,LAND NEBRASKA 88d03 =���, <br /> �.�. �rroo•nr�eer••q �a. <br /> ��,_ <br /> +..�+••�:�' WITNESSETH: �-° <br /> • WHBREAS,Bortower end l.ender haw aqreed that any rents�nd profRs�ttributebb lo the property should constRute addRionU securfly �.``— <br /> to the Lendar lor the payment of the Nate; �_- <br /> � NOW,TFIEREFOFtE, It is agreed that the Security �nstrumont shall be amended her�aby and deamed to halude the folbwiny provlslone; <br /> ' :. <br /> � 1. Assianmenl ol Rents and Lgnder Rsntal Collectia� Rfahts. 9orcower hereby absolutely and uncondklnnalty asalpns ell rente, Isaues <br /> . �� and protita of the property to Beneficlary. Lender shall have the rlyht,power snd authority durhfl the continuance of tho Security Instniment <br /> to colleat thg rents,Iseues and profits of the property and of sny personal property located thereon wkh or without taklnq poseesebn of the <br /> property aNeated hasby. Lender, however, hereby consenta to Bonower's colleetbn and rete�tlon of such rente, Iseues and profite aa they <br /> ,� eccrue and become payable, so knp as Bortower is not, et such time, ln defauk wilh respect to payment ot eny indebtednese secured -° <br /> hereby, or h the perfortnance of any apreernent hareunder. <br /> � 2. Anoolntment of ReceNer. If any event of defauk In respect to the Security Instrument shali have occurred and be conihu�g,Lender, <br /> 5"� as e matter of ripht and wkhout notfce to Borrower or anyone clalminp under Borrowar, end without repard to the value ot the trust estato or <br /> the interest of the Borrower there6i,Shall have the right to epply to eny aourt h8ving JuriSd�tlon to appoint a receNer of th9 property. <br /> 3. Riaht to Possession. In case of defauh h the payment of the sald princlpal Note or Interest,or any part thereof,as k shall mature, <br /> or in the Case of faNure to keep or pgAorm ony of the convenants or ayraements contelned In the SecurRy InBtrument, the�Iho Laider, ft6 <br /> successors �r assipns, shell be and ts hereby authorized and ampowered to take kmiedlate possessfon of the sald premises thereln <br /> _ described and to collect the rento therehom,and to epply the proceeds thereof to the payment of the Note. <br /> 4. Pwol�atbn of Rents. Issues and Profds. All rents Collectod by Lendor or the recolver shell be applbd fkst to paymint of Ih� costa <br /> ot mnnaganent of the property nnd aolbotbn of rents, Includh9, but not IMked to, rocaNer's fees, premiums on receivwa bonds �nd <br /> � reasonable ettomey's (ees,and then to the sums secured by the 5ecurky Instrument. Lendet and the receHer shall be Iiable to aCCOUnt onry <br />- ' ' for those rents actually recelved, <br /> • 6. ConstNCtion o} Provislans. Each of the provisbns contahed h thls Assipnment of Flents Rlder and the Securky Instrument shall, <br /> unless otherwlse specit�ally requkeC, be construed in accordance with Nebraska law, and in the event any provlslon hereh of ther8in <br /> contalned shall be determined by a court of competent Iurisdfctlon to be unenforceable, the Same shall be construed as thouph Such <br /> ��� � unenlorcesble provisbn were not part hereof or thoroof. - <br /> 6. Effect of Rlaer. Except as specifbaly modffied by or Inconsistent wkh thls Assqnmenl of Rents Rider or by eny olher �pplfcable <br />". � rider,all of the lerms and provislons contahed Ni the Securily Instrument shall c4ntinue In lull force and eNect. <br />�"" .• �.4;Es, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrawer has executed thls Asslpnment of Renta Rider on the date ikst noted ebove. <br /> F• � �L��_� <br /> eo�,o,�,.� OMA F wEN�s Rl�+�v <br /> - � , ' /-� � — <br /> _ � � ., � Z�i.c.�� • �'�/)2l'� __ <br /> ' , � eor L N R W R E <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA - <br /> ss: <br /> COUNTY OF HALL � -- <br /> On thls 23rd dfly af December , 1997 , befcre me,ihe underslgned, e Notary Publ� duiy commissbned flnd - <br /> qual'rfied for sflld county, �ersonally ceme THOMAS F WERNER AND LYNNE R WERNER , HUSBAND AND WIFE, �� <br /> to - <br /> be the identfcal person(s) whose nemo(s) Isle�e subscribed to the forepohg Instrument,and he/she/they acknowledge the exeCUtion thereof <br /> to be his/her/thelr voluntery ect and deed. <br /> Witness my hand end Not �a�`5�a1 at GRAND ISLAND SKA n seW cour.ty,�he <br /> tlate aforesaid. `�, .°r" • <br /> r'- <br /> .\` ''. 'f' � <br /> �, r.����f'• <br /> _. . •'-.., r�o rY Publit 11 1 AM Mr.l FI 1 AN <br /> _ .. __ ', <br /> � -,. �,. ...__...-�- -• ----------- - <br /> 1 �. • ,�, '( <br /> I My Comm�ssion exp�es: AUGUST 12, n011 `'' _ <br /> , .. <br /> � •. /t y�''(d <br /> � <br /> I <br /> F�OG�S l M(3 (6/Ba) <br /> I <br /> { <br /> � <br /> G�S i <br />