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��: .:�. _ - <br /> , <br /> 9$- i1.253t3 <br /> Upon recdpt ot p�ymeat of the price bid� 11ru�ta th��� deliver to the purcbwtr Trustee's deeci ronveyiaR the <br /> ��r� •����p�T�a�� �d b�l�b��11'IIqR ��Cl!lvidence of the truth ot the �tcrnents mwde thereln. <br /> T�a�1��pp�y tbe proceaL ot'the uile in the[ollowin�order: (�)to all cc►ata pnd expen�a of cxere�In{the powa� <br /> �le,�nd tAe ale,InclndlnE the p�ymetrt of the Trwtee's tee��ctw►Ily Incurred,not to exceed <br /> ot the p�inclpal aaount oi We pote at the time o[the dal�r�tlon df defautt, pnd reawruible ptt�rnexr'tea Rs�pa'm�ed <br /> by I�w;(b)to a!1�recured by tbli SavdtY Imtrumentp pnd(c)�ny exce�to We payoa or pa�wa�Ie�U� <br /> tt. <br /> ?�, Recon�ey�pee, Upoa p�ymeat of all aums ucured bY ihir Secudry Instrumeat, i.onder shall request ruetee to <br /> rxonvey ths Prop�riY a►d shall�urcender thu Socuriry wlthoutw�1��+nd wtthout chuge�.tothe�� b p�isns��Y <br /> Inscrumrnt to rzu:ta.Tnutee s�ll recoavey the Propecty _ Y <br /> endded to it.Such penon or persons shall p�y any recordauon cosw. <br /> 23. Sub�titute T�vitee.L.aider, at its optioa. m�y trom dme ta time remuve 1'nutee nnd appoint �wcassor trwtex to <br /> any Tnucee�ppointed henunder by an inatrument recorded in the counry in which er and dutiYesl conferred u�n Tru�icoe herein <br /> conveywce of the Pcopeity,�ha tuccetsor truata shtll cucceed to all tue title,po Po <br /> �nd byq�pllc�ble Itw. <br /> �4,Requpd�or Noticp. Borrower requeata thu copies of the notica of def�v�lt wd ule be tenc to Boirower'a �ddre�,+ <br /> which i�the Propeccy Addrai. <br /> ZS,Ridrrs to thir Secwity In�tn�eeut. If one or more ridera are exxuted by Borrower and nxorded[o�ether with thi: <br /> Security Inun►meat,the coveawu and agreements of each auch ridar ahul be incotporated into�pd skull amaAd wd wPPleu�ent <br /> the coveaant�u�d�greemenu of ihis Saaarity Inatrument aa!f the rider(�)were�put of this Security lnsiruroent, <br /> [Check q�plic�ble box(es)) <br /> �Adjustable R�te Etider ❑Candominium Rider ❑ 1-4 Funily Rider <br /> Gnduatod payment Rider ❑Planned Unit Development Rider ❑aiweekly Pnyment Ridet <br /> �Balloon Rider ❑Rate Improvemen[Rider ❑Second Home Rider <br /> VA Rider ❑�eK=)I=P�fYJ <br /> BY SIGI�ING BELOW,Borrower acapts and agras t�the ternu and covenu�u contained In tht��eatrity Insuum�at u�d <br /> in�ny rider(s)executed by Borrower and rococdod with it. / ' <br /> Witrnx�: �^ - ' / ) � ^�—L • �Stal'J <br /> � =y �ETSKI► •Borrower <br /> _ — (Sal) <br /> -Bono.wr <br /> ��� _ ��) <br /> •Borrower •Bocmwsr <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, i�i�ll CouatY s�: <br /> The furegoing inaaumrnt w�s aciawwledBod before me this lOt.�► day of DECEf�6ER .1998 : <br /> by PIARILYN E PE1'SKA y A SINGLE PERSDN jQ •d ��y� ���ot+��eaid. <br /> Vlritnas my hand u�d nowiil ual at GRANC ISLAN <br /> My Commfuian Expira: �NENAI MOT�Itt•Slrie ol Nebq�4 <br /> pE80RAH l.KIM9Lf N�ry��� <br /> M�Cem�n.E�p.Ner.2I,199! <br /> �3V(NEI�s�i 2i.oz ��a�a• Form 3025 9190 <br /> 'r_s <br /> .� a,il..�e? <br /> iAr?��_'�...m. 9V .t:? ' �.,-sct,�p�,ia.�x --- �._____��-- <br /> .., '��lt' ... 11 �L[L.AID.4�F2Lf�'f SJ. <br /> ' � .____ ..y•'� '_ ___ <br /> � x" .. , . f_. . ." Y'�`.t�w' � �f'y� _ - _—_— <br /> K�.,.�-- y '-�-- ---- .._-.�_ :. . •..� iSA=�,���R _+------ <br /> _, .�;.�..-, _.,_--._._ ----. ..,,.� - --^�- _ — -- - -- <br /> - : - . _ . • .- ._� _�.4�yr`} � - - — . <br /> . � . � - s,.�. `�y- . .A�Rl�f"�"i` . <br /> _ , � '- � .5 4>6. + t �n. Fa `� --- — - _ _ .,- '^'--- <br /> e .n � A+iW1ii"i.a`1A T - _�_ _ <br /> � <br /> .t�- � . ii � .. -t� �- . � � .� ' T_�r '�i.�J[�� � . <br /> , � '.�Gi'� "'t�� w�r. �e-�`��r�� — -- <br /> . . � � . .. , . . . . „ �.:� M. . ca r c- � �. <br /> ` . � . . � �.> ra::,;�cY1Yi�vL►Y'� S8 �'�'1�"�[4flfi"-aav�"�4�:�ri1�G� w=.. <br /> -. � . .��:.� • . �:ti p- � „ t �� ,�",'�!�c.�aae�c <br /> �. _ • ., . :�. t r 'k$'.G;k?a'.r <br /> _ • ... ... ; ���;r� :.. r;�..,-�-_—=-.-,�-- <br /> __ , . - � ;;�,�f��'�.���.�.�.:�:�.-- <br /> _ � . .. , .. ��•:.Atri._� --=-�.�_-�.__ <br /> . •i,—_ -- <br /> ' �� " . � il •S.L,F——_��� __---_—=�—_ .. <br />�� .. .. .s . .. . � . ,t��ry�Y_--— _-- -- —_—___— <br /> � . .. . . .. .. .. ^ �.�V. �- � ��'4 �'n.'a9�iY7:[[�1R'Ii�C�iR'_ -.. <br /> .. � ,'�� . n.�--. <br /> . � �� .11 �1....�^�7Rwa�aa.. <br /> .. . ' , . ..�.,..._._.. _ _ .�,..-"�"__�_.�._�. .'_"_..n[ 1._��. ..� .._. Y.��YA w��'7i/r�__ '�—_ -- <br />