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... , . . : . : .._�... <br /> .. . . . :�_-.r.�-._- -- ..y <br /> � . . �.;r,.a..:}�. ..rt• n. . � � -- - <br /> t' '.--------_'_ <br /> ' �L`v`,�Jt� ...�� :9�i�i'�. _ . �i�G'J.�''�'�1*� �'., ,7;4,. _-.__ -.. . <br /> •''�..,._M .. a.: ` ° _ad, �,. h, .q,�, � . i.•r�. --_ <br /> ^ , �¢Sra.i,� . '.:.,;d:..4'I<..7.'kA'+! . . w. ._r....t:.:.w:' - <br />=__rf'✓'av1� . - , .. <br /> :..u� <br />_ -�� 98- ii�.s3� <br /> �`�"6� .S� Hiwrd or Propert9 IruurAnce. Borrower �h411 keep the improvcments now cxist[ng or hercafccr erected on the <br /> ;�.�•,.�r.�.� <br /> _�_.� P[optny Inwred �g�ins�lo�a by flro, haz�trds included wlthin the term "extended coveragc" and any other hazards, inclu ng <br />--_;�, floads or tloodin�,for which Lender requires Inaurance.This insuranct shall be maintainect in the amounts and for the periods <br />'_��';;,��. thtt Lender requiree, The inaurwnce carrier providing the insurance shall ba chosen by Borrower subJat to l.,ender's approval <br /> .^u:.:�ci which sh�ll not be unreuonnbly wl�hheld. lf Borcower fails ta maintein coverage descr(bcd above, Lcnder may, �t Lcnder's <br />- option,obtaln cover�ge to protect Ixnaer's rights In the Propeny in accordancc with par�graph 7. <br /> ,„�;ry�� All iniuruue poNclea and renew�l� ahall be accept�ble to Lender And shall inciude a standard mortgage clause. Lender <br /> sh�ll have the right to hold the policits and renewals. If l.ender requires, Borrower shall promptly give to i.onder all receipts af <br /> '�`='`=p.,..�-�'� p�ld premiums xnd renewal notices.In the event of loss,Bonower shall give prompt nodce to thc Insarance carrier and Lender. ,� <br /> Lender mr+y make proof of lou it'nat maQe promptly by Borrower. <br /> :......rr� . Unless Lender And sorrower ocherwise agree in writing, Insurance proceeds sha11 be apPliul to re�toration or repair of the <br /> '�� Propeny dam�gai,if the restoration or repair is economically feaaibla and Lender's security ia not lessened. If the restoration or <br /> °'`'-�°4' rcpair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessenod, the insuranca proceeds shall be applied to the sums <br /> securai by this Security Instmment, whether or not then due, with any exass paid to Boaower. If Borrower abandons the <br /> =``''"'� Pcopecty, or de�es not answer withln 30 days a notia from Lender that the insurance caniar has offered to settte a claim, then <br /> j�=n��3��K�,. Lendcr may collat the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the procads to repair or restore the Property or to pay sums <br /> �'`��'• aecured by this Security[nstrument,whether or not then dua The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given, <br /> _d��� Unles9 L.ender and Bortower otherwise agra in writing, any application of proceeds to principal ahall not eztend or <br /> -=_— ' postpone the due datc of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of thc payments. If <br /> ---- under paragraph 2l the Property ie acquired by Lender, Borrower'a right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br /> --�i damage to the�rc�erty prior to the acquisition sh�ll pasa to Lender to the eatent of the sums secured by this Securit,y Instcumont <br />���_��� immcdiuely prior to�:u�.•quisitio . go�w�r'8 I�an Applkatioo;L�e,�seho�ds. <br /> ---�""° 6.OacupRncy,Preaecvatbn,Maintenance wnd Pro►ecNon of t6e Propa�ty; <br /> `��� Bonower ahall occupy,ostabllsh,and use the Property as Bonower's principai residence within sixty days after the execution of <br /> this Security Instn►ment and aha11 condnue to occupy the Property as Bonower's principal residence for at least one year after <br /> - `- = the date of occupuicy,unles�L.ender otherwise agrecs in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably wichheld. or unless <br /> extenuuing cirew►utances exlst which are beyund 9orrower's wntrol. 8onower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br /> p�opecty, al�ow ihe property to deteriorate, or commit waste on the Pcoperty. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture <br /> = action or proceeding, whether eivil or cdminal, is begun that in Lender's gaxi falth judgment could rcsult in forfeiture of the <br /> --= Pcc►pecty or orherwice roateri�lly Impair the lien created by this Security Instrument ar Lender's sxurity interest.Borrower may <br /> cure aucd a default u�d provided in pazagraph 18,by caueing the action or procading to be dismissed with a ruling <br /> � t6at, in Lender's aooci faith deternunadon, precludes forfeitun of the Borrower's in�erest in the Propercy or other matedal <br /> = - impair[nent of the lien creatod by this Security Instcument or Lender`s securiry inicn�t. Bo,��w�r:atl wors w in�tfanit if <br /> :; 8onower,during the loan applicndon process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or sta.tements to l,ender(or f�ilod <br /> = to provide Lender with any material infacmation)in connection with the loaui evidencod by the Note,including,but not limitod <br /> - ta,reptesentadons concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residena.If this Socurity Insuument is on a <br /> = leasehold, Borrower shall wmply with alt the pmvision� of the l�ave. If Bonower acquires fee title to the Property, the <br /> _ leasehold and the fee tltle ahdl not merge unless Lender agrets to the merger in writing. <br /> 7,Protection oi I,enda's Rights in the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the coveua�its and agreements contained in <br /> this Securiry Instromenc, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lender's rlghts in the Pcoperty (such as a <br /> proceeding in b�nkniptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or to enfora laws or regulations),then L.endcr may do and <br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value uf the Property and Lender's dghta in the Propeny. I.ender's actions may <br /> _ Include paying any sums secured by a lien which h�s priority over this Security Instnrment, appearing in court, paying <br /> reasonabl�attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs. Althaugh T_ender may ta�e action under this puAgraph <br /> 7,Lender does not have to do so. <br /> -- My amounts disbursed by L,ender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bonower secured by this <br /> � Security Instrumen[. Unless Bocrower and L.ender agra to other t�rms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the <br /> _�_ - date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with interest, upon notice fro�n Lender to Aorrower r�questing <br /> . �.__. --� Payment. <br />------ - 8.Mortgst�e InvurAn.a If Ixnder required mortgage insurana as�condition of making¢he loan secured by this Securiry <br /> _�o-...�� Instrument, Bonower shall pay the premiums required tu maintaiu the mortgage insurance in effect. If, for any nason, the <br /> mortgage insuruice coverage required by l.ender lapses or ceasos to be in effect, Borcower shall pay the premiums raquirod to <br /> — ���� obtain covarage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost aubstantially equivalent to the <br /> --�=� cost to Bortawet of the mortgage insurana previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by L.ender. If <br />""�°"'"�"� substantially equivalent mongage insurana coverage is not available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to <br /> --°��� ona[welfth of the yeuly mortgage insuranco premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceasal to <br /> _��°�°r�� be in effect.Lender will acapt,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in 1[eu of mortgage insurana. I.oss reserve <br /> r..r����� Form 3028 9190 <br /> <'�:�.� � <br /> -.:'�'1,,,i. �-eVINEI�ssu�.ox P�p�3 of 8 i�uuw: <br /> ,,,. <br /> _�-.?l. �A.� . <br />- -� � ,�t. .*1 <br />. .�;� ....��R ..�...�.�,_..R..�.�.�--- . .. .. . .' "' <br />.,. y �r.� ."��...�.r . �t U ., '. � .. . ... � . • ' �i. <br /> ��.�{, .j- . '1: 1_•• •`p'/ r�l�i _ . . . ._ ..� .. .�L� �'1:- <br /> ..iA"' r.. ` � `.i. . . :`�'..'..".':�T:,�.':. . ., _ �`°__ <br /> '�. <br /> ` .r�. <br /> 1. . .. . _ <br />_ � . . . �_� . . <br /> .__.-. _. ..._.�- ..__.. � .•. • .. 'i. ' . �1J '_ <br /> •.•._"._-. -•_ . ._... . ... ... .. ._. ... _ ._ _...._._ . . _..._. . ___ .—� .� - .-_ .-._..-_. ....- _'__ . ___ - -_- _ <br /> ._ '. _T_—;—'—' ._.""__ .— .'__„___ . '.,.s' <br /> - .��` . .. . . . .. ` . .. _ .. � - .-- <br /> y , ., . <br /> :� :; . <br /> � � • ' ��. <br /> ' . . . � � . . `'1..�. .- <br /> .. . `.�a� .._•. _-.. __..___ _ <br />